FCC Web Documents citing 0.602
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A10.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A10.txt
- same owner. The share at the bottom of the table gives the level of DBS penetration that would reduce the sum of the two vertical integration coefficients to zero. 43 TABLE 12F: CARRIAGE DECISION: PBS KIDS Variable (1) Vertically Integrated 2.043** (0.689) Vertically Integrated x DBS% -0.156** (0.028) DBS% -0.015 (0.020) Fiber Share of Total Plant 0.380* (0.190) Analog System -0.602 (0.560) System Two-Way Capable Population Density -0.035 (0.033) Population Growth Rate 0.016** (0.005) Hispanic% -0.035 (0.018) Age <18 % -0.015 (0.054) Age 65+ % 0.078* (0.033) Black % -0.025* (0.011) Population per HH 0.897 (0.979) Ln (Income) 0.969+ (0.551) Homeowner % -0.049* (0.020) Observations DBS Share for VI Neutrality 1339 13.2% ** Significant at 1% level * Significant at 5%
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-53A1.txt
- 88.7% 0.288 Noncompetitive Communities Basic cable service 388 $15.83 0.309 384 $15.10 0.299 Cable programming service 388 $34.14 0.412 384 $32.39 0.390 Expanded basic service 388 $49.97 0.243 384 $47.49 0.216 Expanded basic subscribers (%) 386 89.4% 0.311 378 88.6% 0.323 Communities relieved from rate regulation Basic cable service 286 $17.37 0.449 286 $16.37 0.437 Cable programming service 286 $30.82 0.602 286 $29.90 0.595 Expanded basic service 286 $48.19 0.383 286 $46.28 0.356 Expanded basic subscribers (%) 285 89.7% 0.625 283 88.8% 0.631 Second cable operator subgroup (overall) Basic cable service 107 $16.06 0.560 107 $14.65 0.505 Cable programming service 107 $28.86 0.749 107 $27.94 0.756 Expanded basic service 107 $44.92 0.713 107 $42.59 0.678 Expanded basic subscribers (%) 107 92.5%
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-732A2.txt
- 4.469 4.745 4.991 0.779 0.776 0.776 47.794 49.912 52.729 2.041 2.065 2.096 1.482 1.466 1.479 1.428 1.412 1.416 1.376 1.362 1.625 1.958 1.997 2.146 4.06 4.241 4.422 9.194 9.278 9.262 1.719 1.708 1.683 25.387 24.447 25.723 17.005 16.987 16.567 1.346 1.504 1.676 452.951 487.456 518.809 16.598 16.767 17.215 0.178 0.195 0.206 257.871 260.458 264.263 0.898 0.906 0.954 6.438 4.802 5.018 0.602 0.615 0.634 1.04 1.083 1.16 1.583 1.573 1.655 0.997 0.973 0.96 667.89 758.255 819.153 2.809 3.153 3.549 4.772 4.192 4.492 0.653 0.656 0.669 1 1 1 15.429 16.131 16.832 525.414 625.759 720.251 56.98 57.202 58.248 1.87 2.009 2.905 6,152.596,464.297,162.52 96.929 87.685 108.314 3,192.663,502.353,875.69 0.952 1.177 1.37 Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Arab World Argentina