Goto Section: 24.207 | 24.209 | Table of Contents

FCC 24.208
Revised as of October 1, 2010
Goto Year:2009 | 2011
  §  25.208   Power flux density limits.

   (a) In the band 3650-4200 MHz, the power flux density at the Earth's
   surface produced by emissions from a space station for all conditions
   and for all methods of modulation shall not exceed the following

   -152 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -152+(d -5)/2 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival d (in
   degrees) between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -142 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane

   These limits relate to the power flux density which would be obtained
   under assumed free-space propagation conditions.

   (b) In the bands 10.95-11.2 and 11.45-11.7 GHz for GSO FSS space
   stations and 10.7-11.7 GHz for NGSO FSS space stations, the power
   flux-density at the Earth's surface produced by emissions from a space
   station for all conditions and for all methods of modulation shall not
   exceed the lower of the following values:

   (1) -150 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival between 0
   and 5 degrees above the horizontal plane; -150 + (d -5)/2 dB(W/m^2 ) in
   any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival (d) (in degrees) between 5 and 25
   degrees above the horizontal plane; and -140 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 4 kHz
   band for angles of arrival between 25 and 90 degrees above the
   horizontal plane; or

   (2) -126 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0
   and 5 degrees above the horizontal plane; -126 + (d -5)/2 dB(W/m^2 ) in
   any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival (d) (in degrees) between 5 and 25
   degrees above the horizontal plane; and -116 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz
   band for angles of arrival between 25 and 90 degrees above the
   horizontal plane.

   Note to paragraph(b): These limits relate to the power flux density,
   which would be obtained under assumed free-space propagation

   (c) In the 17.7-17.8 GHz, 18.3-18.8 GHz, 19.3-19.7 GHz, 22.55-23.00
   GHz, 23.00-23.55 GHz, and 24.45-24.75 GHz frequency bands, the power
   flux density at the Earth's surface produced by emissions from a space
   station for all conditions for all methods of modulation shall not
   exceed the following values:

   (1) -115 dB (W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0
   and 5 degrees above the horizontal plane.

   (2) -115 + 0.5 (d-5) dB (W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of
   arrival d (in degrees) between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal

   (3) -105 dB (W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25
   and 90 degrees above the horizontal plane.

   (d) In addition to the limits specified in paragraph (c) of this
   section, the power flux-density across the 200 MHz band 18.6-18.8 GHz
   produced at the Earth's surface by emissions from a space station under
   assumed free-space propagation conditions shall not exceed -95 dB
   (W/m^2 ) for all angles of arrival. This limit may be exceeded by up to
   3 dB for no more than 5% of the time.

   (e) In the 18.8-19.3 GHz frequency band, the power flux-density at the
   Earth's surface produced by emissions from a space station for all
   conditions and for all methods of modulation shall not exceed the
   following values:
   -115 -X dB(W/m^2-:MHz)                  for 0DEG <= d < 5DEG
   -115 -X+((10+X)/20)(d -5)dB(W/m^2-:MHz) for 5DEG <= d < 25DEG
   -105 dB(W/m^2-:MHz)                     for 25DEG <= d < 90DEG


   d: is the angle of arrival above the horizontal plane; and

   X is defined as a function of the number of satellites in the non-GSO
   FSS constellation, n, as follows:
   for n <= 50       X = 0 (dB)
   for 50 < n <= 288 X = (5/119) (n - 50) (dB)
   for n > 288       X = (1/69) (n + 402) (dB)

   (f) [Reserved]

   (g) In the frequency bands 10.7-11.7 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz, the
   single-entry equivalent power-flux density in the space-to-Earth
   direction (EPFD[down]), at any point on the Earth's surface, produced
   by emissions from all co-frequency space stations of a single
   non-geostationary-satellite orbit (NGSO) system operating in the
   fixed-satellite service (FSS) shall not exceed the following limits for
   the given percentages of time. Tables 1G and 2G follow:

