FCC Web Documents citing 5.51
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2152A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2152A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-2152A1.txt
- experimental radio service (other than broadcast) subpart b - applications and licenses Brief Description: These rules set out eligibility, application, licensing and operating procedures and requirements for experimental stations. Need: These rules permit the experimentation in new radio technology and applications while ensuring the protection of incumbent services. Legal Basis: 47 U.S.C. §§ 154, 302, 307. Section Number and Title: 5.51(c) Eligibility of license. 5.53(b) Stations authorization required. PART 15 - RADIOFREQUENCY DEVICES Brief Description: These rules provide the parameters necessary to permit the unlicensed operation of radiofrequency devices, including specification of the levels of wanted and unwanted emissions and frequencies of permitted operation Need: These rules are necessary to promote the efficient use of the radio spectrum by preventing harmful
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- item E48 of Schedule B, CapRock lists the maximum EIRP per carrier for proposed emission 1M15G7W as 19.07 dBW. In response to item E49, CapRock lists the maximum EIRP density per carrier as 43.65 dBW/4 kHz. Using the proposed EIRP value of 19.07 dBW and a bandwidth of 1.15 megahertz, we calculate the average EIRP density per carrier to be -5.51 dBW/4 kHz. Because the maximum EIRP density listed in the application is 49.16 dB higher that the average EIRP density we calculate, we request Caprock to confirm the EIRP values prior to any refiling. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §25.112(a)(1), and Section 0.261 of the Commission's rules on delegations of authority, 47 C.F.R. §0.261,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-763A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-763A2.txt
- is clarified further by examining the reference to this resolution in the Table of Frequency Allocations. Specifically, the reference to Resolution 525 (Rev. WRC-07) in Article 5 is made by footnote No. 5.530. The No. 5.530 provisions however, are applicable only to BSS in Regions 1&3 and do not apply to any service in Region 2 (see No. 5.50 and 5.51). It is necessary for WRC-11 to clarify that in the band 21.4-22.0 GHz, the BSS networks in Regions 1&3 do not have a "super-primary" regulatory status vis-à-vis Fixed and Mobile services in Region 2. 1 Text from the French language version of the Annex to Resolution 525 (Rev. WRC-07) "Tous les services, autres que le service de radiodiffusion par satellite
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- Table Clean-up Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 3776 n.15 (correcting several display errors). We previously merged these bands in the Region 3 Table. WRC-07 suppressed RR 5.392A, and as a consequence of its removal from the band 2160-2170 MHz, we are now also simplifying the Region 1 Table. See ITU Radio Regulations at Nos. 1.51, 5.24, 5.25, 5.26, 5.48, and 5.51. We discovered minor discrepancies in these footnotes (e.g., Member State names and their placement) during our preparation of this Order, and on March 5, 2009, we corrected these discrepancies in the FCC Online Table. Although these eight international footnotes contain a ``Note by the Secretariat'' stating that a subsequent WRC updated a Resolution(s), the 2008 Edition of the ITU Radio
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-2A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-2A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-2A1.txt
- * 3.61 * (324) (257) (533) 2009 4.48 3.36 * 2.81 * (264) (302) (540) Contour Measure 2005 3.39 4.10 * 6.06 * (373) (323) (389) 2007 3.15 3.72 * 5.81 * (341) (305) (468) 2009 2.21 2.87 * 4.40 * (301) (323) (482) Market Rank > 200 Market Measure 2005 5.97 6.18 5.29 (382) (249) (210) 2007 5.79 5.91 5.51 (293) (297) (295) 2009 4.54 4.48 4.09 (267) (344) (265) Contour Measure 2005 4.75 6.24 * 7.28 * (374) (239) (228) 2007 4.48 5.89 * 6.89 * (312) (270) (303) 2009 3.46 4.21 * 5.37 * (278) (290) (308) Table 9 (continued) Average Full-Service Commercial FM Stations' Revenue per Adult by Market Year No LPFM One LPFM Two or More
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- 6.23 6.43 7.13 50 0.48 59 Maryland 1,832,011 345,209 1,027,670 5.65 5.65 5.65 217 2.08 257 Massachusetts 2,035,084 285,472 1,067,862 6.22 6.43 6.68 259 2.49 308 Michigan 2,527,940 197,379 1,583,070 5.48 5.56 5.97 293 2.80 347 Minnesota 1,581,339 144,846 682,315 5.30 5.22 6.20 160 1.54 190 Mississippi 814,970 54,933 296,356 6.25 7.00 7.61 93 0.89 110 Missouri 1,953,586 190,534 772,852 5.51 5.57 6.30 200 1.92 237 Montana 346,833 21,857 141,523 6.25 7.00 9.20 43 0.42 52 Nebraska 455,686 28,678 266,720 5.34 5.26 6.20 51 0.49 60 Nevada 796,389 105,710 396,494 4.60 4.59 5.47 76 0.73 90 New Hampshire 491,737 55,863 161,847 6.22 6.43 6.86 54 0.52 64 New Jersey 2,585,903 933,237 1,662,588 6.13 6.23 6.33 386 3.70 458 New Mexico 663,451
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- 6.23 6.43 7.13 50 0.48 59 Maryland 1,832,011 345,209 1,027,670 5.65 5.65 5.65 217 2.08 257 Massachusetts 2,035,084 285,472 1,067,862 6.22 6.43 6.68 259 2.49 308 Michigan 2,527,940 197,379 1,583,070 5.48 5.56 5.97 293 2.80 347 Minnesota 1,581,339 144,846 682,315 5.30 5.22 6.20 160 1.54 190 Mississippi 814,970 54,933 296,356 6.25 7.00 7.61 93 0.89 110 Missouri 1,953,586 190,534 772,852 5.51 5.57 6.30 200 1.92 237 Montana 346,833 21,857 141,523 6.25 7.00 9.20 43 0.42 52 Nebraska 455,686 28,678 266,720 5.34 5.26 6.20 51 0.49 60 Nevada 796,389 105,710 396,494 4.60 4.59 5.47 76 0.73 90 New Hampshire 491,737 55,863 161,847 6.22 6.43 6.86 54 0.52 64 New Jersey 2,585,903 933,237 1,662,588 6.13 6.23 6.33 386 3.70 458 New Mexico 663,451
