FCC Web Documents citing 1.333
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- 175,979 127 1,385.66 95,653 0.009 405211 C N SOUTHWESTERN BELL-AR Southwestern Bell 324,835,565 919,866 353.13 631,488 0.056 CALIFORNIA TOTAL 3,990,705,231 21,285,036 187.49 45,464,657 4.047 542301 C R CALAVERAS TEL CO 3,749,683 4,486 835.86 1,528,945 0.136 542302 C N VERIZON CA(CONTEL) Verizon Communications Inc. 109,163,641 408,505 267.23 0 0.000 542308 C R CITIZENS-FRONTIER CA Citizens Communications Company 70,531,890 132,560 532.08 14,978,067 1.333 542311 C R CAL-ORE TELEPHONE CO 3,037,998 2,660 1,142.10 1,517,546 0.135 542313 C R DUCOR TELEPHONE CO 1,837,479 1,250 1,469.98 1,020,520 0.091 542315 C R GLOBAL VALLEY NETWKS Country Road Communications, LLC 4,834,969 13,561 356.53 0 0.000 542318 C R FORESTHILL TEL CO. 1,829,270 3,243 564.07 444,237 0.040 542319 C N VERIZON-CA (GTE) Verizon Communications Inc. 869,724,493 3,980,575 218.49 0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- 175,979 127 1,385.66 95,653 0.009 405211 C N SOUTHWESTERN BELL-AR Southwestern Bell 324,835,565 919,866 353.13 631,488 0.056 CALIFORNIA TOTAL 3,990,705,231 21,285,036 187.49 45,464,657 4.047 542301 C R CALAVERAS TEL CO 3,749,683 4,486 835.86 1,528,945 0.136 542302 C N VERIZON CA(CONTEL) Verizon Communications Inc. 109,163,641 408,505 267.23 0 0.000 542308 C R CITIZENS-FRONTIER CA Citizens Communications Company 70,531,890 132,560 532.08 14,978,067 1.333 542311 C R CAL-ORE TELEPHONE CO 3,037,998 2,660 1,142.10 1,517,546 0.135 542313 C R DUCOR TELEPHONE CO 1,837,479 1,250 1,469.98 1,020,520 0.091 542315 C R GLOBAL VALLEY NETWKS Country Road Communications, LLC 4,834,969 13,561 356.53 0 0.000 542318 C R FORESTHILL TEL CO. 1,829,270 3,243 564.07 444,237 0.040 542319 C N VERIZON-CA (GTE) Verizon Communications Inc. 869,724,493 3,980,575 218.49 0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-244A5.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-244A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-244A5.txt
- level in meters is the elevation of the receive antenna center of radiation above mean sea level in meters is the great circle distance from the transmitter to the receiver in meters a is the effective earth radius in meters taking into account atmospheric refractivity The atmospheric refractivity is usually called the K factor. A typical value of K is 1.333, and using the actual earth radius of 6340 kilometers, a would equal 8451 kilometers, or 8,451,000 meters. For the purpose of these Rules, K = 1.333 shall be used. Using an equation of the same form, the depression angle from the transmitter to any terrain elevation point can be found as: (5) where: is the depression angle relative to horizontal
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1998/fcc98231.pdf
- meters hr is the elevation of the receive antenna center of radiation above mean sea level in meters dr is the great circle distance from the transmitter to the receiver in meters a is the effective earth radius in meters taking into account atmospheric refractivity The atmospheric refractivity is usually called the K factor. A typical value of K is 1.333, and using the actual earth radius of 6340 kilometers, a equals 8451 kilometers, or 8,451,000 meters. For the purpose of these Rules, K = 1.333 shall be used. Using an equation of the same form, the depression angle from the transmitter to any terrain 2t&p'hp&ht dp& dp 2a Er'1drPtGt0 4B elevation point can be found as: (5) where: 2t-p is
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/99socc.pdf
- North Dakota 78.3 (0.001) 78.3 78.3 ND Ohio 2,296.6 0.255 2,296.3 2,296.3 0.001 0.001 0.001 OH Oklahoma 628.0 628.0 628.0 OK Oregon 638.6 0.007 638.6 638.6 0.019 0.019 0.019 OR Pennsylvania 2,102.1 0.004 2,102.1 2,097.7 4.319 4.319 4.319 PA Rhode Island 205.6 205.6 205.6 RI South Carolina 744.8 (0.610) 745.5 745.5 SC South Dakota 92.0 92.0 92.0 SD Tennessee 1,187.1 (1.333) 1,188.4 1,188.4 TN Texas 4,258.4 0.001 4,258.4 4,258.4 TX Utah 355.9 355.9 355.9 UT Vermont 132.4 132.4 132.4 VT Virginia 1,510.0 (0.325) 1,510.4 1,507.1 3.228 3.228 3.228 VA Washington 1,035.4 0.002 1,035.4 1,035.3 0.024 0.024 0.024 WA West Virginia 353.7 353.7 352.7 1.043 1.043 1.043 WV Wisconsin 892.0 0.005 892.0 892.0 0.002 0.002 0.002 WI Wyoming 98.5 98.5 98.5 WY
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1998/fcc98231.pdf
- meters hr is the elevation of the receive antenna center of radiation above mean sea level in meters dr is the great circle distance from the transmitter to the receiver in meters a is the effective earth radius in meters taking into account atmospheric refractivity The atmospheric refractivity is usually called the K factor. A typical value of K is 1.333, and using the actual earth radius of 6340 kilometers, a equals 8451 kilometers, or 8,451,000 meters. For the purpose of these Rules, K = 1.333 shall be used. Using an equation of the same form, the depression angle from the transmitter to any terrain 2t&p'hp&ht dp& dp 2a Er'1drPtGt0 4B elevation point can be found as: (5) where: 2t-p is