Table of Parts
             Subpart A—General Rules of Practice and Procedure

    Sec.  1.1   Proceedings before the Commission.
    Sec.  1.2   Declaratory rulings.
    Sec.  1.3   Suspension, amendment, or waiver of rules.
    Sec.  1.4   Computation of time.
    Sec.  1.5   Mailing address furnished by licensee.
    Sec.  1.6   Availability of station logs and records for Commission inspection.
    Sec.  1.7   Documents are filed upon receipt.
    Sec.  1.8   Withdrawal of papers.
    Sec.  1.10   Transcript of testimony; copies of documents submitted.
    Sec.  1.12   Notice to attorneys of Commission documents.
    Sec.  1.13   Filing of petitions for review and notices of appeals of Commission
    Sec.  1.14   Citation of Commission documents.
    Sec.  1.16   Unsworn  declarations  under  penalty  of  perjury in lieu of
    Sec.  1.17   Truthful and accurate statements to the Commission.
    Sec.  1.18   Administrative Dispute Resolution.
    Sec.  1.19   Use of metric units required.
   Parties, Practitioners, and Witnesses
    Sec.  1.21   Parties.
    Sec.  1.22   Authority for representation.
    Sec.  1.23   Persons who may be admitted to practice.
    Sec.  1.24   Censure, suspension, or disbarment of attorneys.
    Sec.  1.25   [Reserved]
    Sec.  1.26   Appearances.
    Sec.  1.27   Witnesses; right to counsel.
    Sec.  Sec.  1.28-1.29   [Reserved]
   Pleadings, Briefs, and Other Papers
    Sec.  1.41   Informal requests for Commission action.
    Sec.  1.42   Applications, reports, complaints; cross-reference.
    Sec.  1.43   Requests for stay; cross-reference.
    Sec.  1.44   Separate pleadings for different requests.
    Sec.  1.45   Pleadings; filing periods.
    Sec.  1.46   Motions for extension of time.
    Sec.  1.47   Service of documents and proof of service.
    Sec.  1.48   Length of pleadings.
    Sec.  1.49   Specifications as to pleadings and documents.
    Sec.  1.50   Specifications as to briefs.
    Sec.  1.51   Number of copies of pleadings, briefs and other papers.
    Sec.  1.52   Subscription and verification.
    Sec.  1.53   Separate pleadings for petitions for forbearance.
   General Application Procedures
    Sec.  1.61   Procedures for handling applications requiring special aeronautical
    Sec.  1.62   Operation pending action on renewal application.
    Sec.  1.65   Substantial and significant changes in information furnished by
   applicants to the Commission.
    Sec.  1.68   Action on application for license to cover construction permit.
    Sec.  1.77   Detailed application procedures; cross references.
   Miscellaneous Proceedings
    Sec.  1.80   Forfeiture proceedings.
    Sec.  1.83   Applications for radio operator licenses.
    Sec.  1.85   Suspension of operator licenses.
    Sec.  1.87   Modification of license or construction permit on motion of the
    Sec.  1.88   Predesignation pleading procedure.
    Sec.  1.89   Notice of violations.
    Sec.  1.91   Revocation and/or cease and desist proceedings; hearings.
    Sec.  1.92   Revocation and/or cease and desist proceedings; after waiver of
    Sec.  1.93   Consent orders.
    Sec.  1.94   Consent order procedures.
    Sec.  1.95   Violation of consent orders.
   Reconsideration and Review of Actions Taken by the Commission and Pursuant
   to Delegated Authority; Effective Dates and Finality Dates of Actions
    Sec.  1.101   General provisions.
    Sec.  1.102   Effective dates of actions taken pursuant to delegated authority.
    Sec.  1.103   Effective dates of Commission actions; finality of Commission
    Sec.  1.104   Preserving  the  right  of review; deferred consideration of
   application for review.
    Sec.  1.106   Petitions for reconsideration.
    Sec.  1.108   Reconsideration on Commission's own motion.
    Sec.  1.110   Partial grants; rejection and designation for hearing.
    Sec.  1.113   Action modified or set aside by person, panel, or board.
    Sec.  1.115   Application for review of action taken pursuant to delegated
    Sec.  1.117   Review on motion of the Commission.
    Sec.  1.120   Protests of grants without hearing.
                       Subpart B—Hearing Proceedings