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- -1.27 5.38 8.16 250295 C GRACEBA TOTAL COMM. -11.08 -0.64 -10.50 -34.07 250298 C GULF TEL. CO.-AL 31.27 -0.09 31.40 0.00 250299 C HAYNEVILLE TEL. CO., INC. -15.26 -2.34 -13.22 -35.30 250300 C HOPPER TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO., INC. -0.96 -1.86 0.92 -2.47 250301 A FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF LAMAR COUNTY, LLC 14.22 0.92 13.18 105.58 250302 C ALLTEL ALABAMA 2.07 -0.05 2.12 -5.51 250304 C MILLRY TEL. CO., INC. 0.87 -0.64 1.52 -6.05 250305 C MON-CRE TEL. COOP. INC. 1.26 0.88 0.37 -1.18 250306 C FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF ALABAMA, LLC 36.59 -1.91 39.24 2,668.71 250307 C MOUNDVILLE TEL. CO. 0.21 -1.24 1.47 -2.55 250308 C NEW HOPE TEL. COOP., INC.-AL 8.19 -6.67 15.93 23.70 250311 A OAKMAN TEL. CO., INC. 20.14 5.88 13.47
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- -5.41 18.21 668.78 280461 C NOXAPATER TEL. CO. 11.24 -4.56 16.56 29.72 280462 C MOUND BAYOU TEL. & COMM., INC. -4.39 -7.55 3.41 -6.19 280466 C SLEDGE TEL. CO., INC. 3.75 -19.38 28.70 14.52 280467 A SMITHVILLE TEL. CO. -0.93 -12.96 13.82 77.63 283301 C SOUTHEAST MISSISSIPPI TEL. CO. 0.42 -4.03 4.63 0.65 285184 C SOUTH CENTRAL BELL-MISSISSIPPI 1.65 -3.66 5.51 12.54 287449 A MYRTLE TEL. CO., INC. 5.03 -2.16 7.35 20.24 3 - 219 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* MISSOURI
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- -5.41 18.21 668.78 280461 C NOXAPATER TEL. CO. 11.24 -4.56 16.56 29.72 280462 C MOUND BAYOU TEL. & COMM., INC. -4.39 -7.55 3.41 -6.19 280466 C SLEDGE TEL. CO., INC. 3.75 -19.38 28.70 14.52 280467 A SMITHVILLE TEL. CO. -0.93 -12.96 13.82 77.63 283301 C SOUTHEAST MISSISSIPPI TEL. CO. 0.42 -4.03 4.63 0.65 285184 C SOUTH CENTRAL BELL-MISSISSIPPI 1.65 -3.66 5.51 12.54 287449 A MYRTLE TEL. CO., INC. 5.03 -2.16 7.35 20.24 3 - 219 Table 3.32 ILEC High-Cost Loop Support Data Percentage Changes from 2003 to 2004 by Study Area Study Area Code Type Study Area Name Unseparated High Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment NTS Revenue of Requirement Projections in Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* MISSOURI
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.txt
- 19.05 30.00 1952 26.5 4.62 34.05 1990 130.7 19.24 28.75 1953 26.7 4.93 36.06 1991 136.2 19.77 28.35 1954 26.9 5.10 37.03 1992 140.3 19.72 27.45 1955 26.8 5.19 37.82 1993 144.5 19.95 26.96 1956 27.2 5.24 37.62 1994 148.2 19.81 26.11 1957 28.1 5.28 36.70 1995 152.4 20.01 25.64 1958 28.9 5.36 36.22 1996 156.9 19.95 24.83 1959 29.1 5.51 36.98 1997 160.5 19.88 24.19 1960 29.6 5.55 36.62 1998 163.0 19.76 23.68 1961 29.9 5.61 36.64 1999 166.6 19.93 23.36 1962 30.2 5.62 36.34 2000 172.2 20.78 23.57 1963 30.6 5.65 36.06 2001 177.1 22.62 24.94 1964 31.0 5.66 35.66 2002 179.9 24.07 26.13 1965 31.5 5.67 35.15 2003 184.0 24.75 26.27 1966 32.4 5.64 34.00 2004 188.9 24.52
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- 3.08 -0.14 220380 A PROGRESSIVE RURAL TEL. COOP., INC. 3.99 -0.79 4.81 11.89 220381 C PUBLIC SERVICE TEL. CO. 3.24 -2.74 6.15 4.88 220382 C RINGGOLD TEL. CO. 7.16 -0.93 8.16 25.92 220386 C WINDSTREAM STANDARD, INC. (STANDARD TEL) -3.39 -0.94 -2.47 -32.42 220387 A FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF GEORGIA, LLC 7.84 -7.69 16.82 0.00 220389 A TRENTON TEL. CO. -3.40 -5.51 2.23 -41.99 220392 C WAVERLY HALL TELEPHONE, LLC 24.94 0.26 24.61 56.11 220394 C WILKES TEL. & ELECTRIC CO. -8.43 -3.90 -4.72 -100.00 220395 A WINDSTREAM ACCUCOMM TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. (ACCUCOMM) 0.01 -3.67 3.82 3.42 223036 C GEORGIA WINDSTREAM, INC. (GEORGIA ALLTEL) -4.82 -3.43 -1.44 0.00 223037 C WINDSTREAM GEORGIA COMMUNICATIONS CORP. (ALLTEL) -5.93 -5.00 -0.99 0.00 225192 C SOUTHERN BELL-GA
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- 3.08 -0.14 220380 A PROGRESSIVE RURAL TEL. COOP., INC. 3.99 -0.79 4.81 11.89 220381 C PUBLIC SERVICE TEL. CO. 3.24 -2.74 6.15 4.88 220382 C RINGGOLD TEL. CO. 7.16 -0.93 8.16 25.92 220386 C WINDSTREAM STANDARD, INC. (STANDARD TEL) -3.39 -0.94 -2.47 -32.42 220387 A FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF GEORGIA, LLC 7.84 -7.69 16.82 0.00 220389 A TRENTON TEL. CO. -3.40 -5.51 2.23 -41.99 220392 C WAVERLY HALL TELEPHONE, LLC 24.94 0.26 24.61 56.11 220394 C WILKES TEL. & ELECTRIC CO. -8.43 -3.90 -4.72 -100.00 220395 A WINDSTREAM ACCUCOMM TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. (ACCUCOMM) 0.01 -3.67 3.82 3.42 223036 C GEORGIA WINDSTREAM, INC. (GEORGIA ALLTEL) -4.82 -3.43 -1.44 0.00 223037 C WINDSTREAM GEORGIA COMMUNICATIONS CORP. (ALLTEL) -5.93 -5.00 -0.99 0.00 225192 C SOUTHERN BELL-GA
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- 19.05 31.85 1952 26.5 4.62 36.14 1990 130.7 19.24 30.52 1953 26.7 4.93 38.28 1991 136.2 19.77 30.09 1954 26.9 5.10 39.30 1992 140.3 19.72 29.14 1955 26.8 5.19 40.15 1993 144.5 19.95 28.62 1956 27.2 5.24 39.94 1994 148.2 19.81 27.71 1957 28.1 5.28 38.95 1995 152.4 20.01 27.22 1958 28.9 5.36 38.45 1996 156.9 19.95 26.36 1959 29.1 5.51 39.25 1997 160.5 19.88 25.68 1960 29.6 5.55 38.87 1998 163.0 19.76 25.13 1961 29.9 5.61 38.89 1999 166.6 19.93 24.80 1962 30.2 5.62 38.58 2000 172.2 20.78 25.02 1963 30.6 5.65 38.28 2001 177.1 22.62 26.48 1964 31.0 5.66 37.85 2002 179.9 24.07 27.74 1965 31.5 5.67 37.31 2003 184.0 24.75 27.88 1966 32.4 5.64 36.09 2004 188.9 24.52
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- -15.31 250302 C WINDSTREAM ALABAMA, INC 4.72 -0.79 5.54 18.84 250304 C MILLRY TEL. CO., INC. 2.45 -2.51 5.09 11.67 250305 C MON-CRE TEL. COOP. INC. -10.51 -3.41 -7.35 -17.38 250306 C FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF ALABAMA, LLC -13.40 -3.12 -10.62 -100.00 250307 C MOUNDVILLE TEL. CO. 3.25 -2.24 5.62 6.24 250308 C NEW HOPE TEL. COOP., INC.-AL 3.04 -1.70 4.82 5.51 250311 A OAKMAN TEL. CO., INC. -1.22 -5.10 4.09 2.48 250312 A OTELCO TELEPHONE LLC 1.57 -2.10 3.75 0.00 250314 C PEOPLES TEL. CO. -2.18 -2.35 0.17 -8.06 250315 C PINE BELT TEL. CO. -6.85 1.03 -7.80 -16.77 250316 C RAGLAND TEL. CO. -2.48 -4.80 2.44 -2.74 250317 C ROANOKE TEL. CO., INC. 7.01 -2.94 10.26 24.94 250318 C FRONTIER
