Goto Section: 90.525 | 90.529 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.527
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  90.527   Regional plan requirements.

   Each regional planning committee must submit a regional plan for approval by
   the Commission.

   (a) Common elements. Regional plans must incorporate the following common

   (1) Identification of the document as the regional plan for the defined
   region with the names, business addresses, business telephone numbers, and
   organizational affiliations of the chairpersons and all members of the
   planning committee.

   (2) A summary of the major elements of the plan and an explanation of how
   all eligible entities within the region were given an opportunity to
   participate in the planning process and to have their positions heard and
   considered fairly.

   (3) A general description of how the spectrum would be allotted among the
   various eligible users within the region with an explanation of how the
   requirements of all eligible entities within the region were considered and,
   to the degree possible, met.

   (4) An explanation as to how needs were assigned priorities in areas where
   not all eligible entities could receive licenses.

   (5) An explanation of how the plan had been coordinated with adjacent

   (6) A detailed description of how the plan put the spectrum to the best
   possible use by requiring system design with minimum coverage areas, by
   assigning frequencies so that maximum frequency reuse and offset channel use
   may be made, by using trunking, and by requiring small entities with minimal
   requirements to join together in using a single system where possible.

   (7) A detailed description of the future planning process, including, but
   not limited to, amendment process, meeting announcements, data base
   maintenance, and dispute resolution.

   (8) A certification by the regional planning chairperson that all planning
   committee meetings, including subcommittee or executive committee meetings,
   were open to the public.

   (b) Modification of regional plans. Regional plans may be modified by
   submitting a written request, signed by the regional planning committee, to
   the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. The request must contain the
   full text of the modification, and must certify that successful coordination
   of the modification with all adjacent regions has occurred and that all such
   regions concur with the modification.

Goto Section: 90.525 | 90.529

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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