   Table 1G--Single-Entry EPFD[down]Limits for Protection of 0.6, 1.2, 3
   and 10 Meter GSO FSS Earth Station Antennas^1,2
   Frequency band (GHz) for International
   Allocations Single-entry EPFD[down]dB(W/m^2) Percentage of time during
   which EPFD[down]level may not be exceeded Reference bandwidth (kHz)
   Reference antenna diameter and reference radiation pattern^3
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -175.4
   -160 0
   100 40 60 cm, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -181.9
   -160 0
   100 40 1.2 m, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -190.45
   -160 0
   100 40 3 m, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -195.45
   -160 0
   100 40 10 m, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.

   ^1In addition to the limits shown in Table 1G, the limits shown in
   Table 2G shall apply to all antenna sizes greater than 60 cm in the
   frequency bands listed in Table 1G.

   ^2For each reference antenna diameter, the limit consists of the
   complete curve on a plot which is linear in decibels for the EPFD
   levels and logarithmic for the time percentages, with straight lines
   joining the data points.

   ^3The earth station antenna reference radiation patterns are to be used
   only for the calculation of interference from NGSO FSS systems into GSO
   FSS systems.

   Table 2G--Single-Entry EPFD[down]Limits Radiated By Non-GSO FSS Systems
   At Certain Latitudes
   100% of the time EPFD[down]dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) Latitude (North or South
   in degrees)
   -160 0 < | Latitude | <= 57.5.
   -160 + 3.4 (57.5 - | Latitude | )/4 57.5 < | Latitude | <= 63.75
   -165.3 63.75 <= | Latitude |

   Note to paragraph(g): These limits relate to the equivalent power flux
   density, which would be obtained under free-space propagation
   conditions, for all conditions and for all methods of modulation.

   (h) In the frequency bands 10.7-11.7 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz, the
   aggregate equivalent power-flux density in the space-to-Earth direction
   (EPFD[down]), at any point on the Earth's surface, produced by
   emissions from all co-frequency space stations of all
   non-geostationary-satellite orbit systems operating in the
   fixed-satellite service (FSS) shall not exceed the following limits for
   the given percentages of time. Tables 1H and 2H follow:

   Table 1H--Aggregate EPFD[down]Limits for Protection of 0.6, 1.2, 3 and
   10 Meter GSO FSS Earth Station Antennas^1
   Frequency band (GHz) for International Allocations Aggregate
   EPFD[down]dB(W/m^2) Percentage of time during which EPFD[down]may not
   exceeded Reference bandwidth (kHz) Reference antenna diameter and
   reference radiation pattern^2
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -170
   -160 0
   100 40 60 cm, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -176.5
   -160 0
   100 40 1.2 m, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -185
   -160 0
   100 40 3 m, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.
   10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3;
   and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -190
   -160 0
   100 40 10 m, Recommendation ITU-R S.1428.

   ^1In addition to the limits shown in Table 1H, the aggregate
   EPFD[down]limits shown in Table 2H shall apply to all antenna sizes
   greater than 60 cm in the frequency bands listed in Table 1H.

   ^2The earth station antenna reference patterns are to be used only for
   the calculation of interference from NGSO FSS systems into GSO FSS

   Table 2H--Single-Entry EPFD[down]Limits Radiated By Non-GSO FSS Systems
   At Certain Latitudes
   100% of the time EPFD[down]dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) Latitude (North or South
   in degrees)
   -160 0 < | Latitude | <= 57.5
   -160 + 3.4 (57.5 - | Latitude |)/4 57.5 < | Latitude | <= 63.75
   -165.3 63.75 <= | Latitude |

   Note to paragraph(h): These limits relate to the equivalent power flux
   density, which would be obtained under free-space propagation
   conditions, for all conditions and for all methods of modulation.