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- -15.31 250302 C WINDSTREAM ALABAMA, INC 4.72 -0.79 5.54 18.84 250304 C MILLRY TEL. CO., INC. 2.45 -2.51 5.09 11.67 250305 C MON-CRE TEL. COOP. INC. -10.51 -3.41 -7.35 -17.38 250306 C FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF ALABAMA, LLC -13.40 -3.12 -10.62 -100.00 250307 C MOUNDVILLE TEL. CO. 3.25 -2.24 5.62 6.24 250308 C NEW HOPE TEL. COOP., INC.-AL 3.04 -1.70 4.82 5.51 250311 A OAKMAN TEL. CO., INC. -1.22 -5.10 4.09 2.48 250312 A OTELCO TELEPHONE LLC 1.57 -2.10 3.75 0.00 250314 C PEOPLES TEL. CO. -2.18 -2.35 0.17 -8.06 250315 C PINE BELT TEL. CO. -6.85 1.03 -7.80 -16.77 250316 C RAGLAND TEL. CO. -2.48 -4.80 2.44 -2.74 250317 C ROANOKE TEL. CO., INC. 7.01 -2.94 10.26 24.94 250318 C FRONTIER
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- 36.97 49,711,350 31.10 9,385,021 5.87 Guam 30,986 1,035,312 33.41 1,019,341 32.90 15,971 0.52 Hawaii 182,818 3,434,192 18.78 2,156,661 11.80 1,277,531 6.99 Idaho 261,982 4,294,385 16.39 3,066,525 11.71 1,227,860 4.69 Illinois 2,111,706 94,156,748 44.59 62,420,271 29.56 31,736,477 15.03 Indiana 1,035,074 28,496,438 27.53 22,103,930 21.35 6,392,508 6.18 Iowa 483,482 11,421,641 23.62 9,773,164 20.21 1,648,477 3.41 Kansas 467,285 15,424,754 33.01 12,849,874 27.50 2,574,880 5.51 Kentucky 679,878 26,451,481 38.91 16,307,491 23.99 10,143,990 14.92 Louisiana 654,526 72,138,116 110.21 53,477,386 81.70 18,660,730 28.51 Maine 195,498 7,265,956 37.17 5,859,812 29.97 1,406,144 7.19 Maryland 860,020 16,023,048 18.63 10,329,903 12.01 5,693,145 6.62 Massachusetts 971,909 30,332,556 31.21 22,341,919 22.99 7,990,637 8.22 Michigan 1,741,845 44,424,240 25.50 33,565,313 19.27 10,858,927 6.23 Minnesota 839,243 21,413,472 25.52 17,477,265 20.83 3,936,207 4.69 Mississippi 494,954 37,495,728 75.76
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- 0.00 542338 C SIERRA TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. 0.75 -1.33 2.11 -3.61 542339 C THE SISKIYOU TELEPHONE CO. 14.08 -4.57 19.54 22.76 542343 C VOLCANO TELEPHONE COMPANY 2.70 -2.01 4.81 1.69 542344 C VERIZON WEST COAST INC.-CA 2.54 -2.61 5.29 0.00 542346 C PINNACLES TELEPHONE COMPANY -5.10 2.66 -7.56 -7.64 543402 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF GOLDEN ST DBA FRONTIER COM -5.51 -2.93 -2.66 -100.00 544342 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF TUOLUMNE DBA FRONTIER COMM -6.65 -1.22 -5.49 -70.47 545170 C PACIFIC BELL 7.30 -6.26 14.47 0.00 COLORADO TOTAL 3.20 -7.36 11.40 0.87 461835 C SUNFLOWER TELEPHONE CO.,INC. - CO -0.43 -3.98 3.69 -2.12 462178 C AGATE MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOC. 16.40 0.72 15.56 18.91 462181 C BIJOU TEL COOPERATIVE ASSOC. INC
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- 0.00 542338 C SIERRA TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. 0.75 -1.33 2.11 -3.61 542339 C THE SISKIYOU TELEPHONE CO. 14.08 -4.57 19.54 22.76 542343 C VOLCANO TELEPHONE COMPANY 2.70 -2.01 4.81 1.69 542344 C VERIZON WEST COAST INC.-CA 2.54 -2.61 5.29 0.00 542346 C PINNACLES TELEPHONE COMPANY -5.10 2.66 -7.56 -7.64 543402 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF GOLDEN ST DBA FRONTIER COM -5.51 -2.93 -2.66 -100.00 544342 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF TUOLUMNE DBA FRONTIER COMM -6.65 -1.22 -5.49 -70.47 545170 C PACIFIC BELL 7.30 -6.26 14.47 0.00 COLORADO TOTAL 3.20 -7.36 11.40 0.87 461835 C SUNFLOWER TELEPHONE CO.,INC. - CO -0.43 -3.98 3.69 -2.12 462178 C AGATE MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOC. 16.40 0.72 15.56 18.91 462181 C BIJOU TEL COOPERATIVE ASSOC. INC
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- 19.05 33.08 1952 26.5 4.62 37.54 1990 130.7 19.24 31.69 1953 26.7 4.93 39.75 1991 136.2 19.77 31.25 1954 26.9 5.10 40.82 1992 140.3 19.72 30.26 1955 26.8 5.19 41.69 1993 144.5 19.95 29.73 1956 27.2 5.24 41.48 1994 148.2 19.81 28.78 1957 28.1 5.28 40.46 1995 152.4 20.01 28.27 1958 28.9 5.36 39.93 1996 156.9 19.95 27.38 1959 29.1 5.51 40.77 1997 160.5 19.88 26.67 1960 29.6 5.55 40.37 1998 163.0 19.76 26.10 1961 29.9 5.61 40.40 1999 166.6 19.93 25.76 1962 30.2 5.62 40.07 2000 172.2 20.78 25.98 1963 30.6 5.65 39.75 2001 177.1 22.62 27.50 1964 31.0 5.66 39.31 2002 179.9 24.07 28.81 1965 31.5 5.67 38.75 2003 184.0 24.52 28.69 1966 32.4 5.64 37.48 2004 188.9 24.52
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- 4.13 -5.09 472233 C RURAL TEL CO - ID -5.60 -1.12 -4.53 -8.74 472295 C SILVER STAR TEL- ID -11.79 -14.87 3.62 -13.52 472416 C FRONTIER NW-ID -4.36 -9.10 5.22 0.00 472423 C INLAND TEL-ID -6.20 -1.39 -4.88 -13.46 474427 C CITIZENS-FRONTIER-ID -2.36 -6.51 4.44 -23.09 475103 C QWEST CORP-ID -4.40 -10.57 6.89 0.00 475162 C QWEST CORP-IDAHO -3.04 -8.10 5.51 0.00 TOTAL ILLINOIS -3.38 -9.19 6.41 -7.10 340976 A ADAMS TEL COOP 16.54 -4.09 21.50 68.54 340978 C ALHAMBRA-GRANTFORK 6.76 -3.60 10.75 101.32 340983 A CAMBRIDGE TEL CO -IL 2.68 -6.60 9.94 17.52 340984 C CASS TEL CO -0.58 -7.53 7.51 -2.01 340990 A CLARKSVILLE MUTUAL 16.41 -4.80 22.28 69.72 340993 A CROSSVILLE TEL CO 6.20 -9.82 17.76 51.84 340998
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.txt
- 4.13 -5.09 472233 C RURAL TEL CO - ID -5.60 -1.12 -4.53 -8.74 472295 C SILVER STAR TEL- ID -11.79 -14.87 3.62 -13.52 472416 C FRONTIER NW-ID -4.36 -9.10 5.22 0.00 472423 C INLAND TEL-ID -6.20 -1.39 -4.88 -13.46 474427 C CITIZENS-FRONTIER-ID -2.36 -6.51 4.44 -23.09 475103 C QWEST CORP-ID -4.40 -10.57 6.89 0.00 475162 C QWEST CORP-IDAHO -3.04 -8.10 5.51 0.00 TOTAL ILLINOIS -3.38 -9.19 6.41 -7.10 340976 A ADAMS TEL COOP 16.54 -4.09 21.50 68.54 340978 C ALHAMBRA-GRANTFORK 6.76 -3.60 10.75 101.32 340983 A CAMBRIDGE TEL CO -IL 2.68 -6.60 9.94 17.52 340984 C CASS TEL CO -0.58 -7.53 7.51 -2.01 340990 A CLARKSVILLE MUTUAL 16.41 -4.80 22.28 69.72 340993 A CROSSVILLE TEL CO 6.20 -9.82 17.76 51.84 340998
