Goto Section: 25.132 | 25.134 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.133
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  25.133   Period of construction; certification of commencement of operation.

   (a)(1) Each license for an earth station governed by this part, except for
   mobile  satellite  earth  station terminals (METs), shall specify as a
   condition therein the period in which construction of facilities must be
   completed and station operation commenced. Construction of the earth station
   must be completed and the station must be brought into operation within 12
   months from the date of the license grant except as may be determined by the
   Commission for any particular application.

   (2) Each license for mobile satellite earth station terminals (METs) shall
   specify as a condition therein the period in which station operation must be
   commenced. The networks in which the METs will be operated must be brought
   into operation within 12 months from the date of the license grant except as
   may be determined by the Commission for any particular application.

   (b)(1) Each license for a transmitting earth station included in this part,
   except for earth stations licensed under a blanket licensing provision,
   shall  also specify as a condition therein that upon the completion of
   construction, each licensee must file with the Commission a certification
   containing the following information:

   (i) The name of the licensee;

   (ii) File number of the application;

   (iii) Call sign of the antenna;

   (iv) Date of the license;

   (v) A certification that the facility as authorized has been completed and
   that each antenna facility has been tested and is within 2 dB of the pattern
   specified in  Sec. 25.209,  Sec. 25.135 (NVNG MSS earth stations), or  Sec. 25.213 (1.6/2.4
   GHz Mobile-Satellite Service earth stations);

   (vi) The date on which the earth station became operational; and

   (vii)  A statement that the station will remain operational during the
   license period unless the license is submitted for cancellation.

   (2) For earth stations authorized under any blanket licensing provision in
   this chapter, a certification containing the information in paragraph (b)(1)
   of this section must be filed when the network is put into operation.

   (c) If the facility does not meet the technical parameters set forth in
    Sec. 25.209,  a request for a waiver must be submitted and approved by the
   Commission before operations may commence.

   (d) Each receiving earth station licensed or registered pursuant to  Sec. 25.131
   must  be  constructed  and  placed  into service within 6 months after
   coordination has been completed. Each licensee or registrant must file with
   the Commission a certification that the facility is completed and operating
   as  provided  in  paragraph (b) of this section, with the exception of
   certification of antenna patterns.

   [ 56 FR 24016 , May 28, 1991, as amended at  58 FR 68059 , Dec. 23, 1993;  59 FR 53327 , Oct. 21, 1994;  65 FR 59142 , Oct. 4, 2000;  70 FR 32254 , June 2, 2005]

Goto Section: 25.132 | 25.134

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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