FCC Web Documents citing 13.17
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-105A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-105A1.pdf http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-105A1.txt
- the previous 365 days, is authorized to exercise the rights and privileges of the license for which the application is filed. This authority is valid for a period of 90 days from the date the application is received. The FCC, in its discretion, may cancel this temporary conditional operating authority without a hearing. * * * * * 4. Section 13.17 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows: § 13.17 Replacement license. (b) Each application for a replacement General Radiotelephone Operator License, Marine Radio Operator Permit, First Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Third Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, GMDSS Radio Operator's License, Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator License, GMDSS Radio Maintainer's License, or GMDSS Radio Operator/Maintainer
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1524A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1524A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-05-1524A1.txt
- 154, 303. Section Number and Title: 13.1 Basis and purpose. 13.3 Definitions. 13.5 Licensed commercial radio operator required. 13.7 Classification of operator licenses and endorsements. 13.8 Authority conveyed. 13.9 Eligibility and application for new license or endorsement. 13.10 Licensee address. 13.11 Holding more than one commercial radio operator license. 13.13 Application for a renewed or modified license. 13.15 License term. 13.17 Replacement license. 13.19 Operator's responsibility. 13.201 Qualifying for a commercial operator license or endorsement. 13.203 Examination elements. 13.207 Preparing an examination. 13.209 Examination procedures. 13.211 Commercial radio operator license examination. 13.213 COLEM qualifications. 13.215 Question pools. 13.217 Records. PART 15 -- RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES SUBPART B -- UNINTENTIONAL RADIATORS Brief Description: This rule specifies the isolation standards for TV interface
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A6.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-07-3470A6.txt
- (0.56) -0.36*(3.42) 27.49 (1.20) -0.69 (-0.20) -0.0014 (-1.76) 0.32 241 CPM, Evening 1.64 (0.21) -0.50*(3.91) 55.57* (1.98) -1.02 (-0.24) -0.0015 (-1.50) 0.33 241 CPM, Average 1.89 (0.29) -0.44*(4.11) 29.81 (1.29) 0.48 (0.14) -0.0013 (-1.53) 0.34 241 With Demographics: CPP, AM Drive 2.18 (0.05) -1.40*(2.00) 58.73 (0.39) 31.08 (1.35) -0.0099 (-1.74) 0.93 236 CPP, Evening -0.55 (0.02) -0.76 (1.68) 97.46 (1.01) 13.17 (0.89) -0.0052 (-1.44) 0.90 236 CPP, Average 4.56 (0.13) -1.20*(1.98) 45.68 (0.35) 32.90 (1.67) -0.0082 (-1.68) 0.93 236 CPM, AM Drive 1.88 (0.32) -0.28*(2.76) 25.27 (1.18) -2.48 (-0.76) -0.0017* (-2.12) 0.46 236 CPM, Evening -1.67 (0.22) -0.35*(2.73) 43.69 (1.61) 0.83 (0.20) -0.0014 (-1.33) 0.41 236 CPM, Average -0.37 (0.06) -0.31*(3.16) 26.59 (1.25) -0.38 (-0.12) -0.0014 (-1.74) 0.48 236 Note: Asterisk
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-658A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-658A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-658A1.txt
