Goto Section: 73.21 | 73.24 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.23
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  73.23   AM broadcast station applications affected by international

   (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no application for
   an AM station will be accepted for filing if authorization of the facilities
   requested would be inconsistent with international commitments of the United
   States under treaties and other international agreements, arrangements and
   understandings. (See list of such international instruments in  Sec. 73.1650(b)).
   Any such application that is inadvertently accepted for filing will be

   (b) AM applications that involve conflicts only with the North American
   Regional Broadcasting Agreement (NARBA), but that are in conformity with the
   remaining treaties and other international agreements listed in  Sec. 73.1650(b)
   and with the other requirements of this part 73, will be granted subject to
   such modifications as the FCC may subsequently find appropriate, taking
   international considerations into account.

   (c) In the case of any application designated for hearing on issues other
   than those related to consistency with international relationships and as to
   which  no final decision has been rendered, whenever action under this
   section becomes appropriate because of inconsistency with international
   relationships, the applicant involved shall, notwithstanding the provisions
    Sec.  Sec. 73.3522 and 73.3571, be permitted to amend its application to achieve
   consistency  with  such relationships. In such cases the provisions of
    Sec. 73.3605(c) will apply.

   (d) In some circumstances, special international considerations may require
   that the FCC, in acting on applications, follow procedures different from
   those established for general use. In such cases, affected applicants will
   be informed of the procedures to be followed.

   [ 56 FR 64856 , Dec. 12, 1991]

Goto Section: 73.21 | 73.24

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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