   (i) In the frequency bands 10.7-11.7 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz, the
   additional operational equivalent power-flux density, in the
   space-to-Earth direction, (additional operational EPFD[down]) at any
   point on the Earth's surface, produced by actual operational emissions
   from all co-frequency space stations of a non-geostationary-satellite
   orbit (NGSO) system operating in the fixed-satellite service (FSS)
   shall not exceed the following operational limits for the given
   percentages of time:

   Additional Operational Limits on the EPFD[down]Radiated by Non-GSO FSS
   Systems Into 3 m and 10 m GSO FSS Earth Station Antennas
   EPFD[down]dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) Percentage of time during which
   EPFD[down]may not be exceeded Receive GSO earth station
   antenna diameter (m)
   -182 99.9
   -179 99.94
   -176 99.97
   -171 99.98
   -168 99.984 3
   -165 99.993
   -163 99.999
   -161.25 99.99975
   -161.25 100
   -185 99.97
   -183 99.98
   -179 99.99
   -175 99.996
   -171 99.998 10
   -168 99.999
   -166 99.9998
   -166 100

   Note to paragraph(i): These limits relate to the equivalent power flux
   density, which is obtained under free-space propagation conditions, for
   all conditions and for all methods of modulation.

   (j) In the frequency bands 10.7-11.7 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz, the
   operational equivalent power-flux density, in the space-to-Earth
   direction, (operational EPFD[down]) at any point on the Earth's
   surface, produced by actual operational emissions from the in-line
   co-frequency space station of a non-geostationary-satellite orbit
   (NGSO) system operating in the fixed-satellite service (FSS) shall not
   exceed the following operational limits for 100% of the time:

   Operational Limits to the EPFD[down]Radiated by Non-GSO FSS Systems in
   Certain Frequency Bands^1
   Frequency band (GHz) for International allocations EPFD[down]dB(W/m^2)
   Percentage of time during which EPFD[down]may not be exceeded Reference
   bandwidth (kHz) Receive GSO earth station antenna diameter^2(m) Orbital
   inclination of GSO satelite (degrees)
   Prior to 31 December 2005: 10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in
   Regions 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3; and 12.5;-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3
   40 3
   Prior to 31 December 2005: 10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in
   Region 2; 12.2-12.5 in Region 3; and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -160
   40 3
   >2.5 and <=4.5
   From 31 December 2005: 10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2;
   12.2-12.5 in Region 3; and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -161.25
   40 3
   From 31 December 2005: 10.7-11.7 in all Regions; 11.7-12.2 in Region 2;
   12.2-12.5 in Region 3; and 12.5-12.75 in Regions 1 and 3 -158.25
   40 3
   >2.5 and <=4.5

   ^1The operational limits on the EPFD[down]radiated by non-GSO FSS
   systems shall be the values given in Table 2G or this table, whichever
   are the more stringent.

   ^2For antenna diameters between the values given in this table, the
   limits are given by linear interpolation using a linear scale for
   EPFD[down]in decibels and a logarithmic scale for antenna diameter in

   Note to paragraph(j): These limits relate to the operational equivalent
   power flux-density which would be obtained under free-space propagation
   conditions, for all conditions, for all methods of modulation and for
   the specified inclined GSO FSS operations.

   (k) In the frequency bands 12.75-13.15 GHz, 13.2125-13.25 GHz and
   13.75-14.5 GHz, the equivalent power flux-density, in the
   Earth-to-space direction, (EPFD[up]) produced at any point on the
   geostationary satellite orbit (GSO) by the emissions from all
   co-frequency earth stations in a non-geostationary satellite orbit
   fixed-satellite service (NGSO FSS) system, for all conditions and for
   all methods of modulation, shall not exceed the following limits for
   the specified percentages of time limits:

   Limits to the EPFD[up]Radiated by NGSO FSS Systems in Certain Frequency
   Frequency band (GHz) for International Allocations EPFD[up]dB(W/m^2)
   Percentage of time during which EPFD[up]may not be exceeded Reference
   bandwidth (kHz) Reference antenna beamwidth and reference radiation
   12.5-12.75; 12.75-13.25; 13.75-14.5 -160 100 40 4DEG
   ITU-R S.672-4,
   Ls= -20

   ^1For the case of L[s]= -10, the values a = 1.83 and b = 6.32 should be
   used in the equations in the Annex of Recommendation ITU-R S.672-4 for
   single-feed circular beams. In all cases of L[s], the parabolic main
   beam equation should start at zero.