    Sec.  1.201   Scope.
    Sec.  1.202   Official reporter; transcript.
    Sec.  1.203   The record.
    Sec.  1.204   Pleadings; definition.
    Sec.  1.205   Continuances and extensions.
    Sec.  1.207   Interlocutory  matters,  reconsideration  and  review; cross
    Sec.  1.209   Identification of responsible officer in caption to pleading.
    Sec.  1.211   Service.
   Participants and Issues
    Sec.  1.221   Notice of hearing; appearances.
    Sec.  1.223   Petitions to intervene.
    Sec.  1.224   Motion to proceed in forma pauperis.
    Sec.  1.225   Participation by non-parties; consideration of communications.
    Sec.  1.227   Consolidations.
    Sec.  1.229   Motions to enlarge, change, or delete issues.
   Presiding Officer
    Sec.  1.241   Designation of presiding officer.
    Sec.  1.243   Authority of presiding officer.
    Sec.  1.244   Designation of a settlement judge.
    Sec.  1.245   Disqualification of presiding officer.
   Prehearing Procedures
    Sec.  1.246   Admission of facts and genuineness of documents.
    Sec.  1.248   Prehearing conferences; hearing conferences.
    Sec.  1.249   Prehearing statement.
   Hearing and Intermediate Decision
    Sec.  1.250   Discovery and preservation of evidence; cross-reference.
    Sec.  1.251   Summary decision.
    Sec.  1.253   Time and place of hearing.
    Sec.  1.254   Nature of the hearing; burden of proof.
    Sec.  1.255   Order of procedure.
    Sec.  1.258   Closing of the hearing.
    Sec.  1.260   Certification of transcript.
    Sec.  1.261   Corrections to transcript.
    Sec.  1.263   Proposed findings and conclusions.
    Sec.  1.264   Contents of findings of fact and conclusions.
    Sec.  1.267   Initial and recommended decisions.
   Review Proceedings
    Sec.  1.271   Delegation of review function.
    Sec.  1.273   Waiver of initial or recommended decision.
    Sec.  1.274   Certification of the record to the Commission for initial or final
    Sec.  1.276   Appeal and review of initial decision.
    Sec.  1.277   Exceptions; oral arguments.
    Sec.  1.279   Limitation of matters to be reviewed.
    Sec.  1.282   Final decision of the Commission.
   Interlocutory Actions in Hearing Proceedings
    Sec.  1.291   General provisions.
    Sec.  1.294   Oppositions and replies.
    Sec.  1.296   Service.
    Sec.  1.297   Oral argument.
    Sec.  1.298   Rulings; time for action.
   Appeal and Reconsideration of Presiding Officer's Ruling
    Sec.  1.301   Appeal from presiding officer's interlocutory ruling; effective
   date of ruling.
    Sec.  1.302   Appeal from presiding officer's final ruling; effective date of
   The Discovery and Preservation of Evidence
    Sec.  1.311   General.
    Sec.  1.313   Protective orders.
    Sec.  1.315   Depositions  upon  oral  examination—notice  and preliminary
    Sec.  1.316   Depositions upon written interrogatories—notice and preliminary
    Sec.  1.318   The taking of depositions.
    Sec.  1.319   Objections to the taking of depositions.
    Sec.  1.321   Use of depositions at the hearing.
    Sec.  1.323   Interrogatories to parties.
    Sec.  1.325   Discovery and production of documents and things for inspection,
   copying, or photographing.
    Sec.  1.331   Who may sign and issue.
    Sec.  1.333   Requests for issuance of subpena.
    Sec.  1.334   Motions to quash.
    Sec.  1.335   Rulings.
    Sec.  1.336   Service of subpenas.
    Sec.  1.337   Return of service.
    Sec.  1.338   Subpena forms.
    Sec.  1.339   Witness fees.
    Sec.  1.340   Attendance of witness; disobedience.
    Sec.  1.351   Rules of evidence.
    Sec.  1.352   Cumulative evidence.
    Sec.  1.353   Further evidence during hearing.
    Sec.  1.354   Documents containing matter not material.
    Sec.  1.355   Documents in foreign language.
    Sec.  1.356   Copies of exhibits.
    Sec.  1.357   Mechanical reproductions as evidence.
    Sec.  1.358   Tariffs as evidence.
    Sec.  1.359   Proof of official record; authentication of copy.
    Sec.  1.360   Proof of lack of record.
    Sec.  1.361   Other proof of official record.
    Sec.  1.362   Production of statements.
    Sec.  1.363   Introduction of statistical data.
    Sec.  1.364   Testimony by speakerphone.
                      Subpart C—Rulemaking Proceedings

