FCC Web Documents citing 0.601
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A9.txt
- 27) 7 WTTG Washington (Fox; 5) 8 2.068 2.068 WDCA Washington (UPN; 20) 8 KTXH Houston (UPN; 20) 11 1.756 0.878 KRIV Houston (Fox; 26) 11 KMSP Minneapolis-St. Paul (Fox; 9) 14 1.537 1.537 WFTC Minneapolis-St. Paul (UPN; 29) 14 KSAZ Phoenix (Fox; 10) 15 1.473 1.473 KUTP Phoenix (UPN; 45) 15 WOFL Orlando-Daytona Beach, Fla. (Fox; 35) 20 1.202 0.601 WRBW Orlando-Daytona Beach, Fla. (UPN; 65) 20 # 3 NBC Universal GE (6 duopolies) Station Market (affiliate; ch.) DMA Total FCC Coverage % WNBC New York (NBC; 4) 1 6.786 6.786 WNJU New York (Tel.; 47) 1 KNBC Los Angeles (NBC; 4) 2 5.010 5.010 KWHY Los Angeles (Tel.; 22) 2 KVEA Los Angeles (Tel.; 52) 2 WMAQ Chicago (NBC;
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-256655A1.pdf
- Commissioners jointly conducts or disposes of official agency business.' Both Republican and Democratic Commissioners are on record in recent testimony before Congress that the Commission's decisional processes are impaired by this requirement, and their conclusions about the detrimental effects of the open meeting requirement are echoed by a substantial body of scholarship.2 `See 5 U.S.C. 9 552b; 47 C.F.R. $9 0.601-0.607. `See, e.g., Randolph May, Reforming the Sunshine Act, 49 ADMTN. L. REV. 415 (1997) ("there appears to be a fairly widespread consensus that the Sunshine Act is not achieving its principal -- and obviously salutary -- goal of enhancing public knowledge and understanding of agency decisionmaking"); James H. Cawley, Sunshine Law Overexposure and the Demise of Independent Agency Collegiality, 1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.txt
- Mexico 155 856 0.181 New York 14 1,537 0.009 North Carolina 71 2,612 0.027 North Dakota 390 367 1.060 Northern Mariana Islands 0 69 0.000 Ohio 80 2,139 0.038 Oklahoma 30 1,378 0.022 Oregon 3 977 0.003 Pennsylvania 19 1,893 0.010 Puerto Rico 0 3,859 0.000 Rhode Island 0 55 0.000 South Carolina 4 1,205 0.004 South Dakota 302 503 0.601 Tennessee 9 1,827 0.005 Texas 3 3,280 0.001 Utah 548 531 1.033 Vermont 1 448 0.002 Virgin Islands 114 109 1.043 Virginia 162 1,503 0.108 Washington 38 1,136 0.033 West Virginia 72 1,043 0.069 Wisconsin 739 1,757 0.421 Wyoming 121 354 0.341 Totals $18,752 58,795 $0.319 1 Source: USAC data. Rollups performed by the Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A7.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A7.txt
- Mexico 155 856 0.181 New York 14 1,537 0.009 North Carolina 71 2,612 0.027 North Dakota 390 367 1.060 Northern Mariana Islands 0 69 0.000 Ohio 80 2,139 0.038 Oklahoma 30 1,378 0.022 Oregon 3 977 0.003 Pennsylvania 19 1,893 0.010 Puerto Rico 0 3,859 0.000 Rhode Island 0 55 0.000 South Carolina 4 1,205 0.004 South Dakota 302 503 0.601 Tennessee 9 1,827 0.005 Texas 3 3,280 0.001 Utah 548 531 1.033 Vermont 1 448 0.002 Virgin Islands 114 109 1.043 Virginia 162 1,503 0.108 Washington 38 1,136 0.033 West Virginia 72 1,043 0.069 Wisconsin 739 1,757 0.421 Wyoming 121 354 0.341 Totals $18,752 58,795 $0.319 1 Source: USAC data. Rollups performed by the Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-97A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-97A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-97A1.txt
- particular matter. [. . . ] In appropriate circumstances, Commission action may be taken between meetings ``by circulation'', which involves the submission of a document to each of the Commissioners for his approval.'' Railroad Comm'n of Texas v. U.S., 765 f.2d 221 230 (D.C. Cir. 1985); Communications Systems, Inc. v. FCC, 595 F.2d 797 (D.C. Cir. 1978). 47 C.F.R. § 0.601(b). EchoStar, DIRECTV joint petition at 17. Id. at 17. Id. at 17. Id. at 17. Id. at 17. See, e.g., EchoStar, DIRECTV joint petition at 13. See, e.g., EchoStar, DIRECTV joint petition at 5. Id. at 9 and 15, footnote 26. Id. at 9. EchoStar, DIRECTV joint petition at 8. Id. at 15. Id. at 8. Id. at 8. ,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-12A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-12A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-12A1.txt