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-330A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-330A1.txt
- 16 UNE EELs - DS1 4.60 tbd 10.36 tbd 7.69 tbd 3.98 tbd 4.35 tbd 16 UNE EELs - Voice Grade 0.00 tbd 0.00 tbd 10.00 tbd 0.00 tbd 0.00 tbdab e 16 UNE Loop 2 wire Digital Line Sharing 2.01 2.22 2.48 2.09 2.65 1.88 2.61 1.59 2.08 1.87 16 UNE Loop 2 wire Digital xDSL capable 6.24 n/a 5.51 n/a 6.09 n/a 5.10 n/a 5.39 8.00 16 UNE Loop 4 wire Digital 1.544 mbpd capable/HDSL 9.12 5.09 8.15 9.28 9.48 6.15 10.5411.35 11.7612.21 16 UNE Platform Special Port/8db and 5.5db Loop 50.00 0.49 0.00 0.72 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.28abcde 17 - Percent Troubles in 7 (10) days for New Orders (Non-Specials) 17 - 1790700Resale Res POTS 0.76
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.txt
- 4.76 8.53 5.43 7.13 8.74 6.25 4.38 B. UNE ISDN/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.73 3.56 2.41 3.70 7.18 3.69 2.34 3.13 1.98 3.62 B. Line Sharing/Dispatch/FL (hours) 40.09 31.32 38.47 30.54 39.73 32.06 61.70 35.44 28.65 18.70 B. Line Sharing/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.80 10.43 2.10 14.37 4.06 6.86 8.03 9.19 1.66 7.10 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 3.99 21.79 5.10 27.13 5.51 22.26 5.10 22.00 6.12 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 2.40 21.79 2.26 27.13 1.80 22.26 1.83 22.00 2.59 B. 2W Analog Loop Non- Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 13.48 21.85 12.89 27.21 14.95 22.30 13.16 22.05 14.19 B. 2W Analog Loop Non-Design/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 5.39 7.03 7.79 6.08 9.65 12.10 7.60 7.37 7.79 9.02 B. Other Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 6.03
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-70A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-70A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-70A1.txt
- GHz is allocated to the amateur and radiolocation services on a secondary basis and footnote NG42 is listed only in this band. 47 C.F.R. § 2.106. Specifically, we are amending 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, footnote NG142 by replacing the bands 470-512 MHz and 512-806 MHz with the bands 470-608 MHz and 614-806 MHz. See ITU Radio Regulation Nos. 5.50 and 5.51. 1999 Table Clean-up Order, 15 FCC Rcd at 3463, para. 5. Footnote US214 reads as follows: The frequency 157.1 MHz is the primary frequency for liaison communications between ship stations and stations of the United States Coast Guard. 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, footnote US214. Footnote NG4 reads as follows: The use of the frequencies in the band 152.84-153.38 MHz may
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-197A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-197A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-197A1.txt
- Under such an approach, are there necessary limitations - such as restricting use to indoor environments or excluding the use of devices while in motion - that we need to consider? We seek comment. We also find that there are several Part 5 rules that warrant additional review. For example, by eliminating the developmental rules, we can also delete Section 5.51(b) which directs potential applicants eligible for a service specific license seeking to develop an improvement in that service to apply for a developmental license rather than an experimental license. We note that Section 5.51(a) limits prospective applicants to persons qualified to conduct experimentation utilizing radio waves. Does this technical fitness test discourage potential innovators who wish to explore new ideas
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireline_Competition/Orders/2002/fcc02118.pdf
- Web GUI 4.34 5.04 4.07 4.79 3.85 5.42 3.67 5.38 3.85 5.31 PO-1-04- 6020 Product & Service Availability - EDI 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04- 6030 Product & Service Availability - CORBA 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04- 6050 Product & Service Availability - Web GUI 10.07 7.74 9.02 5.51 8.48 5.75 8.2 5.57 8.5 5.79 PO-1-05- Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - EDI 5.23 NA 4.95 4.93 5.37 10.25 4.47 5.89 4.66 7.03 b,c,d,e Federal Communications Commission FCC 02-118 C-6 Metric Metric September October November December January Notes Number Full Name VZ CLE C VZ CLE C VZ CLE C VZ CLE C VZ CLE C 6020 PO-1-05- 6030
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/rss/index.htm?job=ainf&id=65
- commercial licenses in the 800 MHz band in the three alternative band configurations. Licenses in only one of these mutually incompatible band configurations will be awarded. Qualified Bidders: 9 Rounds Completed: 25 Bidding Days: 5 Results for Round 25 Gross Revenue: $21,614,000.00 - Dollar Change: 1029000.00 - % Change: 5.00 Net Revenue: $21,614,000.00 - Dollar Change: 1128000.00 - % Change: 5.51 New Bids: 8 Withdrawn Bids: 0 Proactive Waivers: 0 Bidders that Reduced Eligibility: 0 Licenses with PWBs*: 2 FCC Held Licenses: 0 Eligible Bidders: 7 (of 9 qualified bidders) * PWBs = Provisionally Winning Bidders http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auction_summary&id=65T hu, 18 May 2006 16:05:00 GMT Summary Licenses: Auction No. 65 will offer nationwide commercial licenses in the 800 MHz band in the three
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/rss/index.htm?job=ainf&id=93