   Note to paragraph(k): These limits relate to the uplink equivalent
   power flux density, which would be obtained under free-space
   propagation conditions, for all conditions and for all methods of

   (l) In the frequency bands 11.7-12.2 GHz and 12.5-12.75 GHz in Region
   3, 11.7-12.5 GHz in Region 1 and 12.2-12.7 GHz in Region 2, the
   single-entry equivalent power-flux density, in the space-to-Earth
   direction, (EPFD[down]), at any point on the Earth's surface, produced
   by emissions from all co-frequency space stations of a single
   non-geostationary-satellite orbit (NGSO) system operating in the
   fixed-satellite service (FSS) shall not exceed the following limits in
   Tables 1L and 2L for the given percentages of time:

   Table 1L--Single-Entry EPFDDown Limits for Protection of 30, 45, 60,
   90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 CM GSO BSS Earth Station Antennas^1,2,3,5
   Frequency band (GHz) for international
   allocations EPDF[down]dB(W/m^2) Percentage of time during which
   EPFD[down]level may not be exceeded Reference bandwidth (kHz) Reference
   antenna diameter and reference radiation pattern^4
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -165.841
   -158.33 0
   100 40 30 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO.1443 Annex 1
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -175.441
   -160 0
   100 40 45 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO.1443 Annex 1
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -176.441
   -160 0
   100 40 60 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO. 1443 Annex 1
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -178.94
   -160 0
   100 40 90 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO.1443 Annex 1
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -182.44
   -160 0
   100 40 120 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO.1443 Annex 1
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -184.941
   -160 0
   100 40 180 cm^3
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO.1443 Annex 1
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -187.441
   -160 0
   100 40 240 cm^2
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO.1443 Annex 1
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 1.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -191.941
   -160 0
   100 40 300 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   BO.1443 Annex 1

   ^1For BSS antenna diameters 180 cm, 240 cm and 300 cm, in addition to
   the single-entry limits shown in Table 1L, the limits in Table 2L shall
   also apply in the frequency band listed in Table 1L.

   ^2For 240 cm GSO BSS earth station antennas located in Alaska,
   communicating with GSO BSS satellites at the 91DEG W.L., 101DEG W.L.,
   110DEG W.L., 119DEG W.L. and 148DEG W.L. nominal orbital locations with
   elevation angles greater than 5DEG, -167 dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz))
   single-entry 100% of the time operational EPFD[down]limit also applies
   to receive antennas.

   ^3For 180 cm GSO BSS earth station antennas located in Hawaii
   communicating with GSO BSS satellites that are operational as of
   December 30, 1999 at the 110DEG W.L., 119DEG W.L. and 148DEG W.L.
   nominal orbital positions, -162.5 dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) single-entry 100%
   of the time operational EPFD[down]limit also applies.

   ^4Under the section reference pattern of Annex 1 to Recommendation
   ITU-R BO.1443 shall be used only for the calculation of interference
   from non-GSO FSS systems into BSS systems.

   ^5For each reference antenna diameter, the limit consists of the
   complete curve on a plot which is linear in decibels for the EPFD
   levels and logarithmic for the time percentages, with straight line
   joining the data points.

   Table 2L--Single-Entry EPFD[down]Limits Radiated By Non-GSO FSS Systems
   At Certain Latitudes
   100% of the time EPFD[down]dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) Latitude (North or South
   in degrees)
   -160.0 0 <= | Latitude | <= 57.5
   -160.0 + 3.4 (57.5 - | Latitude |)/4 57.5 <= | Latitude | <= 63.75
   -165.3 63.75 <= | Latitude |

   Note to paragraph(l): These limits relate to the equivalent power flux
   density, which would be obtained under free-space propagation
   conditions, for all conditions and for all methods of modulation.

