Goto Section: 201.1 | 201.3 | Table of Contents

FCC 201.2
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  201.2   Definitions.

   The following definitions apply herein:

   (a) Communications common carrier, specialized carrier, or carrier means any
   individual,  partnership,  association, joint stock company, trust, or
   corporation subject to Federal or State regulation engaged in providing
   telecommunications facilities or services, for use by the public, for hire.

   (b) Government means Federal, State, county, municipal, and other local
   government authority. Specific qualification will be provided whenever
   reference to a particular level of government is intended.

   (c) Joint Telecommunications Resources Board (JTRB) means that organization
   established  by the Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy,
   pursuant  to  Executive  Order  12472 to assist the Director, OSTP, in
   exercising the non-wartime emergency telecommunications functions assigned
   by Executive Order 12472.

   (d)  The  National Communications System (NCS) means that organization
   established by Executive Order 12472 consisting of the telecommunications
   assets of the entities represented on the NCS Committee of Principals and an
   administrative  structure  consisting  of the Executive Agent, the NCS
   Committee of Principals and the Manager. The NCS Committee of Principals
   consists of representatives from those Federal departments, agencies or
   entities, designated by the President, which lease or own telecommunications
   facilities or services of significance to national security and emergency
   preparedness, and, to the extent permitted by law, other Executive entities
   which bear policy, regulatory or enforcement responsibilities of importance
   to  national  security  and  emergency preparedness telecommunications
   capabilities. The NCS is a confederative arrangement in which member Federal
   agencies participate with their owned and leased telecommunications assets
   to provide necessary communications services for the Federal Government,
   under all conditions, including nuclear war.

   (e)   National   Coordinating   Center   (NCC)  refers  to  the  joint
   industry-government  telecommunications  entity established by the NCS
   pursuant to Executive Order 12472 to assist in the initiation, coordination,
   restoration  and  reconstitution  of  national  security and emergency
   preparedness telecommunications services or facilities under all conditions
   of crisis or emergency.

   (f) National priorities means those essential actions and activities in
   which the government and the private sector must become engaged in the
   interests of national survival and recovery.

   (g) National security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) telecommunications
   services, or NS/EP services, means those telecommunication services which
   are used to maintain a state of readiness or to respond to and manage any
   event or crisis (local, national, or international) which causes or could
   cause injury or harm to the population, damage to or loss of property, or
   degrades or threatens the NS/EP posture of the United States.

   (h) NS/EP treatment refers to the provisioning of a telecommunications
   service before others based on the provisioning priority level assigned by
   the Executive Office of the President.

   (i)  National  Telecommunications  Management Structure (NTMS) means a
   survivable and enduring management structure which will support the exercise
   of  the  war power functions of the President under section 706 of the
   Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 606), as amended.

   (j) Private sector means those sectors of non-government entities that are
   users of telecommunications services.

   (k) Telecommunications means any transmission, emission, or reception of
   signs, signals, writing, images, graphics, and sounds or intelligence of any
   nature by wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems.

   (l) Telecommunications resources include telecommunications personnel,
   equipment, material, facilities, systems, and services, public and private,
   wheresoever located within the jurisdiction of the United States.

   (m) Wartime emergency means a crisis or event which permits the exercise of
   the  war  power  functions  of  the President under section 706 of the
   Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 606), as amended.

Goto Section: 201.1 | 201.3

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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