- and 80 of the Commission's Rules Concerning Maritime Communications, Memorandum Opinion and Order, Third Report and Order, and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, WT Docket No. 00-48 & PR Docket No. 92-257, 21 FCC Rcd 10282, 10305 ¶ 41 (2006). See 73 Fed. Reg. 4475, 4479 (Jan. 25, 2008). See 47 C.F.R. § 13.13(b). See 47 C.F.R. § 13.17. See 47 C.F.R. § 13.17(a). The filing fee for a replacement license is currently $60.00. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1102(9)-(10). See 47 C.F.R. § 13.15(a). See 47 C.F.R. § 13.15(b). PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 News Media Information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 u v ÿ‰PNG r v ‡ƒ"rÕ9 I'6› Ãd³Y›Í†aX
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1454A1.txt
- CA 2,587,300 100.00% 25 22.93 25.83 22 22 SANTABARBRA-SANMAR-SANLUOB 122 CA 245,900 100.00% 20 6.06 15.07 6 6 SAVANNAH 96 GA 253,700 76.14% 7 6.41 7.97 5 5 SC 79,500 23.86% 5 7.33 8.57 2 2 SEATTLE-TACOMA 13 WA 1,919,400 100.00% 20 13.36 15.51 14 11 SHERMAN-ADA 161 OK 84,000 64.12% 8 2.75 4.15 3 1 TX 47,000 35.88% 12 13.17 17.43 2 1 SHREVEPORT 83 AR 55,800 14.26% 0 1.6 2.14 0 1 LA 210,300 53.74% 8 6.65 9.12 6 6 OK 13,200 3.37% 0 0.06 1.7 0 0 TX 112,000 28.62% 6 3.95 4.5 1 1 Number of Broadcast Stations Licensed to State Household-weighted Number of Stations Carried by DBS DMA DMA Rank State Segment No. of HHs in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215526A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-215526A1.txt
- Inc. (Hawaii - GTHI) 11.75 8.98 9.18 8.15 7.87 9.42 10.55 15.64 17.62 17.98 23 GTE North/GTE South (GTIL+GLIL=GAIL) 12.65 12.60 13.77 17.12 14.69 18.36 21.59 23.07 22.35 23.95 24 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTIN+GLIN=GAIN) 14.16 14.17 14.50 18.21 18.80 26.23 23.61 29.06 32.47 33.87 25 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTMI+GLMI=GAMI) 12.89 14.21 9.82 11.10 11.45 14.85 15.33 13.17 15.75 16.50 GTE Midwest Inc. (IOWA - GTIA) 17/ 19.05 16.49 22.68 25.59 23.59 22.71 14/ Contel of Minnesota - GTMN 17/ (0.04)(10.88)(13.13) 4.01 (1.33) 3.56 14/ GTE North Inc. (Total IA+MN GTE) 17/ 9.97 13.69 13.16 26 GTE Midwest Inc. (Missouri - GTMO) 13.30 13.99 13.48 18.20 17.18 19.84 17.88 16.08 11.82 19.32 GTE Midwest Inc. (Nebraska - GTNE)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- 4.32 -2.28 6.75 15.80 351259 A NORTHERN IOWA TEL. CO. 4.81 -4.08 9.27 18.68 351260 A NORTHWEST IOWA TEL. CO., INC. 1.49 -30.57 46.18 INFINITE 351261 A NORTHWEST TEL. COOP. 6.19 -2.75 9.19 19.63 351262 A COMMUNICATIONS 1 NETWORK, INC. 16.14 12.95 2.83 10.04 351262A A COMMUNICATIONS 1 NETWORK, INC. 5.47 -3.30 9.06 19.19 351263 A OGDEN TEL. CO.-IA 8.83 -13.17 25.34 INFINITE 351264 A OLIN TEL. CO., INC. 2.67 -6.25 9.52 17.53 351265 A ONSLOW COOP. TEL. ASSN. 1.79 -7.69 10.28 15.41 351266 A ORAN MUTUAL TEL. CO. 9.62 0.36 9.22 22.25 351269 A PALO COOP. TEL. ASSN. -8.35 -18.20 12.04 14.65 351270 A PALMER MUTUAL TEL. CO. 2.29 -7.01 9.99 16.46 351271 A PANORA COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE 27.10 3.58 22.71
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A5.txt
- 4.32 -2.28 6.75 15.80 351259 A NORTHERN IOWA TEL. CO. 4.81 -4.08 9.27 18.68 351260 A NORTHWEST IOWA TEL. CO., INC. 1.49 -30.57 46.18 INFINITE 351261 A NORTHWEST TEL. COOP. 6.19 -2.75 9.19 19.63 351262 A COMMUNICATIONS 1 NETWORK, INC. 16.14 12.95 2.83 10.04 351262A A COMMUNICATIONS 1 NETWORK, INC. 5.47 -3.30 9.06 19.19 351263 A OGDEN TEL. CO.-IA 8.83 -13.17 25.34 INFINITE 351264 A OLIN TEL. CO., INC. 2.67 -6.25 9.52 17.53 351265 A ONSLOW COOP. TEL. ASSN. 1.79 -7.69 10.28 15.41 351266 A ORAN MUTUAL TEL. CO. 9.62 0.36 9.22 22.25 351269 A PALO COOP. TEL. ASSN. -8.35 -18.20 12.04 14.65 351270 A PALMER MUTUAL TEL. CO. 2.29 -7.01 9.99 16.46 351271 A PANORA COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE 27.10 3.58 22.71