- 30.63 32.49 34.93 38.94 40.99 42.48 7.4% Annual % Change --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 5.3% 3.6% --- No. of channels 38 48.8 53.2 54 57.6 57.5 60.9 --- 69.7 72.5 5.5% Annual Change ** --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 4.0% --- Price per channel 0.670 0.580 0.550 0.570 0.570 0.605 0.608 --- 0.601 0.599 0.9% Annual Change ** --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -0.3% --- * Refers to the compounded annual rate of change during the five and one-half year period starting July 1, 1998 and ending on January 1, 2004. ** The annual percent change based on results from the Survey. Source: Years 2002, 2003, and 2004 are
- http://transition.fcc.gov/ownership/roundtable_docs/waldfogel-b.pdf
- Age-Targeted Entry and Age-Group Population Young-Targeted Stations Middle Age Targeted Stations Older-Targeted Stations coef s.e. coef s.e. coef s.e. Constant 2.040 1.863 15.219 3.607 5.207 1.744 Young Population 7.839 6.026 5.497 11.665 0.574 5.639 Middle-Aged Population -3.417 2.616 0.156 5.064 -2.533 2.448 Older Population 2.407 2.439 -0.292 4.721 7.299 2.282 Northeast 1.744 0.591 -2.147 1.144 0.289 0.553 North Central -0.412 0.601 -5.314 1.163 -1.283 0.562 South -0.035 0.499 -2.749 0.966 -2.368 0.467 Percent Driving 7.933 4.593 5.026 8.891 2.162 4.298 R-squared .1780 .2957 .3762 N 162 162 162 44 Table 9: Do Listeners Value Group-Targeted Programming? (Race and Hispanic Status) White Listening Black Listening Non-Hisp. Listening Hisp. Listening OLS Estimates coef s.e. coef s.e. coef s.e. coef s.e. Constant 10.687 1.214
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/95socc.pdf
- T A L S $173,126 $17,529 $155,597 $117,270 $38,169 $20,217 $11,779 $6,134 $38,131 $38 ALABAMA 2,741.7 159.6 2,582.1 1,960.3 617.7 372.4 178.4 66.6 617.5 0.225 AL ARIZONA 2,466.1 271.9 2,194.2 1,628.2 565.2 319.5 165.4 80.3 565.2 0.020 AZ ARKANSAS 1,122.7 (31.0) 1,153.7 861.9 291.8 181.9 71.1 38.7 291.7 0.065 AR CALIFORNIA 22,096.4 2,954.1 19,142.3 15,142.8 3,999.5 2,421.2 1,137.7 440.0 3,998.9 0.601 CA COLORADO 3,016.3 378.0 2,638.3 1,907.3 730.3 344.5 243.2 142.6 730.3 0.001 CO CONNECTICUT 2,545.7 190.4 2,355.3 1,740.2 615.1 258.1 268.8 87.6 614.4 0.635 CT DELAWARE 412.3 41.7 370.6 258.5 115.4 52.1 35.4 27.7 115.3 0.127 DE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 784.6 76.1 708.5 483.8 232.7 46.2 73.8 112.7 232.7 DC FLORIDA 9,806.9 666.0 9,140.9 6,932.2 2,198.5 1,448.1 549.8 195.5 2,193.5
- http://www.fcc.gov/ownership/roundtable_docs/waldfogel-b.pdf
- Age-Targeted Entry and Age-Group Population Young-Targeted Stations Middle Age Targeted Stations Older-Targeted Stations coef s.e. coef s.e. coef s.e. Constant 2.040 1.863 15.219 3.607 5.207 1.744 Young Population 7.839 6.026 5.497 11.665 0.574 5.639 Middle-Aged Population -3.417 2.616 0.156 5.064 -2.533 2.448 Older Population 2.407 2.439 -0.292 4.721 7.299 2.282 Northeast 1.744 0.591 -2.147 1.144 0.289 0.553 North Central -0.412 0.601 -5.314 1.163 -1.283 0.562 South -0.035 0.499 -2.749 0.966 -2.368 0.467 Percent Driving 7.933 4.593 5.026 8.891 2.162 4.298 R-squared .1780 .2957 .3762 N 162 162 162 44 Table 9: Do Listeners Value Group-Targeted Programming? (Race and Hispanic Status) White Listening Black Listening Non-Hisp. Listening Hisp. Listening OLS Estimates coef s.e. coef s.e. coef s.e. coef s.e. Constant 10.687 1.214