- Eligibility: 6 Permits with PWBs*: 89 FCC Held Permits: 30 Eligible Bidders: 89 (of 109 qualified bidders) * PWBs = Provisionally Winning Bidders http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auction_summary&id=93T hu, 29 Mar 2012 21:05:01 GMT Summary Permits: 119 FM Broadcast construction permits Qualified Bidders: 109 Rounds Completed: 5 Bidding Days: 2 Results for Round 5 Gross Revenue: $1,840,150.00 - Dollar Change: $96,100.00 - % Change: 5.51 Net Revenue: $1,582,157.50 - Dollar Change: $73,610.00 - % Change: 4.88 New Bids: 114 Withdrawn Bids: 0 Proactive Waivers: 0 Bidders that Reduced Eligibility: 1 Permits with PWBs*: 89 FCC Held Permits: 30 Eligible Bidders: 103 (of 109 qualified bidders) * PWBs = Provisionally Winning Bidders http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auction_summary&id=93W ed, 28 Mar 2012 15:05:02 GMT Summary Permits: 119 FM Broadcast construction permits
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Notices/1999/fcc99345.doc http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Notices/1999/fcc99345.txt
- 15.67% 8.66% $2,910,050 Source: See text. * Interstate revenue. ** Assumes federal + state tax rate = 39 percent. *** Assumes all price reductions passed on to end user customers. **** X-factor chosen in 1997 Price Cap Review Order. Table C-4 X-FACTOR REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN UNCHANGED RATE OF RETURN FROM PREVIOUS YEAR Year X-Factor (%) 1992 5.50 1993 5.94 1994 5.51 1995 6.83 1996 7.90 1997 6.57 1998 8.51 Source: See text. Price Cap Performance Review for Local Exchange Carriers, Fourth Report and Order in CC Docket No. 94-1 and Second Report and Order in CC Docket No. 96-262, 12 FCC Rcd 16642 (1997) ("1997 Price Cap Review Order"). USTA v. FCC, 188 F.3d 521 (D.C. Cir. 1999). USTA v. FCC,
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2002/fcc02331.pdf
- 4.76 8.53 5.43 7.13 8.74 6.25 4.38 B. UNE ISDN/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.73 3.56 2.41 3.70 7.18 3.69 2.34 3.13 1.98 3.62 B. Line Sharing/Dispatch/FL (hours) 40.09 31.32 38.47 30.54 39.73 32.06 61.70 35.44 28.65 18.70 B. Line Sharing/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.80 10.43 2.10 14.37 4.06 6.86 8.03 9.19 1.66 7.10 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 3.99 21.79 5.10 27.13 5.51 22.26 5.10 22.00 6.12 B. 2W Analog Loop Design/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 2.40 21.79 2.26 27.13 1.80 22.26 1.83 22.00 2.59 B. 2W Analog Loop Non- Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 15.48 13.48 21.85 12.89 27.21 14.95 22.30 13.16 22.05 14.19 B. 2W Analog Loop Non-Design/Non- Dispatch/FL (hours) 5.39 7.03 7.79 6.08 9.65 12.10 7.60 7.37 7.79 9.02 B. Other Design/Dispatch/FL (hours) 6.03
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref02.pdf
- Same-Zone Calls 16.10 16.10 16.57 17.18 17.61 17.41 17.10 17.04 17.22 17.12 17.47 17.97 17.65 Subscriber Line Charges 4.89 4.85 4.76 4.68 5.27 5.34 5.52 5.47 5.63 5.55 6.85 6.85 6.64 Extra for Touch-Tone Service 3.41 3.41 2.69 2.47 2.37 1.72 1.33 1.08 0.54 0.42 0.30 0.15 0.15 Taxes, 911, and Other Charges 5.16 5.16 5.04 5.22 5.25 5.21 5.36 5.51 5.76 5.82 6.04 5.96 5.84 Total Monthly Charge for Measured/Message Service $50.09 $49.97 $49.93 $50.20 $50.73 $49.71 $49.73 $49.54 $50.31 $49.72 $51.83 $51.54 $51.19 Number of Sample Cities with Measured/Message Service 77 74 76 76 78 79 79 78 76 78 78 78 78 Cost of a Five-Minute Business-Day Same-Zone Call $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref03.pdf
- 16.10 16.57 17.18 17.61 17.41 17.10 17.04 17.22 17.12 17.47 17.97 17.95 18.01 Subscriber Line Charges 4.89 4.85 4.76 4.68 5.27 5.34 5.52 5.47 5.63 5.55 6.85 6.85 6.33 6.33 Extra for Touch-Tone Service 3.41 3.41 2.69 2.47 2.37 1.72 1.33 1.08 0.54 0.42 0.30 0.15 0.07 0.07 Taxes, 911, and Other Charges 5.16 5.16 5.04 5.22 5.25 5.21 5.36 5.51 5.76 5.82 6.04 5.96 6.40 6.56 Total Monthly Charge for Measured/Message Service $50.09 $49.97 $49.93 $50.20 $50.73 $49.71 $49.73 $49.54 $50.31 $49.72 $51.83 $51.54 $51.84 $52.38 Number of Sample Cities with Measured/Message Service 77 74 76 76 78 79 79 78 76 78 78 78 76 76 Cost of a Five-Minute Business-Day Same-Zone Call $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref97.pdf
- 42.57 41.64 41.77 Number of cities in the sample offering Unlimited Service 59 56 54 54 54 53 53 Unlimited Service base rate 33.04 33.29 34.12 34.06 34.85 34.39 34.48 Subscriber Line Charges 3.65 3.69 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.69 Extra for Touch-tone 2.12 2.11 1.87 1.84 1.76 1.12 1.00 Tax including 911 charges 4.90 4.98 5.22 5.34 5.50 5.36 5.51 Total monthly charge 43.71 44.07 44.91 44.94 45.81 44.57 44.68 Number of cities in the sample offering Measured Service 83 83 84 84 84 87 87 Measured Service base rate 16.18 16.17 16.76 16.55 16.60 16.74 17.11 200 five minute business day calls 16.11 16.19 16.70 17.23 17.57 17.38 17.08 Subscriber Line Charges 3.54 3.55 3.55 3.54 3.55 3.55 3.54
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- Measured/Message Service $20.53 $20.45 $20.88 $20.65 $20.23 $20.03 $20.42 $20.44 $21.04 200 Five-minute Business-day Same-zone Calls 16.10 16.10 16.57 17.18 17.61 17.41 17.10 17.04 17.00 Subscriber Line Charges 4.89 4.85 4.76 4.68 5.27 5.34 5.52 5.47 5.62 Extra for Touch-tone 3.41 3.41 2.69 2.47 2.37 1.72 1.33 1.08 0.62 Tax including 911 Charges 5.16 5.16 5.04 5.22 5.25 5.21 5.36 5.51 5.72 Total Monthly Charge for Measured/Message Service 50.09 49.97 49.93 50.20 50.73 49.71 49.73 49.54 50.00 Number of Sample Cities with Measured/Message Service 77 74 76 76 78 79 79 78 78 Cost of a Five-minute Business-day Same-zone Call $0.0936$0.0950$0.0934$0.0956$0.0970$0.0948$0.0929$0.0927$0.0925 Basic Connection Charge for Three Lines $164.60$164.60$178.28$178.39$170.74$169.93$168.08$168.02$168.31 Additional Connection Charge for Touch-tone Service 5.51 5.51 3.22 3.39 3.48 2.75 0.67
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref99.pdf