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.txt
- Inc. (Pennsylvania - GTPA) 54.03 20.50 13.76 22.50 23.17 21.95 21.41 14.67 19 Verizon North Inc. (Wisconsin - GTWI) 13.99 11.536 10.85 9.90 14.16 16.99 17.85 16.08 20 Verizon North/Verizon South (GTIN + GLIN = GAIN) 23.19 22.34 22.64 24.75 32.82 33.00 32.47 29.06 21 Verizon North/Contel South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 18.01 14.836 15.10 16.64 17.49 16.45 15.75 13.17 22 Verizon North/Verizon South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 23.20 23.29 21.99 21.54 23.67 23.90 22.35 23.07 23 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Oregon - GTOR) 32.91 25.44 26.28 26.10 31.69 30.95 31.56 27.03 24 Verizon Northwest Inc. (West Coast CA - GNCA) (33.60) (9.44) (13.80) (5.17) 1.91 (8.35) (9.93) (6.85) 25 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Washington - COWA) 33.62 30.44 36.20 31.57
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.txt
- 9.42 52.26 20.50 13.76 22.50 23.17 21.95 21.41 14.67 19 Verizon North Inc. (Wisconsin - GTWI) 17.19 13.86 11.536 10.85 9.90 14.16 16.99 17.85 16.08 20 Verizon North/Verizon South (GTIN + GLIN = GAIN) 20.06 22.78 22.34 22.64 24.75 32.82 33.00 32.47 29.06 21 Verizon North/Contel South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 20.06 17.88 14.836 15.10 16.64 17.49 16.45 15.75 13.17 22 Verizon North/Verizon South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 25.56 23.11 23.29 21.99 21.54 23.67 23.90 22.35 23.07 27 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Idaho - GTID) 47.65 43.93 34.53 28.20 33.01 38.74 34.17 32.24 30.89 23 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Oregon - GTOR) 29.21 32.43 25.44 26.28 26.10 31.69 30.95 31.56 27.03 25 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Washington - COWA) 39.13 33.53 30.44
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- TEL. CO., INC.-WI -0.15 -3.28 3.24 3.65 330866 A COCHRANE COOP. TEL. CO. -0.86 -3.27 2.49 -2.93 330868 A COON VALLEY FARMERS TEL. CO., INC. -3.38 -3.53 0.15 -18.74 330870 C RHINELANDER TEL CO LLC DBA FRONTIER -13.01 -2.02 -11.22 -57.47 330872 A CUBA CITY TEL. EXCH. CO. 3.43 0.05 3.38 12.60 330875 A DICKEYVILLE TEL. CO. -0.78 -2.13 1.38 -13.17 330877 C CENTURYTEL OF FAIRWATER-BRANDON-ALTO, LLC -16.77 -4.61 -12.75 -69.39 330879 A FARMERS IND. TEL. CO.-WI 0.63 -0.35 0.98 -14.16 330880 A FARMERS TEL. CO.-WI -0.17 -3.03 2.95 -0.55 330881 A MID-PLAINS TEL., INC. -0.03 -2.19 2.20 0.00 330884 C CENTURYTEL OF FORESTVILLE, LLC -0.09 -5.85 6.12 4.60 330886 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-WI -4.60 -7.37 2.99 0.00 330889 A HAGER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A5.pdf
- TEL. CO., INC.-WI -0.15 -3.28 3.24 3.65 330866 A COCHRANE COOP. TEL. CO. -0.86 -3.27 2.49 -2.93 330868 A COON VALLEY FARMERS TEL. CO., INC. -3.38 -3.53 0.15 -18.74 330870 C RHINELANDER TEL CO LLC DBA FRONTIER -13.01 -2.02 -11.22 -57.47 330872 A CUBA CITY TEL. EXCH. CO. 3.43 0.05 3.38 12.60 330875 A DICKEYVILLE TEL. CO. -0.78 -2.13 1.38 -13.17 330877 C CENTURYTEL OF FAIRWATER-BRANDON-ALTO, LLC -16.77 -4.61 -12.75 -69.39 330879 A FARMERS IND. TEL. CO.-WI 0.63 -0.35 0.98 -14.16 330880 A FARMERS TEL. CO.-WI -0.17 -3.03 2.95 -0.55 330881 A MID-PLAINS TEL., INC. -0.03 -2.19 2.20 0.00 330884 C CENTURYTEL OF FORESTVILLE, LLC -0.09 -5.85 6.12 4.60 330886 C VERIZON NORTH INC.-WI -4.60 -7.37 2.99 0.00 330889 A HAGER