    Sec.  1.399   Scope.
    Sec.  1.400   Definitions.
   Petitions and Related Pleadings
    Sec.  1.401   Petitions for rulemaking.
    Sec.  1.403   Notice and availability.
    Sec.  1.405   Responses to petitions; replies.
    Sec.  1.407   Action on petitions.
   Rulemaking Proceedings
    Sec.  1.411   Commencement of rulemaking proceedings.
    Sec.  1.412   Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    Sec.  1.413   Content of notice.
    Sec.  1.415   Comments and replies.
    Sec.  1.419   Form of comments and replies; number of copies.
    Sec.  1.420   Additional procedures in proceedings for amendment of the FM or TV
   Tables of Allotments, or for amendment of certain FM assignments.
    Sec.  1.421   Further notice of rulemaking.
    Sec.  1.423   Oral argument and other proceedings.
    Sec.  1.425   Commission action.
    Sec.  1.427   Effective date of rules.
    Sec.  1.429   Petition for reconsideration.
    Sec.  1.430   Proceedings on a notice of inquiry.
              Subpart D—Broadcast Applications and Proceedings

    Sec.  1.502   Emergency Broadcast Authorizations.
   General Filing Requirements
    Sec.  1.511   Applications required.
    Sec.  1.512   Where to file; number of copies.
    Sec.  1.513   Who may sign applications.
    Sec.  1.514   Content of applications.
    Sec.  1.516   Specification of facilities.
    Sec.  1.517   Contingent applications.
    Sec.  1.518   Inconsistent or conflicting applications.
    Sec.  1.519   Repetitious applications.
    Sec.  1.520   Multiple applications.
    Sec.  1.522   Amendment of applications.
    Sec.  1.525   Agreements between parties for amendment or dismissal of, or
   failure to prosecute, broadcast applications.
    Sec.  1.526   Records  to  be  maintained locally for public inspection by
   commercial applicants, permittees and licensees.
    Sec.  1.527   Records  to  be  maintained locally for public inspection by
   noncommercial educational applicants, permittees and licensees.
    Sec.  1.531   Formal and informal applications.
    Sec.  1.533   Application forms for authority to construct a new station or make
   changes in an existing station.
    Sec.  1.534   Application  for  extension  of  construction  permit or for
   construction permit to replace expired construction permit.
    Sec.  1.536   Application for license to cover construction permit.
    Sec.  1.538   Application for modification of license.
    Sec.  1.539   Application for renewal of license.
    Sec.  1.540   Application for voluntary assignment or transfer of control.
    Sec.  1.541   Application for involuntary assignment of license or transfer of
    Sec.  1.542   Application for temporary authorization.
    Sec.  1.543   Application  for  renewal or modification of special service
    Sec.  1.544   Application  for broadcast station to conduct field strength
   measurements and for experimental operation.
    Sec.  1.545   Application for permit to deliver programs to foreign countries.
    Sec.  1.546   Application to determine operating power by direct measurement of
   antenna power.
    Sec.  1.549   Requests for extension of authority to operate without required
   monitors, indicating instruments, and EBS Attention Signal devices.
    Sec.  1.550   Requests for new or modified call sign assignments.
    Sec.  1.561   Staff consideration of applications which receive action by the
    Sec.  1.562   Staff consideration of applications which do not require action by
   the Commission.
    Sec.  1.564   Acceptance of applications.
    Sec.  1.566   Defective applications.
    Sec.  1.568   Dismissal of applications.
    Sec.  1.570   AM broadcast station applications involving other North American
    Sec.  1.571   Processing AM broadcast station applications.
    Sec.  1.572   Processing TV broadcast and translator station applications.
    Sec.  1.573   Processing FM broadcast and translator station applications.
    Sec.  1.574   Processing of international broadcast station applications.
    Sec.  1.578   Amendments to applications for renewal, assignment or transfer of
    Sec.  1.580   Local public notice of filing of broadcast applications.
    Sec.  1.584   Petitions to deny.
    Sec.  1.587   Procedure for filing informal applications.
    Sec.  1.591   Grants without hearing.
    Sec.  1.592   Conditional grant.
    Sec.  1.593   Designation for hearing.
    Sec.  1.594   Local public notice of designation for hearing.
    Sec.  1.597   Procedures on transfer and assignment applications.
    Sec.  1.598   Period of construction.
    Sec.  1.599   Forfeiture of construction permit.
    Sec.  1.601   Simultaneous modification and renewal of license.
    Sec.  1.603   Special waiver procedure relative to applications.
    Sec.  1.605   Retention of applications in hearing status after designation for
    Sec.  1.612   Annual employment report.
    Sec.  1.613   Filing of contracts.
    Sec.  1.615   Ownership reports.
  Subpart E—Complaints, Applications, Tariffs, and Reports Involving Common