- Service $20.53 $20.45 $20.88 $20.65 $20.23 $20.03 $20.42 $20.44 $21.16 $20.81 200 Five-minute Business-day Same-zone Calls 16.10 16.10 16.57 17.18 17.61 17.41 17.10 17.04 17.22 17.12 Subscriber Line Charges 4.89 4.85 4.76 4.68 5.27 5.34 5.52 5.47 5.63 5.55 Extra for Touch-tone 3.41 3.41 2.69 2.47 2.37 1.72 1.33 1.08 0.54 0.42 Other 5.16 5.16 5.04 5.22 5.25 5.21 5.36 5.51 5.76 7.82 Total Monthly Charge for Measured/Message Service 50.09 49.97 49.93 50.20 50.73 49.71 49.73 49.54 50.31 51.72 Number of Sample Cities with Measured/Message Service 77 74 76 76 78 79 79 78 76 78 Cost of a Five-minute Business-day Same-zone Call 9.36¢ 9.50¢ 9.34¢ 9.56¢ 9.70¢ 9.48¢ 9.29¢ 9.27¢ 9.30¢ 9.24¢ Basic Connection Charge for Three Lines $164.60 $164.60
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- CO. OF FLORIDA 12.34 12.44 12.18 12.50 56.32 9.01 12.18 80GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST-ID 11.19 12.44 7.98 10.97 180.20 8.47 9.91 81GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST-MT 13.19 12.44 19.93 13.32 169.29 12.03 13.58 82GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST-OR 11.69 12.44 7.91 11.95 212.17 8.09 11.20 83GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST-WA 12.16 12.44 10.46 14.73 206.31 5.51 11.98 84GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTHWEST-AR 13.64 12.45 8.09 13.38 (85.56) 21.94 17.15 85GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTHWEST-NM 12.51 12.45 6.30 12.14 (177.01) 23.55 14.18 86GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTHWEST-OK 12.01 12.45 2.66 11.10 (41.52) 15.24 12.67 87GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTHWEST-TX 13.42 12.45 5.65 16.94 (87.90) 17.03 16.78 88GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. OF THE SOUTH-AL 13.05
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/strev-95.pdf
- 241,998 2,303,270 6,594,329 245,754 2,339,021 6.00 59.24 6.00 456 GEORGIA 2,404,155 119,666 1,103,478 2,829,681 140,846 1,298,789 6.00 83.70 6.00 218 HAWAII 440,621 20,888 188,046 440,621 20,888 188,046 0.00 0.00 6.00 33 IDAHO 404,506 20,193 126,995 437,086 21,819 137,224 6.00 74.93 6.00 29 ILLINOIS 4,551,730 320,847 2,187,940 4,671,809 329,311 2,245,660 3.93 83.64 4.27 325 INDIANA 2,124,167 86,896 775,247 2,221,444 90,875 810,750 5.51 62.88 5.69 152 IOWA 944,159 41,412 263,988 1,126,263 49,399 314,905 4.75 66.36 5.17 69 KANSAS 832,115 32,982 310,113 990,594 39,264 369,175 5.85 83.60 5.87 69 KENTUCKY 1,167,575 52,326 321,765 1,527,430 68,453 420,935 6.00 57.93 6.00 97 LOUISIANA 1,508,897 53,145 492,414 1,625,378 57,248 530,426 6.00 92.83 6.00 109 MAINE 399,124 28,376 123,132 476,275 33,861 146,933 6.00 83.80 6.00 32 MARYLAND 2,086,861
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend502.pdf
- 5.05 9.02 24.86 3.73 0.91 65.22 22.49 87.71 Kansas 29.05 4.81 9.67 27.50 2.42 1.14 74.60 21.61 96.21 Kentucky 35.54 5.59 11.21 27.84 1.00 1.17 82.34 21.55 103.89 Louisiana 38.28 5.55 8.31 24.58 1.04 0.79 78.56 23.37 101.93 Maine 26.06 4.81 18.10 27.34 1.65 1.33 79.29 19.24 98.53 Maryland 28.66 5.23 8.34 29.45 1.60 0.84 74.12 23.56 97.68 Massachusetts 26.42 5.51 13.90 29.50 4.42 1.18 80.94 27.32 108.25 Michigan 26.12 4.70 22.25 20.19 2.22 0.89 76.36 25.62 101.98 Minnesota 27.87 5.43 7.50 26.00 3.53 1.15 71.49 27.01 98.50 Mississippi 45.98 5.48 8.19 28.68 1.72 0.91 90.96 25.29 116.25 Missouri 29.66 4.86 11.67 25.34 2.16 1.18 74.88 22.34 97.22 Montana 29.41 5.72 11.19 34.00 1.63 1.29 83.23 23.69 106.92 Nebraska 36.35 5.16
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend504.pdf
- 19.77 26.11 1952 26.5 4.62 31.36 1992 140.3 19.72 25.29 1953 26.7 4.93 33.22 1993 144.5 19.95 24.84 1954 26.9 5.10 34.11 1994 148.2 19.81 24.05 1955 26.8 5.19 34.84 1995 152.4 20.01 23.62 1956 27.2 5.24 34.66 1996 156.9 19.95 22.87 1957 28.1 5.28 33.80 1997 160.5 19.88 22.28 1958 28.9 5.36 33.37 1998 163.0 19.76 21.81 1959 29.1 5.51 34.06 1999 166.6 19.93 21.52 1960 29.6 5.55 33.73 2000 172.2 20.78 21.71 1961 29.9 5.61 33.75 2001 177.1 22.62 22.98 1962 30.2 5.62 33.48 2002 179.9 23.33 23.33 1963 30.6 5.65 33.22 1964 31.0 5.66 32.85 1965 31.5 5.67 32.38 1966 32.4 5.64 31.32 1967 33.4 5.60 30.16 1968 34.8 5.61 29.00 1969 36.7 5.68 27.84 1970 38.8 5.76
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend605.pdf
- 19.77 26.71 1952 26.5 4.62 32.08 1992 140.3 19.72 25.86 1953 26.7 4.93 33.97 1993 144.5 19.95 25.40 1954 26.9 5.10 34.88 1994 148.2 19.81 24.60 1955 26.8 5.19 35.63 1995 152.4 20.01 24.16 1956 27.2 5.24 35.45 1996 156.9 19.95 23.40 1957 28.1 5.28 34.57 1997 160.5 19.88 22.79 1958 28.9 5.36 34.13 1998 163.0 19.76 22.31 1959 29.1 5.51 34.84 1999 166.6 19.93 22.01 1960 29.6 5.55 34.50 2000 172.2 20.78 22.20 1961 29.9 5.61 34.52 2001 177.1 22.62 23.50 1962 30.2 5.62 34.24 2002 179.9 24.07 24.62 1963 30.6 5.65 33.97 2003 184.0 24.75 24.75 1964 31.0 5.66 33.59 1965 31.5 5.67 33.12 1966 32.4 5.64 32.03 1967 33.4 5.60 30.85 1968 34.8 5.61 29.66 1969 36.7 5.68
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend803.pdf
- 19.77 26.11 1952 26.5 4.62 31.36 1992 140.3 19.72 25.29 1953 26.7 4.93 33.22 1993 144.5 19.95 24.84 1954 26.9 5.10 34.11 1994 148.2 19.81 24.05 1955 26.8 5.19 34.84 1995 152.4 20.01 23.62 1956 27.2 5.24 34.66 1996 156.9 19.95 22.87 1957 28.1 5.28 33.80 1997 160.5 19.88 22.28 1958 28.9 5.36 33.37 1998 163.0 19.76 21.81 1959 29.1 5.51 34.06 1999 166.6 19.93 21.52 1960 29.6 5.55 33.73 2000 172.2 20.78 21.71 1961 29.9 5.61 33.75 2001 177.1 22.62 22.98 1962 30.2 5.62 33.48 2002 179.9 23.38 23.38 1963 30.6 5.65 33.22 1964 31.0 5.66 32.85 1965 31.5 5.67 32.38 1966 32.4 5.64 31.32 1967 33.4 5.60 30.16 1968 34.8 5.61 29.00 1969 36.7 5.68 27.84 1970 38.8 5.76
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-3.pdf