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.txt
- Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment TOTAL NORTH DAKOTA 3.31 -6.91 10.98 15.19 381447 C NORTH DAKOTA TEL CO 6.11 -6.85 13.91 58.70 381509 A WOLVERTON TEL CO 18.01 -5.86 25.36 71.05 381601 A ABSARAKA COOP TEL CO 27.59 0.00 27.59 82.22 381604 C BEK COMM. COOP. 5.31 -1.63 7.05 4.50 381607 C CONSOLIDATED TELCOM 9.02 -3.92 13.47 13.17 381610 C DAKOTA CENTRAL COOP 8.97 -3.26 12.65 13.40 381611 C DICKEY RURAL COOP 13.06 -1.55 14.84 23.71 381611A C DICKEY RURAL COOP -0.56 -5.57 5.30 -55.24 381614 A POLAR COMM MUT AID-A 18.75 -2.28 21.52 71.04 381614A A POLAR COMM MUT AID-A 6.11 -1.79 8.04 4.44 381615 A GRIGGS COUNTY TEL CO 12.29 -2.95 15.70 48.56 381616 C INTER-COMMUNITY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A5.txt
- Cost Loop Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Support Payment TOTAL NORTH DAKOTA 3.31 -6.91 10.98 15.19 381447 C NORTH DAKOTA TEL CO 6.11 -6.85 13.91 58.70 381509 A WOLVERTON TEL CO 18.01 -5.86 25.36 71.05 381601 A ABSARAKA COOP TEL CO 27.59 0.00 27.59 82.22 381604 C BEK COMM. COOP. 5.31 -1.63 7.05 4.50 381607 C CONSOLIDATED TELCOM 9.02 -3.92 13.47 13.17 381610 C DAKOTA CENTRAL COOP 8.97 -3.26 12.65 13.40 381611 C DICKEY RURAL COOP 13.06 -1.55 14.84 23.71 381611A C DICKEY RURAL COOP -0.56 -5.57 5.30 -55.24 381614 A POLAR COMM MUT AID-A 18.75 -2.28 21.52 71.04 381614A A POLAR COMM MUT AID-A 6.11 -1.79 8.04 4.44 381615 A GRIGGS COUNTY TEL CO 12.29 -2.95 15.70 48.56 381616 C INTER-COMMUNITY
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.txt
- 11.93 Montana 8.25 2.47 1.24 9.49 11.96 8.25 3.50 1.75 10.00 13.50 8.25 2.73 1.37 9.62 12.35 Nebraska 7.09 3.35 1.67 8.76 12.11 6.65 3.50 1.75 8.40 11.90 6.98 3.39 1.69 8.67 12.06 Nevada 6.11 3.33 1.66 7.78 11.11 5.62 3.39 1.69 7.32 10.70 5.95 3.35 1.67 7.63 10.98 New Hampshire 7.95 0.00 0.00 7.95 7.95 7.92 3.50 1.75 9.67 13.17 7.93 2.60 1.30 9.23 11.83 New Jersey 7.99 3.48 1.74 9.73 13.21 8.00 3.50 1.75 9.75 13.25 7.99 3.49 1.75 9.74 13.23 New Mexico 8.25 3.23 1.61 9.86 13.09 8.25 3.50 1.75 10.00 13.50 8.25 3.30 1.65 9.90 13.20 New York 8.01 3.30 1.65 9.65 12.95 8.10 3.49 1.75 9.85 13.34 8.07 3.44 1.72 9.79 13.23 North Carolina 7.86 3.50
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A2.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A2.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A2.txt
- 8.97 4.93 8.33 9.23 PO-1-05 Telephone No. Avail. & Reservation - EDI 7.08 6.40 5.57 8.73 5.99 7.41 5.36 8.04 PO-1-05 Telephone No. Avail. & Reservation - CORBA 7.08 4.92 5.57 5.26 5.99 6.27 5.36 5.94 PO-1-05 Telephone No. Avail. & Reservation - Web GUI 7.08 9.55 5.57 7.88 5.99 3.49 5.36 7.99 PO-1-06 Facility Available (Loop Qualification) - EDI 13.17 3.06 11.00 2.41 13.75 5.82 13.47 3.14 4b PO-1-06 Facility Available (Loop Qualification) - CORBA 13.17 2.42 11.00 2.36 13.75 2.71 13.47 2.62 PO-1-06 Facility Available (Loop Qualification) - Web GUI 13.17 6.35 11.00 5.65 13.75 2.70 13.47 4.96 PO-1-07 Rejected Query - EDI 0.13 2.85 0.16 2.45 0.10 2.52 0.10 2.26 PO-1-07 Rejected Query - CORBA 0.13 1.05 0.16
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A3.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A3.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-208A3.txt