    Sec.  1.701   Show cause orders.
    Sec.  1.703   Appearances.
    Sec.  1.711   Formal or informal complaints.
   Informal Complaints
    Sec.  1.716   Form.
    Sec.  1.717   Procedure.
    Sec.  1.718   Unsatisfied informal complaints; formal complaints relating back
   to the filing dates of informal complaints.
    Sec.  1.719   Informal complaints filed pursuant to section 258.
   Formal Complaints
    Sec.  1.720   General pleading requirements.
    Sec.  1.721   Format and content of complaints.
    Sec.  1.722   Damages.
    Sec.  1.723   Joinder of complainants and causes of action.
    Sec.  1.724   Answers.
    Sec.  1.725   Cross-complaints and counterclaims.
    Sec.  1.726   Replies.
    Sec.  1.727   Motions.
    Sec.  1.728   Formal  complaints  not stating a cause of action; defective
    Sec.  1.729   Discovery.
    Sec.  1.730   The Enforcement Bureau's Accelerated Docket.
    Sec.  1.731   Confidentiality  of information produced or exchanged by the
    Sec.  1.732   Other required written submissions.
    Sec.  1.733   Status conference.
    Sec.  1.734   Specifications as to pleadings, briefs, and other documents;
    Sec.  1.735   Copies; service; separate filings against multiple defendants.
    Sec.  1.736   Complaints filed pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 271(d)(6)(B).
    Sec.  1.741   Scope.
    Sec.  1.742   Place of filing, fees, and number of copies.
    Sec.  1.743   Who may sign applications.
    Sec.  1.744   Amendments.
    Sec.  1.745   Additional statements.
    Sec.  1.746   Defective applications.
    Sec.  1.747   Inconsistent or conflicting applications.
    Sec.  1.748   Dismissal of applications.
    Sec.  1.749   Action on application under delegated authority.
   Specific Types of Applications Under Title II of Communications Act
    Sec.  1.761   Cross reference.
    Sec.  1.763   Construction, extension, acquisition or operation of lines.
    Sec.  1.764   Discontinuance, reduction, or impairment of service.
    Sec.  1.767   Cable landing licenses.
    Sec.  1.768   Notification by and prior approval for submarine cable landing
   licensees that are or propose to become affiliated with a foreign carrier.
    Sec.  1.771   Filing.
    Sec.  1.772   Application for special tariff permission.
    Sec.  1.773   Petitions for suspension or rejection of new tariff filings.
    Sec.  1.774   Pricing flexibility.
   Contracts, Reports, and Requests Required to be Filed by Carriers
    Sec.  1.781   Requests for extension of filing time.
    Sec.  1.783   Filing.
   Financial and Accounting Reports and Requests
    Sec.  1.785   Annual financial reports.
    Sec.  1.786   [Reserved]
    Sec.  1.787   Reports of proposed changes in depreciation rates.
    Sec.  1.788   Reports regarding pensions and benefits.
    Sec.  1.789   Reports   regarding   division  of  international  telegraph
   communication charges.
    Sec.  1.790   Reports relating to traffic by international carriers.
    Sec.  1.791   Reports and requests to be filed under part 32 of this chapter.
    Sec.  1.795   Reports regarding interstate rates of return.
   Services and Facilities Reports
    Sec.  1.802   Reports relating to continuing authority to supplement facilities
   or to provide temporary or emergency service.
    Sec.  1.803   Reports relating to reduction in temporary experimental service.
    Sec.  1.805   Reports relating to service by carriers engaged in public radio
   service operations.
   Miscellaneous Reports
    Sec.  1.811   Reports regarding amendments to charters, by-laws and partnership
   agreements of carriers engaged in domestic public radio services.
    Sec.  1.814   Reports  regarding  free service rendered the Government for
   national defense.
    Sec.  1.815   Reports of annual employment.
   Grants by Random Selection
    Sec.  1.821   Scope.
    Sec.  1.822   General selection procedures.
    Sec.  1.824   Random  selection  procedures  for  Multichannel  Multipoint
   Distribution Service and Multipoint Distribution Service H-Channel stations.
       Subpart F—Wireless Radio Services Applications and Proceedings

   Scope and Authority
    Sec.  1.901   Basis and purpose.
    Sec.  1.902   Scope.
    Sec.  1.903   Authorization required.
    Sec.  1.907   Definitions.
   Application Requirements and Procedures
    Sec.  1.911   Station files.
    Sec.  1.913   Application and notification forms; electronic and manual filing.
    Sec.  1.915   General application requirements.
    Sec.  1.917   Who may sign applications.
    Sec.  1.919   Ownership information.
    Sec.  1.923   Content of applications.
    Sec.  1.924   Quiet zones.
    Sec.  1.925   Waivers.
    Sec.  1.926   Application processing; initial procedures.
    Sec.  1.927   Amendment of applications.
    Sec.  1.928   Frequency coordination, Canada.
    Sec.  1.929   Classification of filings as major or minor.
    Sec.  1.931   Application for special temporary authority.
    Sec.  1.933   Public notices.
    Sec.  1.934   Defective applications and dismissal.
    Sec.  1.935   Agreements to dismiss applications, amendments or pleadings.
    Sec.  1.937   Repetitious or conflicting applications.
    Sec.  1.939   Petitions to deny.
    Sec.  1.945   License grants.
    Sec.  1.946   Construction and coverage requirements.
    Sec.  1.947   Modification of licenses.
    Sec.  1.948   Assignment of authorization or transfer of control, notification
   of consummation.
    Sec.  1.949   Application for renewal of license.
    Sec.  1.951   Duty to respond to official communications.
    Sec.  1.955   Termination of authorizations.
    Sec.  1.956   Settlement conferences.
    Sec.  1.957   Procedure with respect to amateur radio operator license.
    Sec.  1.958   Distance computation.
    Sec.  1.959   Computation of average terrain elevation.
   Reports To Be Filed With the Commission
    Sec.  1.981   Reports, annual and semiannual.
     Subpart G—Schedule of Statutory Charges and Procedures for Payment