- 2.26 9.21 15.11 220382 C RINGGOLD TEL. CO. 0.68 1.82 -1.12 -13.94 220386 C STANDARD TEL. CO. 2.12 1.02 1.09 -1.88 220387 A FRONTIER COMM. OF GEORGIA, INC. 8.89 2.14 6.61 0.00 220389 A TRENTON TEL. CO. 15.35 2.91 12.09 0.00 220392 C WAVERLY HALL TELEPHONE, LLC 16.06 -0.52 16.67 37.99 220394 C WILKES TEL. & ELECTRIC CO. 5.56 0.06 5.51 11.26 220395 A ACCUCOMM TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. 14.09 0.75 13.24 2,400.86 223036 C GEORGIA ALLTEL TELECOM -2.72 1.02 -3.71 -29.49 223037 C ALLTEL GEORGIA COMMUNICATIONS CORP. -1.49 0.85 -2.33 -26.22 225192 C SOUTHERN BELL-GA 7.73 -3.45 11.58 0.00 TOTAL: GUAM -9.34 0.00 -9.34 0.00 663800 C GUAM TELEPHONE AUTHORITY -9.34 0.00 -9.34 0.00 TOTAL: HAWAII 10.84 -0.31 11.19 217.38 623021 C
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-7.pdf
- Calls 16.10 16.10 16.57 17.18 17.61 17.41 17.10 17.04 17.22 17.12 17.47 17.97 17.95 18.01 Subscriber Line Charges 4.89 4.85 4.76 4.68 5.27 5.34 5.52 5.47 5.63 5.55 6.85 6.85 6.33 6.33 Extra for Touch-tone 3.41 3.41 2.69 2.47 2.37 1.72 1.33 1.08 0.54 0.42 0.30 0.15 0.07 0.07 Tax including 911 Charges 5.16 5.16 5.04 5.22 5.25 5.21 5.36 5.51 5.76 5.82 6.04 5.96 6.40 6.56 Total Monthly Charge for Measured/Message Service 50.09 49.97 49.93 50.20 50.73 49.71 49.73 49.54 50.31 49.72 51.83 51.54 51.84 52.38 Number of Sample Cities with Measured/Message Service 77 74 76 76 78 79 79 78 76 78 78 78 76 76 Cost of a Five-minute Business-day Same-zone Call $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-1.pdf
- 5.97 329 3.07 391 Minnesota 1,748,180 181,347 775,977 5.03 5.18 6.11 174 1.62 206 Mississippi 887,814 65,364 316,152 5.50 6.98 7.94 94 0.88 112 Missouri 1,929,263 226,647 706,992 5.21 5.46 6.59 191 1.78 227 Montana 357,282 25,963 149,885 5.50 7.00 9.20 42 0.39 50 Nebraska 525,597 38,234 290,398 5.12 5.50 6.47 57 0.53 68 Nevada 797,545 117,861 396,956 4.31 4.73 5.51 74 0.69 88 New Hampshire 507,334 64,597 180,210 5.50 6.42 7.62 55 0.51 65 New Jersey 2,983,302 1,153,075 1,896,440 5.49 6.20 6.29 425 3.97 505 New Mexico 598,725 78,730 280,360 5.50 7.00 9.20 77 0.72 92 New York 5,339,133 1,068,516 3,046,391 5.47 6.37 7.62 711 6.63 845 North Carolina 3,198,629 337,037 1,155,234 5.46 6.65 7.96 347 3.24 412 North Dakota
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-3.pdf
- 3.50 -0.50 4.02 3.21 403031 C SCOTT COUNTY TELEPHONE COMPANY -5.37 9.09 -13.26 -9.58 405211 C SOUTHWESTERN BELL-ARKANSAS -17.32 -4.90 -13.06 0.00 CALIFORNIA Total -4.13 -3.00 -1.16 7.62 542301 C CALAVERAS TELEPHONE COMPANY 5.69 3.00 2.61 4.17 542302 C VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC.-CA (CONTEL) 2.40 1.16 1.23 0.00 542308 C CITIZENS TEL CO OF CA INC. DBA FRONTIER COMM 2.70 -2.66 5.51 6.39 542311 C CAL-ORE TELEPHONE CO. 25.02 3.77 20.48 38.19 542313 C DUCOR TELEPHONE COMPANY 3.84 3.88 -0.03 2.22 542315 C EVANS TELEPHONE COMPANY 2.09 -0.29 2.38 -81.57 542318 C FORESTHILL TELEPHONE COMPANY 3.39 -0.65 4.06 3.20 542319 C VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC.-CA (GTE) -16.37 -1.93 -14.72 0.00 542321 C HAPPY VALLEY TELEPHONE COMPANY -4.34 2.26 -6.45 -14.21 542322 C HORNITOS
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs00-0.pdf
- $20.03 $20.42 $20.44 $21.16 $20.81$21.17 200 Five-minute Business-day Same-zone Calls 16.10 16.10 16.57 17.18 17.61 17.41 17.10 17.04 17.22 17.12 17.28 Subscriber Line Charges 4.89 4.85 4.76 4.68 5.27 5.34 5.52 5.47 5.63 5.55 6.75 Extra for Touch-tone 3.41 3.41 2.69 2.47 2.37 1.72 1.33 1.08 0.54 0.42 0.30 Tax including 911 Charges 5.16 5.16 5.04 5.22 5.25 5.21 5.36 5.51 5.76 5.82 5.99 Total Monthly Charge for Measured/Message Service 50.09 49.97 49.93 50.20 50.73 49.71 49.73 49.54 50.31 49.72 51.49 Number of Sample Cities with Measured/Message Service 77 74 76 76 78 79 79 78 76 78 78 Cost of a Five-minute Business-day Same-zone Call $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 Basic Connection Charge for
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- STRASBURG TEL. CO. 0.88 9.68 -8.02 -11.38 462208 C CENTURYTEL OF COLORADO, INC. 12.93 11.44 1.34 12.53 462209 C WIGGINS TEL. ASSOC. 13.60 3.88 9.35 41.32 462210 A WILLARD TEL. CO. -5.69 -4.55 -1.20 -8.98 465102 C U S WEST, INC. - CO 4.50 3.78 0.69 -58.05 TOTAL: CONNECTICUT 6.64 10.11 -3.15 0.00 132454 A THE WOODBURY TEL. CO. 21.53 5.51 15.19 0.00 135200 C SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TEL. 6.47 10.16 -3.34 0.00 TOTAL: DELAWARE 8.94 4.40 4.34 0.00 565010 C DIAMOND STATE TEL. CO. 8.94 4.40 4.34 0.00 TOTAL: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 5.38 -0.81 6.24 0.00 575020 C C & P TELEPHONE COMPANY OF WASH D.C. 5.38 -0.81 6.24 0.00 TOTAL: FLORIDA 4.26 3.20 1.03 22.50 210291 C GTC, INC.
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 1,012 1,219 Indiana 6,899,832 2.53 2.41 2.50 535 644 Iowa 1,861,486 0.68 0.78 0.71 151 182 Kansas 1,807,430 0.66 0.74 0.68 146 176 Kentucky 2,971,852 1.09 1.45 1.18 252 304 Louisiana 2,873,226 1.05 0.89 1.01 217 261 Maine 1,172,053 0.43 0.40 0.42 91 109 Maryland 4,597,901 1.69 1.22 1.57 336 404 Massachusetts 6,430,128 2.36 1.07 2.04 436 525 Michigan 15,011,909 5.51 3.70 5.05 1,081 1,303 Minnesota 2,908,698 1.07 1.62 1.20 258 310 Mississippi 1,152,036 0.42 0.19 0.36 78 94 Missouri 3,682,200 1.35 3.50 1.89 404 487 Montana 655,325 0.24 0.42 0.28 61 73 Nebraska 922,244 0.34 0.63 0.41 88 106 Nevada 416,181 0.15 0.21 0.17 36 43 New Hampshire 998,697 0.37 0.26 0.34 72 87 New Jersey 12,369,921 4.54 3.32 4.23
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/95socc.pdf
- 37.3 $53.4 $29.7 35.88 4.38 3.97 1960 38.1 51.1 28.4 39.44 4.41 3.85 1961 38.4 51.0 28.2 38.34 4.35 2.97 1962 41.6 56.4 32.4 40.86 4.33 3.26 1963 44.0 61.2 34.9 43.67 4.26 3.55 1964 47.0 68.0 40.0 51.26 4.40 3.97 1965 51.7 78.8 47.9 59.52 4.49 4.38 1966 56.3 85.1 51.4 70.40 5.13 5.55 1967 57.5 81.8 49.2 72.75 5.51 5.10 1968 60.7 90.6 51.2 76.42 6.18 5.90 1969 63.5 89.0 49.4 85.74 7.03 7.83 1970 61.4 78.4 44.0 91.91 8.04 7.71 1971 62.2 90.1 52.4 92.91 7.39 5.11 1972 68.3 104.5 62.6 103.40 7.21 4.73 1973 73.8 130.9 81.6 120.03 7.44 8.15 1974 72.7 142.8 91.0 139.67 8.57 9.84 1975 66.3 140.4 89.5 142.42 8.83 6.32 1976 72.4 173.8