- 8.33 8.50 4a PO-1-05 Telephone No. Avail. & Reservation - EDI 7.08 6.40 5.57 NA 5.99 NA 5.36 NA PO-1-05 Telephone No. Avail. & Reservation - CORBA 7.08 4.92 5.57 NA 5.99 NA 5.36 NA PO-1-05 Telephone No. Avail. & Reservation - Web GUI 7.08 9.55 5.57 11.20 5.99 2.15 5.36 11.21 4a PO-1-06 Facility Available (Loop Qualification) - EDI 13.17 3.06 11.00 NA 13.75 NA 13.47 NA PO-1-06 Facility Available (Loop Qualification) - CORBA 13.17 2.42 11.00 2.60 13.75 2.87 13.47 3.44 PO-1-06 Facility Available (Loop Qualification) - Web GUI 13.17 6.35 11.00 6.56 13.75 1.86 13.47 5.30 PO-1-07 Rejected Query - EDI 0.13 2.85 0.16 1.90 0.10 2.52 0.10 2.26 PO-1-07 Rejected Query - CORBA 0.13 1.05 0.16 1.28
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-102A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-102A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-102A1.txt
- 90 days from the date the application is received. This temporary conditional operating authority does not relieve the licensee of the obligation to comply with the certification requirements of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention. The FCC, in its discretion, may cancel this temporary conditional operating authority without a hearing. * * * * * 5. Section 13.17 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows: § 13.17 Replacement license. * * * * * (b) Each application for a replacement General Radiotelephone Operator License, Marine Radio Operator Permit, First Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Third Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, GMDSS Radio Operator's License, Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator License, GMDSS Radio Maintainer's
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-102A1_Erratum.doc
- 90 days from the date the application is received. This temporary conditional operating authority does not relieve the licensee of the obligation to comply with the certification requirements of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention. The FCC, in its discretion, may cancel this temporary conditional operating authority without a hearing. * * * * * 5. Section 13.17 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows: § 13.17 Replacement license. * * * * * (b) Each application for a replacement General Radiotelephone Operator License, Marine Radio Operator Permit, First Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Third Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, GMDSS Radio Operator's License, Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator License, GMDSS Radio Maintainer's
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-331A1.txt
- 4.48 8.06 4.67 A. Business/Dispatch/FL (hours) 12.32 10.50 15.97 15.23 19.27 15.61 15.93 13.13 16.06 13.18 A. Business/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 5.37 2.54 4.65 5.11 5.12 4.46 5.38 10.35 4.52 3.07 A. Design (Specials)/Dispatch/FL (hours) 5.82 3.60 5.61 6.01 5.52 5.34 6.67 3.85 5.04 5.64 A. Design (Specials)/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.48 1.84 2.91 3.42 2.32 2.35 12.21 3.39 2.05 2.19 A. PBX/Dispatch/FL (hours) 13.17 5.63 13.92 19.00 18.43 11.04 13.28 10.69 13.05 8.73 4,5 A. PBX/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.52 1.26 3.07 2.01 3.61 10.66 31.67 1.18 3.22 5.17 3,4,5 A. Centrex/Dispatch/FL (hours) 14.63 13.90 17.53 23.25 21.05 6.09 19.00 17.33 19.71 2.50 2,4,5 A. Centrex/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 4.93 4.75 5.02 1.75 4.65 17.50 4.50 1.00 5.01 5.00 1,2,3,4,5 A. ISDN/Dispatch/FL (hours) 6.77 2.18 6.52 2.85 7.26