   (m) In the frequency bands 11.7-12.2 GHz and 12.5-12.75 GHz in Region
   3, 11.7-12.5 GHz in Region 1 and 12.2-12.7 GHz in Region 2, the
   aggregate equivalent power-flux density, in the space-to-Earth
   direction, (EPFD[down]) at any point on the Earth's surface, produced
   by emissions from all co-frequency space stations of all
   non-geostationary-satellite orbit systems operating in the
   fixed-satellite service (FSS) shall not exceed the following limits in
   Tables 1M and 2M for the given percentages of time:

   Table 1M--Aggregate EPFD[down]Limits for Protection of 30, 45, 60, 90,
   120, 180, 240 and 300 cm GSO BSS Earth Station Antennas^1,2,3,5
   Frequency band (GHz) for international allocations EPFD[down]dB (W/m^2)
   Percentage of time during which EPFD[down]level may not be exceeded
   Reference bandwidth (kHz) Reference antenna diameter, and reference
   radiation pattern^4
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -160.4
   -158.33 0
   40 30 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -170
   -160 0
   40 45 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -171
   -160 0
   40 60 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -173.75
   -160 0
   40 90 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -177
   -160 0
   40 120 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -179.5
   -160 0
   40 180 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -182
   -160 0
   40 240 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.
   11.7-12.5 in Region 1; 11.7-12.2 and 12.5-12.75 in Region 3; 12.2-12.7
   in Region 2 -186.5
   -160 0
   40 300 cm
   Recommendation ITU-R
   Annex 1.

   ^1For BSS antenna diameters 180 cm, 240 cm and 300 cm, in addition to
   the aggregate limit shown in Table 1M, the limits in Table 2M shall
   also apply.

   ^2For 240 cm GSO BSS earth station antennas located in Alaska,
   communicating with GSO BSS satellites at the 91DEG W.L., 101DEG W.L.,
   110DEG W.L., 119DEG W.L. and 148DEG W.L. nominal orbital locations with
   elevation angles greater than 5DEG, -167 dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) aggregate
   100% of the time operational EPFD[down]limit also applies to receive

   ^3For 180 cm GSO BSS earth station antennas located in Hawaii
   communicating with GSO BSS satellites that are operational as of
   December 30, 1999 at the 110DEG W.L., 119DEG W.L. and 148DEG W.L.
   nominal orbital positions, -162.5 dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) aggregate 100% of
   the time operational EPFD[down]limit also applies.

   ^4Under the section reference pattern of Annex 1 to Recommendation
   ITU-R BO.1443 shall be used only for the calculation of interference
   from non-GSO FSS systems into GSO BSS systems.

   ^5For each reference antenna diameter, the limit consists of the
   complete curve on a plot which is linear in decibels for the EPFD
   levels and logarithmic for the time percentages, with straight line
   joining the data points.

   Table 2M--Aggregate EPFD[down]Limits Radiated by Non-GSO FSS Systems At
   Certain Latitudes
   00% of the time EPFD[down]dB(W/(m^2/40 kHz)) Latitude (North or South
   in degrees)
   160.0 0 <= | Latitude | <= 57.5.
   160.0 + 3.4 (57.5 - | Latitude | )/4 57.5 <= | Latitude | <= 63.75.
   165.3 63.75 <= | Latitude |.

   Note to paragraph(m): These limits relate to the equivalent power flux
   density, which would be obtained under free-space propagation
   conditions, for all conditions and for all methods of modulation.

