Goto Section: 95.2125 | 95.2133 | Table of Contents

FCC 95.2131
Revised as of October 5, 2017
Goto Year:2016 | 2018
  ยง 95.2131   Permissible LPRS uses.

   LPRS stations may be used to transmit voice, data, or tracking signals,
   as appropriate, to provide:

   (a) Auditory assistance communications (including, but not limited to,
   applications such as assistive listening devices, audio description for
   the blind, and simultaneous language translation) for:

   (1) Individuals with disabilities;

   (2) Individuals who require language translation; or

   (3) Individuals who may otherwise benefit from auditory assistance
   communications in educational settings.

   (b) Health care related communications for the ill;

   (c) Law enforcement tracking signals (for homing or interrogation)
   including the tracking of persons or stolen goods under authority or
   agreement with a law enforcement agency (Federal, state, or local)
   having jurisdiction in the area where the transmitters are placed;

   (d) Point-to-point network control communications for AMTS licensed
   under part 80 of this chapter.

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Goto Section: 95.2125 | 95.2133

Goto Year: 2016 | 2018
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