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-154A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-154A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-154A1.txt
- propose certain minor editorial amendments to rules that relate to commercial radio operator licenses: (1) replace the term ``physical handicap'' with ``physical disability;'' (2) delete obsolete references to an old information bulletin, the Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Part 23 international fixed public radio services, Subpart Q of Part 80, and written element 2; and (3) streamline Sections 13.9, 13.17, and 13.209 by consolidating certain paragraphs. We ask for comment on these proposed changes, and on any other changes, corrections, or clarifications of the rules governing commercial radio operators that commenters believe are needed. Procedural matters Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended (RFA), requires that a regulatory flexibility analysis be prepared for notice-and-comment rulemaking proceedings,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-10-4A1_Rcd.pdf
- The notice and comment and effective date provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act are therefore inapplicable.16 III. PROCEDURAL MATTERS A. Paperwork Reduction Act 10.This document contains a change to previously approved information collection requirements with respect to section 1.2105(c). The change is neither material nor substantive and, accordingly, is not subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13.17More 1247 C.F.R. §1.2105(b). 13For example, if two competing applicants both were looking for additional financing during an auction, once Fund X acquires a 10 percent ownership interest in Applicant A, Applicant B may not discuss its bidding strategies with Fund X. See 47 C.F.R. 1.2105(c). Accordingly, Applicant B may rely on information in Applicant A's application, which must disclose all
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fc99279c.doc http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fc99279c.txt
- $ 0.74 Michigan $ 35.32 $ 2.94 Missouri $ 16.31 $ 1.36 Nevada $ 2.31 $ 0.19 Ohio $ 26.72 $ 2.23 Oklahoma $ 10.57 $ 0.88 Texas $ 61.48 $ 5.12 Wisconsin $ 14.18 $ 1.18 $ 375.00 $ 31.25 ATTACHMENT A-6 (cont'd) YEAR 3 CAPS ($M) State Annual Monthly Arkansas $ 8.32 $ 0.69 California $ 158.02 $ 13.17 Connecticut $ 19.12 $ 1.59 Illinois $ 60.82 $ 5.07 Indiana $ 19.42 $ 1.62 Kansas $ 11.78 $ 0.98 Michigan $ 47.10 $ 3.93 Missouri $ 21.75 $ 1.81 Nevada $ 3.08 $ 0.26 Ohio $ 35.62 $ 2.97 Oklahoma $ 14.10 $ 1.18 Texas $ 81.97 $ 6.83 Wisconsin $ 18.90 $ 1.57 $ 500.00 $ 41.67 ATTACHMENT
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/Exparte/1999/exparsbc.doc http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/Exparte/1999/exparsbc.txt
- 0.74 Michigan $ 35.32 $ 2.94 Missouri $ 16.31 $ 1.36 Nevada $ 2.31 $ 0.19 Ohio $ 26.72 $ 2.23 Oklahoma $ 10.57 $ 0.88 Texas $ 61.48 $ 5.12 Wisconsin $ 14.18 $ 1.18 $ 375.00 $ 31.25 ATTACHMENT A-6 (cont'd) YEAR 3 CIPP CAPS ($M) State Annual Monthly Arkansas $ 8.32 $ 0.69 California $ 158.02 $ 13.17 Connecticut $ 19.12 $ 1.59 Illinois $ 60.82 $ 5.07 Indiana $ 19.42 $ 1.62 Kansas $ 11.78 $ 0.98 Michigan $ 47.10 $ 3.93 Missouri $ 21.75 $ 1.81 Nevada $ 3.08 $ 0.26 Ohio $ 35.62 $ 2.97 Oklahoma $ 14.10 $ 1.18 Texas $ 81.97 $ 6.83 Wisconsin $ 18.90 $ 1.57 $ 500.00 $ 41.67 ATTACHMENT