    Sec.  1.1101   Authority.
    Sec.  1.1102   Schedule of charges for applications and other filings in the
   wireless telecommunications services.
    Sec.  1.1103   Schedule of charges for equipment approval, experimental radio
   services (or service).
    Sec.  1.1104   Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for media
    Sec.  1.1105   Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the
   wireline competition services.
    Sec.  1.1106   Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the
   enforcement services.
    Sec.  1.1107   Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the
   international services.
    Sec.  1.1108   Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the
   international telecommunication services.
    Sec.  1.1109   Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the
   Homeland services.
    Sec.  1.1110   Form of payment.
    Sec.  1.1111   Filing locations.
    Sec.  1.1112   Conditionality of Commission or staff authorizations.
    Sec.  1.1113   Return or refund of charges.
    Sec.  1.1114   General exemptions to charges.
    Sec.  1.1115   Adjustments to charges.
    Sec.  1.1116   Penalty for late or insufficient payments.
    Sec.  1.1117   Petitions and applications for review.
    Sec.  1.1118   Error claims.
    Sec.  1.1119   Billing procedures.
    Sec.  1.1151   Authority to prescribe and collect regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1152   Schedule of annual regulatory fees and filing locations for
   wireless radio services.
    Sec.  1.1153   Schedule of annual regulatory fees and filing locations for mass
   media services.
    Sec.  1.1154   Schedule of annual regulatory charges and filing locations for
   common carrier services.
    Sec.  1.1155   Schedule  of regulatory fees and filing locations for cable
   television services.
    Sec.  1.1156   Schedule  of  regulatory  fees  and  filing  locations  for
   international services.
    Sec.  1.1157   Payment of charges for regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1158   Form of payment for regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1159   Filing locations and receipts for regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1160   Refunds of regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1161   Conditional license grants and delegated authorizations.
    Sec.  1.1162   General exemptions from regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1163   Adjustments to regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1164   Penalties for late or insufficient regulatory fee payments.
    Sec.  1.1165   Payment by cashier's check for regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1166   Waivers, reductions and deferrals of regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1167   Error claims related to regulatory fees.
    Sec.  1.1181   Authority  to  prescribe  and  collect fees for competitive
   bidding-related services and products.
    Sec.  1.1182   Schedule  of fees for products and services provided by the
   Commission in connection with competitive bidding procedures.
                     Subpart H—Ex Parte Communications

    Sec.  1.1200   Introduction.
    Sec.  1.1202   Definitions.
   Sunshine Period Prohibition
    Sec.  1.1203   Sunshine period prohibition.
   General Exemptions
    Sec.  1.1204   Exempt ex parte presentations and proceedings.
   Non-Restricted Proceedings
    Sec.  1.1206   Permit-but-disclose proceedings.
   Restricted Proceedings
    Sec.  1.1208   Restricted proceedings.
   Prohibition on Solicitation of Presentations
    Sec.  1.1210   Prohibition on solicitation of presentations.
   Procedures for Handling of Prohibited Ex Parte Presentations
    Sec.  1.1212   Procedures for handling of prohibited ex parte presentations.
    Sec.  1.1214   Disclosure of information concerning violations of this subpart.
    Sec.  1.1216   Sanctions.
 Subpart I—Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of

