Goto Section: 64.6302 | 64.6304 | Table of Contents

FCC 64.6303
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 | 2022
  §  64.6303   Caller ID authentication in non-IP networks.

   Except as provided in § § 64.6304 and 64.6306, not later than June 30,
   2021, a voice service provider shall either:

   (a) Upgrade its entire network to allow for the initiation,
   maintenance, and termination of SIP calls and fully implement the
   STIR/SHAKEN framework as required in § 64.6301 throughout its network;

   (b) Maintain and be ready to provide the Commission on request with
   documented proof that it is participating, either on its own or through
   a representative, including third party representatives, as a member of
   a working group, industry standards group, or consortium that is
   working to develop a non-internet Protocol caller identification
   authentication solution, or actively testing such a solution.

   [ 85 FR 73395 , Nov. 17, 2020]


Goto Section: 64.6302 | 64.6304

Goto Year: 2020 | 2022
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