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.pdf http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.txt http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.wp
- and application for new license or 13.9(b)(1), (2), (3), (e) (3), (e) endorsement (change to allow electronic filing of application via ULS). 13.13 Application for a renewed or modified license (change to 13.13 allow electronic filing of application via ULS). 13.13(a), (c), (e) Application for a renewed or modified license (change 13.13(a), (c), (e) form numbers to reflect ULS forms) 13.17 Replacement license (change to allow electronic filing of 13.17 replacement license via ULS). 13.17(a), (b), Replacement license (change form numbers to reflect 13.17(a), (b), (c), (d) (c), (d) ULS forms). PART 13-COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATORS .......................#. The authority citation for Part 13 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, and
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/rss/index.htm?job=ainf&id=88
- 25 (of 25 qualified bidders) * PWBs = Provisionally Winning Bidders http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auction_summary&id=88T ue, 20 Jul 2010 18:20:03 GMT Summary Permits: 13 construction permits: 11 commercial FM stations, 1 commercial FM translator station, and 1 commercial AM station Qualified Bidders: 25 Rounds Completed: 4 Bidding Days: 1 Results for Round 4 Gross Revenue: $1,057,000.00 - Dollar Change: $123,000.00 - % Change: 13.17 Net Revenue: $867,550.00 - Dollar Change: $78,100.00 - % Change: 9.89 New Bids: 9 Withdrawn Bids: 0 Proactive Waivers: 0 Bidders that Reduced Eligibility: 2 Permits with PWBs*: 13 FCC Held Permits: 0 Eligible Bidders: 23 (of 25 qualified bidders) * PWBs = Provisionally Winning Bidders http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auction_summary&id=88T ue, 20 Jul 2010 20:05:03 GMTDenied the request for waiver of the upfront
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/2000/da000534.doc
- the Box Butte cable systems as that county is now in the Denver DMA. KDUH-TV maintains that it has served the subject cable communities since its inception in 1958. It points out that its Grade A contour encompasses all of Box Butte County. In addition, KDUH-TV states that its transmitter site, which is located in Box Butte County, is only 13.17 miles from Hemingford, the InterLink system headend site, and 19.17 miles from Alliance, the Bresnan system headend site. Moreover, KDUH-TV indicates that there are no terrain features which prevent the cable communities from receiving a good quality, over-the-air signal. KDUH-TV argues that shopping and labor patterns in the cable communities reveal an economic interdependency between Scottsbluff, KDUH-TV's city of license,
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fc99279c.doc http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/fc99279c.txt
- $ 0.74 Michigan $ 35.32 $ 2.94 Missouri $ 16.31 $ 1.36 Nevada $ 2.31 $ 0.19 Ohio $ 26.72 $ 2.23 Oklahoma $ 10.57 $ 0.88 Texas $ 61.48 $ 5.12 Wisconsin $ 14.18 $ 1.18 $ 375.00 $ 31.25 ATTACHMENT A-6 (cont'd) YEAR 3 CAPS ($M) State Annual Monthly Arkansas $ 8.32 $ 0.69 California $ 158.02 $ 13.17 Connecticut $ 19.12 $ 1.59 Illinois $ 60.82 $ 5.07 Indiana $ 19.42 $ 1.62 Kansas $ 11.78 $ 0.98 Michigan $ 47.10 $ 3.93 Missouri $ 21.75 $ 1.81 Nevada $ 3.08 $ 0.26 Ohio $ 35.62 $ 2.97 Oklahoma $ 14.10 $ 1.18 Texas $ 81.97 $ 6.83 Wisconsin $ 18.90 $ 1.57 $ 500.00 $ 41.67 ATTACHMENT