   (n) The power-flux density at the Earth's surface produced by emissions
   from a space station in the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth),
   for all conditions and for all methods of modulation, shall not exceed
   the limits given in Table N. These limits relate to the power
   flux-density which would be obtained under assumed free-space

   Table N--Limits of Power-Flux Density From Space Stations in the Band
   6700-7075 MHz
   Frequency band Limit in dB (W/m^2) for angle of arrival (d) above the
   horizontal plane Reference bandwidth
   0^DEG-5^DEG 5^DEG-25^DEG 25^DEG-90^DEG
   6700-6825 MHz -137 -137 + 0.5(d -5) -127 1 MHz.
   6825-7075 MHz -154
   and -154 + 0.5(d -5)
   and -144
   and 4 kHz.
      -134 -134 + 0.5(d -5) -124 1 MHz.

   (o) In the band 12.2-12.7 GHz, for NGSO FSS space stations, the
   specified low-angle power flux-density at the Earth's surface produced
   by emissions from a space station shall not be exceeded into an
   operational MVDDS receiver:

   (1) -158 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival between 0
   and 2 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   (2) -158 + 3.33(d -2) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 4 kHz band for angles of
   arrival (d) (in degrees) between 2 and 5 degrees above the horizontal

   Note to paragraph(o): These limits relate to the power flux density,
   which would be obtained under assumed free-space propagation

   (p) The power flux-density at the Earth's surface produced by emissions
   from a space station in either the Earth exploration-satellite service
   in the band 25.5-27 GHz or the inter-satellite service in the band
   25.25-27.5 GHz for all conditions and for all methods of modulation
   shall not exceed the following values:

   -115 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -115 + 0.5( -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival
   between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -105 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane.

   These limits relate to the power flux-density which would be obtained
   under assumed free-space propagation conditions.

   (q) In the band 37.5-40.0 GHz, the power flux-density at the Earth's
   surface produced by emissions from a geostationary space station for
   all methods of modulation shall not exceed the following values.

   (1) This limit relates to the power flux-density which would be
   obtained under assumed free space conditions (that is, when no
   allowance is made for propogation impairments such as rain-fade):

   -139 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -139 + 4/3 (d -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 5 and 20 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -119 + 0.4 (d -20) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 20 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -117 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   (2) This limit relates to the maximum power flux-density which would be
   obtained anywhere on the surface of the Earth during periods when FSS
   system raises power to compensate for rain-fade conditions at the FSS
   Earth station:

   -127 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -127 + 4/3 (d -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 5 and 20 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -107 + 0.4 (d -20) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 20 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -105 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane.

   Note to paragraph(q): The conditions under which satellites may exceed
   the power flux-density limits for normal free space propagation
   described in paragraph (p)(1) to compensate for the effects of rain
   fading are under study and have therefore not yet been defined. Such
   conditions and the extent to which these limits can be exceeded will be
   the subject of a further rulemaking by the Commission on the satellite
   service rules.

   (r) In the band 37.5-40.0 GHz, the power flux-density at the Earth's
   surface produced by emissions from a non-geostationary space station
   for all methods of modulation shall not exceed the following values:

   (1) This limit relates to the power flux-density which would be
   obtained under assumed free space conditions (that is, when no
   allowance is made for propogation impairments such as rain-fade):

   -132 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -132 + 0.75 (d -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -117 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   (2) This limit relates to the maximum power flux-density which would be
   obtained anywhere on the surface of the Earth during periods when FSS
   system raises power to compensate for rain-fade conditions at the FSS
   Earth station:

   -120 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -120 + 0.75 (d -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -105 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane.

   Note to paragraph(r): The conditions under which satellites may exceed
   these power flux-density limits for normal free space propagation
   described in paragraph (q)(1) to compensate for the effects of rain
   fading are under study and have therefore not yet been defined. Such
   conditions and the extent to which these limits can be exceeded will be
   the subject of a further rulemaking by the Commission on the satellite
   service rules.

   (s) In the band 40.04 0.5 GHz, the power flux-density at the Earth's
   surface produced by emissions from a space station for all conditions
   and for all methods of modulation shall not exceed the following

   -115 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -115 + 0.5 (d -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -105 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   Note to paragraph(s): These limits relate to the power flux-density
   that would be obtained under assumed free-space propagation conditions.