    Sec.  1.1301   Basis and purpose.
    Sec.  1.1302   Cross-reference; Regulations of the Council on Environmental
    Sec.  1.1303   Scope.
    Sec.  1.1304   Information and assistance.
    Sec.  1.1305   Actions which normally will have a significant impact upon the
   environment, for which Environmental Impact Statements must be prepared.
    Sec.  1.1306   Actions which are categorically excluded from environmental
    Sec.  1.1307   Actions that may have a significant environmental effect, for
   which Environmental Assessments (EAs) must be prepared.
    Sec.  1.1308   Consideration of environmental assessments (EAs); findings of no
   significant impact.
    Sec.  1.1309   Application amendments.
    Sec.  1.1310   Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.
    Sec.  1.1311   Environmental information to be included in the environmental
   assessment (EA).
    Sec.  1.1312   Facilities  for  which  no preconstruction authorization is
    Sec.  1.1313   Objections.
    Sec.  1.1314   Environmental impact statements (EISs).
    Sec.  1.1315   The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS); Comments.
    Sec.  1.1317   The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).
    Sec.  1.1319   Consideration of the environmental impact statements.
               Subpart J—Pole Attachment Complaint Procedures

    Sec.  1.1401   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.1402   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.1403   Duty  to  provide access; modifications; notice of removal,
   increase or modification; petition for temporary stay; and cable operator
    Sec.  1.1404   Complaint.
    Sec.  1.1405   File numbers.
    Sec.  1.1406   Dismissal of complaints.
    Sec.  1.1407   Response and reply.
    Sec.  1.1408   Number of copies and form of pleadings.
    Sec.  1.1409   Commission consideration of the complaint.
    Sec.  1.1410   Remedies.
    Sec.  1.1411   Meetings and hearings.
    Sec.  1.1412   Enforcement.
    Sec.  1.1413   Forfeiture.
    Sec.  1.1414   State certification.
    Sec.  1.1415   Other orders.
    Sec.  1.1416   Imputation of rates; modification costs.
    Sec.  1.1417   Allocation of Unusable Space Costs.
    Sec.  1.1418   Use of presumptions in calculating the space factor.
Subpart K—Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) in Agency

   General Provisions
    Sec.  1.1501   Purpose of these rules.
    Sec.  1.1502   When the EAJA applies.
    Sec.  1.1503   Proceedings covered.
    Sec.  1.1504   Eligibility of applicants.
    Sec.  1.1505   Standards for awards.
    Sec.  1.1506   Allowable fees and expenses.
    Sec.  1.1507   Rulemaking on maximum rates for attorney fees.
    Sec.  1.1508   Awards against other agencies.
   Information Required From Applicants
    Sec.  1.1511   Contents of application.
    Sec.  1.1512   Net worth exhibit.
    Sec.  1.1513   Documentation of fees and expenses.
    Sec.  1.1514   When an application may be filed.
   Procedures for Considering Applications
    Sec.  1.1521   Filing and service of documents.
    Sec.  1.1522   Answer to application.
    Sec.  1.1523   Reply.
    Sec.  1.1524   Comments by other parties.
    Sec.  1.1525   Settlement.
    Sec.  1.1526   Further proceedings.
    Sec.  1.1527   Decision.
    Sec.  1.1528   Commission review.
    Sec.  1.1529   Judicial review.
    Sec.  1.1530   Payment of award.
       Subpart L—Random Selection Procedures for Mass Media Services

   General Procedures
    Sec.  1.1601   Scope.
    Sec.  1.1602   Designation for random selection.
    Sec.  1.1603   Conduct of random selection.
    Sec.  1.1604   Post-selection hearings.
    Sec.  1.1621   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.1622   Preferences.
    Sec.  1.1623   Probability calculation.
          Subpart M—Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS)

    Sec.  1.1701   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.1702   Scope.
    Sec.  1.1703   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.1704   Station files.
    Sec.  1.1705   Forms; electronic and manual filing.
    Sec.  1.1706   Content of filings.
    Sec.  1.1707   Acceptance of filings.
  Subpart N—Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability In
  Programs or Activities Conducted By the Federal Communications Commission

    Sec.  1.1801   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.1802   Applications.
    Sec.  1.1803   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.1805   Federal  Communications Commission Section 504 Programs and
   Activities Accessibility Handbook.
    Sec.  1.1810   Review of compliance.
    Sec.  1.1811   Notice.
    Sec.  1.1830   General prohibitions against discrimination.
    Sec.  1.1840   Employment.
    Sec.  1.1849   Program accessibility: Discrimination prohibited.
    Sec.  1.1850   Program accessibility: Existing facilities.
    Sec.  1.1851   Building accessibility: New construction and alterations.
    Sec.  1.1870   Compliance procedures.
           Subpart O—Collection of Claims Owed the United States

