Goto Section: 80.823 | 80.825 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.824
Revised as of
Goto Year:1996 | 1998
Sec. 80.824  Homing facility requirements.

    (a) Direction finding equipment used on compulsory vessels whose 
keel was laid on or after May 25, 1980, must additionally have a homing 
facility which is:
    (1) Capable of operating with A1A, A2B, H2B and H8E emission on any 
frequency in the band 2167-2197 kHz;
    (2) Capable of taking direction finding bearings on the 
radiotelephone distress frequency 2182 kHz without ambiguity of sense 
within an arc of 30 degrees on either side of the bow;
    (3) Installed with due regard to CCIR Recommendation 428-2:
    (4) Sufficiently sensitive, in the absence of interference, to take 
bearings on a signal having a field strength of 25 microvolts per meter;
    (5) Capable of determining its accuracy by comparison of visual or 
calculated bearings and homing facility bearings. Comparisons must be 
made at -30, 0 and +30 degrees relative to the ships heading to show 
that the correct sense is indicated.
    (b) [Reserved]

Goto Section: 80.823 | 80.825

Goto Year: 1996 | 1998
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