Goto Section: 80.315 | 80.317 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.316
Revised as of October 1, 2008
Goto Year:2007 | 2009
  Sec.  80.316   Distress messages.

   Link to an amendment published at  73 FR 4485 , Jan. 25, 2008.

   (a) The radiotelephone distress message consists of:

   (1) The distress signal MAYDAY;

   (2) The name of the mobile station in distress;

   (3) Particulars of its position;

   (4) The nature of the distress;

   (5) The kind of assistance desired;

   (6) Any other information which might facilitate rescue, for example, the
   length, color, and type of vessel, number of persons on board.

   (b) As a general rule, a ship must signal its position in latitude and
   longitude, using figures for the degrees and minutes, together with one of
   the  words  NORTH  or  SOUTH  and  one  of  the words EAST or WEST. In
   radiotelegraphy, the signal .-.-.- must be used to separate the degrees from
   the minutes. When practicable, the true bearing and distance in nautical
   miles from a known geographical position may be given.

   (c) The procedures for canceling false distress alerts are contained in
    Sec. 80.335.

   [ 51 FR 31213 , Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at  68 FR 46968 , Aug. 7, 2003]

Goto Section: 80.315 | 80.317

Goto Year: 2007 | 2009
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