   General Provisions
    Sec.  1.1901   Definitions and construction.
    Sec.  1.1902   Exceptions.
    Sec.  1.1903   Use of procedures.
    Sec.  1.1904   Conformance to law and regulations.
    Sec.  1.1905   Other procedures; collection of forfeiture penalties.
    Sec.  1.1906   Informal action.
    Sec.  1.1907   Return of property or collateral.
    Sec.  1.1908   Omissions not a defense.
    Sec.  1.1909   [Reserved]
    Sec.  1.1910   Effect  of  insufficient fee payments, delinquent debts, or
   Administrative Offset—Consumer Reporting Agencies—Contracting for Collection
    Sec.  1.1911   Demand for payment.
    Sec.  1.1912   Collection by administrative offset.
    Sec.  1.1913   Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service
   Retirement and Disability Fund.
    Sec.  1.1914   Collection in installments.
    Sec.  1.1915   Exploration of compromise.
    Sec.  1.1916   Suspending or terminating collection action.
    Sec.  1.1917   Referrals to the Department of Justice and transfer of delinquent
   debt to the Secretary of Treasury.
    Sec.  1.1918   Use of consumer reporting agencies.
    Sec.  1.1919   Contracting for collection services.
    Sec.  Sec.  1.1920-1.1924   [Reserved]
   Salary Offset-Individual Debt
    Sec.  1.1925   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.1926   Scope.
    Sec.  1.1927   Notification.
    Sec.  1.1928   Hearing.
    Sec.  1.1929   Deduction from employee's pay.
    Sec.  1.1930   Liquidation from final check or recovery from other payment.
    Sec.  1.1931   Non-waiver of rights by payments.
    Sec.  1.1932   Refunds.
    Sec.  1.1933   Interest, penalties and administrative costs.
    Sec.  1.1934   Recovery when the Commission is not creditor agency.
    Sec.  1.1935   Obtaining the services of a hearing official.
    Sec.  1.1936   Administrative wage garnishment.
    Sec.  Sec.  1.1937-1.1939   [Reserved]
   Interest, Penalties, Administrative Costs and Other Sanctions
    Sec.  1.1940   Assessment.
    Sec.  1.1941   Exemptions.
    Sec.  1.1942   Other sanctions.
    Sec.  Sec.  1.1943-1.1949   [Reserved]
   Cooperation With the Internal Revenue Service
    Sec.  1.1950   Reporting discharged debts to the Internal Revenue Service.
    Sec.  1.1951   Offset against tax refunds.
    Sec.  1.1952   Use and disclosure of mailing addresses.
   General Provisions Concerning Interagency Requests
    Sec.  1.1953   Interagency requests.
        Subpart P—Implementation of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988

    Sec.  1.2001   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.2002   Applicants required to submit information.
    Sec.  1.2003   Applications affected.
                 Subpart Q—Competitive Bidding Proceedings

   General Procedures
    Sec.  1.2101   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.2102   Eligibility of applications for competitive bidding.
    Sec.  1.2103   Competitive bidding design options.
    Sec.  1.2104   Competitive bidding mechanisms.
    Sec.  1.2105   Bidding application and certification procedures; prohibition of
    Sec.  1.2106   Submission of upfront payments.
    Sec.  1.2107   Submission of down payment and filing of long-form applications.
    Sec.  1.2108   Procedures  for  filing petitions to deny against long-form
    Sec.  1.2109   License grant, denial, default, and disqualification.
    Sec.  1.2110   Designated entities.
    Sec.  1.2111   Assignment or transfer of control: unjust enrichment.
    Sec.  1.2112   Ownership disclosure requirements for applications.
    Sec.  1.2113   Construction prior to grant of application.
    Sec.  1.2114   Reporting of eligibility event.
   Subpart R—Implementation of Section 4(g)(3) of the Communications Act:
   Procedures Governing Acceptance of Unconditional Gifts, Donations and

    Sec.  1.3000   Purpose and scope.
    Sec.  1.3001   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.3002   Structural rules and prohibitions.
    Sec.  1.3003   Mandatory factors for evaluating conflicts of interest.
    Sec.  1.3004   Public disclosure and reporting requirements.
  Subpart S—Preemption of Restrictions That “Impair” the Ability To Receive
   Television Broadcast Signals, Direct Broadcast Satellite Services, or
 Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services or the Ability To Receive or
               Transmit Fixed Wireless Communications Signals

    Sec.  1.4000   Restrictions impairing reception of television broadcast signals,
   direct broadcast satellite services or multichannel multipoint distribution
               Subpart T—Exempt Telecommunications Companies

    Sec.  1.5000   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.5001   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.5002   Contents of application and procedure for filing.
    Sec.  1.5003   Effect of filing.
    Sec.  1.5004   Commission action.
    Sec.  1.5005   Notification of Commission action to the Securities and Exchange
    Sec.  1.5006   Procedure for notifying Commission of material change in facts.
    Sec.  1.5007   Comments.
   Subpart U—Implementation of Section 325(e) of the Communications Act:
   Procedures Governing Complaints Filed by Television Broadcast Stations
       Against Satellite Carriers for Retransmission Without Consent