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/96socc.pdf
- 37.3 53.4 29.7 35.88 4.38 3.97 1960 38.1 51.1 28.4 39.44 4.41 3.85 1961 38.4 51.0 28.2 38.34 4.35 2.97 1962 41.6 56.4 32.4 40.86 4.33 3.26 1963 44.0 61.2 34.9 43.67 4.26 3.55 1964 47.0 68.0 40.0 51.26 4.40 3.97 1965 51.7 78.8 47.9 59.52 4.49 4.38 1966 56.3 85.1 51.4 70.40 5.13 5.55 1967 57.5 81.8 49.2 72.75 5.51 5.10 1968 60.7 90.6 51.2 76.42 6.18 5.90 1969 63.5 89.0 49.4 85.74 7.03 7.83 1970 61.4 78.4 44.0 91.91 8.04 7.71 1971 62.2 90.1 52.4 92.91 7.39 5.11 1972 68.3 104.5 62.6 103.40 7.21 4.73 1973 73.8 130.9 81.6 120.03 7.44 8.15 1974 72.7 142.8 91.0 139.67 8.57 9.84 1975 66.3 140.4 89.5 142.42 8.83 6.32 1976 72.4 173.8
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/97socc.pdf
- 35.7 53.4 29.7 35.88 4.38 3.97 1960 36.5 51.1 28.4 39.44 4.41 3.85 1961 36.7 51.0 28.2 38.34 4.35 2.97 1962 39.8 56.4 32.4 40.86 4.33 3.26 1963 42.1 61.2 34.9 43.67 4.26 3.55 1964 45.0 68.0 40.0 51.26 4.40 3.97 1965 49.5 78.8 47.9 59.52 4.49 4.38 1966 53.8 85.1 51.4 70.40 5.13 5.55 1967 55.0 81.8 49.2 72.75 5.51 5.10 1968 58.1 90.6 51.2 76.42 6.18 5.90 1969 60.7 89.0 49.4 85.74 7.03 7.83 1970 58.7 78.4 44.0 91.91 8.04 7.71 1971 59.5 90.1 52.4 92.91 7.39 5.11 1972 65.3 104.5 62.6 103.40 7.21 4.73 1973 70.6 130.9 81.6 120.03 7.44 8.15 1974 69.6 142.8 91.0 139.67 8.57 9.84 1975 63.4 140.4 89.5 142.42 8.83 6.32 1976 69.3 173.8
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/98SOCC.PDF
- 33.6 50.3 28.3 37.90 3.36 3.31 1957 34.1 48.9 27.5 40.54 3.89 3.81 1958 31.9 42.7 23.8 33.84 3.79 2.46 1959 35.7 53.4 29.7 35.88 4.38 3.97 1960 36.5 51.1 28.4 39.44 4.41 3.85 1961 36.7 51.0 28.2 38.34 4.35 2.97 1962 39.8 56.4 32.4 40.86 4.33 3.26 1963 42.1 61.2 34.9 43.67 4.26 3.55 1967 55.0 81.8 49.2 72.75 5.51 5.10 1968 58.1 90.6 51.2 76.42 6.18 5.90 1969 60.7 89.0 49.4 85.74 7.03 7.83 1970 58.7 78.4 44.0 91.91 8.04 7.71 1971 59.5 90.1 52.4 92.91 7.39 5.11 1972 65.3 104.5 62.6 103.40 7.21 4.73 1973 70.6 130.9 81.6 120.03 7.44 8.15 1974 69.6 142.8 91.0 139.67 8.57 9.84 1975 63.4 140.4 89.5 142.42 8.83 6.32 1976 69.3 173.8
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/99socc.pdf
- 35.7 53.7 30.0 35.88 4.38 3.97 1960 36.5 51.5 28.8 39.44 4.41 3.85 1961 36.7 51.5 28.7 38.34 4.35 2.97 1962 39.8 56.9 32.9 40.86 4.33 3.26 1963 42.1 61.9 35.7 43.67 4.26 3.55 1964 45.0 68.9 40.9 51.26 4.40 3.97 1965 49.5 80.0 49.1 59.52 4.49 4.38 1966 53.8 86.5 52.8 70.40 5.13 5.55 1967 55.0 83.3 50.6 72.75 5.51 5.10 1968 58.1 92.2 52.8 76.42 6.18 5.90 1969 60.7 91.1 51.4 85.74 7.03 7.83 1970 58.7 80.6 46.2 91.91 8.04 7.71 1971 59.5 92.4 54.7 92.91 7.39 5.11 1972 65.3 107.3 65.5 103.40 7.21 4.73 1973 70.6 134.2 84.9 120.03 7.44 8.15 1974 69.6 146.8 95.0 139.67 8.57 9.84 1975 63.4 144.8 93.9 142.42 8.83 6.32 1976 69.3 178.6
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireline_Competition/Orders/2002/fcc02118.pdf
- Web GUI 4.34 5.04 4.07 4.79 3.85 5.42 3.67 5.38 3.85 5.31 PO-1-04- 6020 Product & Service Availability - EDI 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04- 6030 Product & Service Availability - CORBA 10.07 NA 9.02 NA 8.48 NA 8.2 NA 8.5 NA PO-1-04- 6050 Product & Service Availability - Web GUI 10.07 7.74 9.02 5.51 8.48 5.75 8.2 5.57 8.5 5.79 PO-1-05- Telephone Number Availability & Reservation - EDI 5.23 NA 4.95 4.93 5.37 10.25 4.47 5.89 4.66 7.03 b,c,d,e Federal Communications Commission FCC 02-118 C-6 Metric Metric September October November December January Notes Number Full Name VZ CLE C VZ CLE C VZ CLE C VZ CLE C VZ CLE C 6020 PO-1-05- 6030
- http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/DA-12-2A1.doc http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/DA-12-2A1.pdf
- * 3.61 * (324) (257) (533) 2009 4.48 3.36 * 2.81 * (264) (302) (540) Contour Measure 2005 3.39 4.10 * 6.06 * (373) (323) (389) 2007 3.15 3.72 * 5.81 * (341) (305) (468) 2009 2.21 2.87 * 4.40 * (301) (323) (482) Market Rank > 200 Market Measure 2005 5.97 6.18 5.29 (382) (249) (210) 2007 5.79 5.91 5.51 (293) (297) (295) 2009 4.54 4.48 4.09 (267) (344) (265) Contour Measure 2005 4.75 6.24 * 7.28 * (374) (239) (228) 2007 4.48 5.89 * 6.89 * (312) (270) (303) 2009 3.46 4.21 * 5.37 * (278) (290) (308) Table 9 (continued) Average Full-Service Commercial FM Stations' Revenue per Adult by Market Year No LPFM One LPFM Two or More
- http://www.fcc.gov/mb/peer_review/prlpfm_rpt_economic_study.pdf
- * 3.61 * (324) (257) (533) 2009 4.48 3.36 * 2.81 * (264) (302) (540) Contour Measure 2005 3.39 4.10 * 6.06 * (373) (323) (389) 2007 3.15 3.72 * 5.81 * (341) (305) (468) 2009 2.21 2.87 * 4.40 * (301) (323) (482) Market Rank > 200 Market Measure 2005 5.97 6.18 5.29 (382) (249) (210) 2007 5.79 5.91 5.51 (293) (297) (295) 2009 4.54 4.48 4.09 (267) (344) (265) Contour Measure 2005 4.75 6.24 * 7.28 * (374) (239) (228) 2007 4.48 5.89 * 6.89 * (312) (270) (303) 2009 3.46 4.21 * 5.37 * (278) (290) (308) Federal Communications Commission DA 12-2 85 Table 9 (continued) Average Full-Service Commercial FM Stations' Revenue per Adult by Market Year No
- http://www.fcc.gov/ogc/documents/opinions/2004/03-3388-062404.pdf
- stations combined was much higher than in the large markets. Id. So while the top-four restriction does not operate to protect the small and mid-sized markets from as many "new largest station" mergers, it furthers diversity by ensuring there are at least four independent voices in those markets. 90 Ownership and Market Concentration Study, in UCC Reply Comments at attachment 5.51 Furthermore, the Commission found that permitting mergers among top-four ranked stations generally leads to large HHI increases. Thus we conclude that the Commission's decision to retain the top-four restriction is supported by record evidence. Accordingly, we extend deference. See Sinclair, 284 F.3d at 162. D. We remand the specific numerical limits for the Commission's further consideration. The Commission decided to