   (t) In the band 40.5-42.0 GHz, the power flux density at the Earth's
   surface produced by emissions from a non-geostationary space station
   for all conditions and for all methods of modulation shall not exceed
   the following values:

   -115 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -115 + 0.5 (d -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -105 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   Note to paragraph(t): These limits relate to the power flux density
   that would be obtained under assumed free-space propagation conditions.

   (u) In the band 40.5-42.0 GHz, the power flux-density at the Earth's
   surface produced by emissions from a geostationary space station for
   all conditions and for all methods of modulation shall not exceed the
   following values:

   -120 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5
   degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -120 + (d -5) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d (in
   degrees) between 5 and 15 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   -110 + 0.5 (d -15) dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival d
   (in degrees) between 15 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

   -105 dB(W/m^2 ) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and
   90 degrees above the horizontal plane;

   Note to paragraph(u): These limits relate to the power flux-density
   that would be obtained under assumed free-space propagation conditions.

   (v) In the band 2496-2500 MHz, the power flux-density at the Earth's
   surface produced by emissions from non-geostationary space stations for
   all conditions and all methods of modulation shall not exceed the
   following values (these values are obtained under assumed free-space
   propagation conditions):

   (1) -144 dB (W/m&supcaret;2) in 4 kHz for all angles of arrival between
   0 and 5 degrees above the horizontal plane; -144 dB (W/m&supcaret;2) +
   0.65(d -5) in 4 kHz for all angles of arrival between 5 and 25 degrees
   above the horizontal plane; and

   -131 dB (W/m&supcaret;2) in 4 kHz and for all angles of arrival between
   25 and 90 degrees above the horizontal plane.

   (2) -126 dB (W/m&supcaret;2) in 1 MHz for all angles of arrival between
   0 and 5 degrees above the horizontal plane; -126 dB (W/m&supcaret;2) +
   0.65(d -5) in 1 MHz for all angles of arrival between 5 and 25 degrees
   above the horizontal plane; and

   -113 dB (W/m&supcaret;2) in 1 MHz and for all angles of arrival between
   25 and 90 degrees above the horizontal plane.

   (w) The power flux density at the Earth's surface produced by emissions
   from a 17/24 GHz BSS space station operating in the 17.3-17.7 GHz band
   for all conditions, including clear sky, and for all methods of
   modulation shall not exceed the regional power flux density levels
   defined below.

   (1) In the region of the contiguous United States, located south of
   38DEG North Latitude and east of 100 West Longitude: -115 dBW/m^2 /MHz.

   (2) In the region of the contiguous United States, located north of
   38DEG North Latitude and east of 100DEG West Longitude: -118 dBW/m^2

   (3) In the region of the contiguous United States, located west of 100
   West Longitude: -121 dBW/m^2 /MHz.

   (4) For all regions outside of the contiguous United States including
   Alaska and Hawaii: -115 dBW/m^2 /MHz.

   [ 48 FR 40255 , Sept. 6, 1983, as amended at  52 FR 45636 , Dec. 1, 1987;
    59 FR 53329 , Oct. 21, 1994;  65 FR 54171 , Sept. 7, 2000;  66 FR 10623 ,
   Feb. 16, 2001;  66 FR 63515 , Dec. 7, 2001;  67 FR 17299 , Apr. 10, 2002;
    67 FR 46911 , July 17, 2002;  68 FR 16448 , Apr. 4, 2003;  68 FR 43946 ,
   July 25, 2003;  69 FR 31745 , June 7, 2004;  69 FR 52207 , Aug. 25, 2004;
    70 FR 24725 , May 11, 2005;  70 FR 46675 , Aug. 10, 2005;  71 FR 35188 ,
   June 19, 2006;  72 FR 50029 , Aug. 29, 2007;  73 FR 25496 , May 6, 2008]

Goto Section: 24.207 | 24.209

Goto Year: 2009 | 2011
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