Goto Section: 74.911 | 74.931

FCC 74.912
Revised as of January 7, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  74.912   Petitions to deny.


   (a) Petitions to deny against the long-form applications filed by
   winning bidders in ITFS auctions must be filed in accordance with
   Sec. 73.5006 of this chapter. Petitions to deny against applications for
   transfers of control of ITFS licensees, or for assignments of ITFS
   station licenses, must be filed not later than 30 days after issuance
   of a public notice of the acceptance for filing of the transfer or
   assignment application. In the case of applications for renewal of
   license, petitions to deny may be filed after the issuance of a public
   notice of acceptance for filing of the applications and up until the
   first day of the last full calendar month of the expiring license
   term. Any party in interest may file a petition to deny any
   notification regarding a low power ITFS signal booster station, within
   the 60 day period provided for in Sec. 74.985(e).

   (b) The applicant or notifier may file an opposition to any petition
   to deny, and the petitioner a reply to such opposition in which
   allegations of fact or denials thereof shall be supported by affidavit
   of a person or persons with personal knowledge thereof. Except with
   regard to petitions to deny against the long-form applications of ITFS
   auction winners, the times for filing such oppositions and replies
   shall be those provided in Sec. 1.45 of this chapter.

   [ 64 FR 24527 , May 7, 1999]

Goto Section: 74.911 | 74.931

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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