    Sec.  1.6000   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.6001   Retransmission consent complaint procedures.
    Sec.  1.6002   Form and content.
    Sec.  1.6003   Service requirements.
    Sec.  1.6004   Answers.
    Sec.  1.6005   Exclusive defenses.
    Sec.  1.6006   Counting of violations.
    Sec.  1.6007   Burden of proof.
    Sec.  1.6008   Determinations.
    Sec.  1.6009   Relief.
    Sec.  1.6010   Reporting of remedial measures.
    Sec.  1.6011   Effective date.
    Sec.  1.6012   Sunset provisions.
  Subpart V—Implementation of Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of
 1996; Commission Collection of Advanced Telecommunications Capability Data

    Sec.  1.7000   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.7001   Scope and content of filed reports.
    Sec.  1.7002   Frequency of reports.
                     Subpart W—FCC Registration Number

    Sec.  1.8001   FCC Registration Number (FRN).
    Sec.  1.8002   Obtaining an FRN.
    Sec.  1.8003   Providing the FRN in Commission filings.
    Sec.  1.8004   Penalty for Failure to Provide the FRN.
                         Subpart X—Spectrum Leasing

   Scope And Authority
    Sec.  1.9001   Purpose and scope.
    Sec.  1.9003   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.9005   Included services.
   General Policies and Procedures
    Sec.  1.9010    De facto control standard for spectrum leasing arrangements.
    Sec.  1.9020   Spectrum manager leasing arrangements.
    Sec.  1.9030   Long-term de facto transfer leasing arrangements.
    Sec.  1.9035   Short-term de facto transfer leasing arrangements.
    Sec.  1.9040   Contractual  requirements  applicable  to  spectrum leasing
    Sec.  1.9045   Requirements for spectrum leasing arrangements entered into by
   licensees participating in the installment payment program.
    Sec.  1.9047   Special provisions relating to leases of educational broadband
   service spectrum.
    Sec.  1.9048   Special provisions relating to spectrum leasing arrangements
   involving licensees in the Public Safety Radio Services.
    Sec.  1.9050   Who may sign spectrum leasing notifications and applications.
    Sec.  1.9055   Assignment of file numbers to spectrum leasing notifications and
    Sec.  1.9060   Amendments, waivers, and dismissals affecting spectrum leasing
   notifications and applications.
    Sec.  1.9080   Private commons.
                Subpart Y—International Bureau Filing System

    Sec.  1.10000   What is the purpose of these rules?
    Sec.  1.10001   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.10002   What happens if the rules conflict?
    Sec.  1.10003   When can I start operating?
    Sec.  1.10004   What am I allowed to do if I am approved?
    Sec.  1.10005   What is IBFS?
    Sec.  1.10006   Is electronic filing mandatory?
    Sec.  1.10007   What applications can I file electronically?
    Sec.  1.10008   What are IBFS file numbers?
    Sec.  1.10009   What are the steps for electronic filing?
    Sec.  1.10010   Do I need to send paper copies with my electronic applications?
    Sec.  1.10011   Who may sign applications?
    Sec.  1.10012   When can I file on IBFS?
    Sec.  1.10013   How do I check the status of my application after I file it?
    Sec.  1.10014   What happens after officially filing my application?
    Sec.  1.10015   Are there exceptions for emergency filings?
    Sec.  1.10016   How do I apply for special temporary authority?
    Sec.  1.10017   How can I submit additional information?
    Sec.  1.10018   May I amend my application?
        Subpart Z—Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

    Sec.  1.20000   Purpose.
    Sec.  1.20001   Scope.
    Sec.  1.20002   Definitions.
    Sec.  1.20003   Policies and procedures for employee supervision and control.
    Sec.  1.20004   Maintaining secure and accurate records.
    Sec.  1.20005   Submission of policies and procedures and Commission review.
    Sec.  1.20006   Assistance capability requirements.
    Sec.  1.20007   Additional assistance capability requirements for wireline,
   cellular, and PCS telecommunications carriers.
    Sec.  1.20008   Penalties.
   Appendix A to Part 1—A Plan of Cooperative Procedure in Matters and Cases
   Under the Provisions of Section 410 of the Communications Act of 1934
   Appendix B to Part 1—Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for the Collocation
   of Wireless Antennas
   Appendix C to Part 1—Nationwide Programmatic Agreement Regarding the Section
   106 National Historic Preservation Act Review Process

   Authority:   15 U.S.C. 79 et seq. ; 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 155, 157,
   225, 303(r), and 309.

   Editorial Note:   Nomenclature changes to part 1 appear at 63 FR 54077, Oct.
   8, 1998.

Subpart A—General Rules of Practice and Procedure

   Source:   28 FR 12415, Nov. 22, 1963, unless otherwise noted.