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/2002/fcc02331.pdf
- 4.48 8.06 4.67 A. Business/Dispatch/FL (hours) 12.32 10.50 15.97 15.23 19.27 15.61 15.93 13.13 16.06 13.18 A. Business/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 5.37 2.54 4.65 5.11 5.12 4.46 5.38 10.35 4.52 3.07 A. Design (Specials)/Dispatch/FL (hours) 5.82 3.60 5.61 6.01 5.52 5.34 6.67 3.85 5.04 5.64 A. Design (Specials)/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.48 1.84 2.91 3.42 2.32 2.35 12.21 3.39 2.05 2.19 A. PBX/Dispatch/FL (hours) 13.17 5.63 13.92 19.00 18.43 11.04 13.28 10.69 13.05 8.73 4,5 A. PBX/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 2.52 1.26 3.07 2.01 3.61 10.66 31.67 1.18 3.22 5.17 3,4,5 A. Centrex/Dispatch/FL (hours) 14.63 13.90 17.53 23.25 21.05 6.09 19.00 17.33 19.71 2.50 2,4,5 A. Centrex/Non-Dispatch/FL (hours) 4.93 4.75 5.02 1.75 4.65 17.50 4.50 1.00 5.01 5.00 1,2,3,4,5 A. ISDN/Dispatch/FL (hours) 6.77 2.18 6.52 2.85 7.26
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref02.pdf
- 3.45 City State 5 Table 1.3 Residential Telephone Rates in the Sample Cities - Continued (As of October 15, 2001) Monthly Telephone Rate Including Touch-Tone, Cost of a Five-Minute Connection Charges Least-Cost Telephone Surcharges, and Taxes Same-Zone Including Touch-Tone, Inside Wiring Company Flat-Rate Measured/Message Daytime Call Surcharges, and Taxes Maintenance Plan Service Service City State New Mexico Alamogordo Qwest 18.21 13.17 0.16 30.00 4.75 New York Binghamton Verizon 24.62 14.25 0.11 57.13 2.35 New York Buffalo Verizon 29.09 14.40 0.11 58.17 2.35 New York Massena Verizon 21.22 14.04 0.11 57.33 2.35 New York New York City Verizon 25.07 14.48 0.11 58.32 2.35 New York Ogdensburg Verizon 21.82 14.75 0.11 57.33 2.35 New York Rochester Frontier 19.02 11.76 0.09 33.32 North Carolina
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- 45.13 22.57 Texas Brownsville SBC 15.09 6.50 44.35 22.18 Texas Corpus Christi SBC 16.00 7.45 45.46 22.74 Texas Dallas SBC 17.25 8.94 44.24 22.13 Texas Fort Worth SBC 15.96 7.59 43.63 21.82 Texas Houston SBC 17.76 9.22 44.48 22.24 Texas San Antonio SBC 16.15 7.68 44.96 22.48 Utah Logan US West 15.70 7.82 26.50 13.25 Virginia Richmond Bell Atlantic 23.78 13.17 38.50 19.25 Virginia Smithfield GTE 16.90 6.71 30.00 15.00 Washington Everett GTE 18.97 11.19 46.67 23.34 Washington Seattle US West 15.97 10.99 32.98 16.49 West Virginia Huntington Bell Atlantic 27.16 20.85 42.00 21.00 Wisconsin Milwaukee Ameritech 16.36 16.36 34.90 0.00 Wisconsin Racine Ameritech 16.31 16.31 34.74 0.00 * Rate is for flat-rate service where available, and measured/message service with 100
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror00.pdf
- 17.62 15.64 10.55 9.42 7.87 8.15 9.18 8.98 11.75 23 GTE North/GTE South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 23.95 22.35 23.07 21.59 18.36 14.69 17.12 13.77 12.60 12.65 24 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTIN + GLIN = GAIN)33.87 32.47 29.06 23.61 26.23 18.80 18.21 14.50 14.17 14.16 25 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI)16.50 15.75 13.17 15.33 14.85 11.45 11.10 9.82 14.21 12.89 GTE Midwest Inc. (IOWA - GTIA) 1/ 22.71 23.59 25.59 22.68 16.49 19.05 Contel of Minnesota - GTMN 1/ 3.56 (1.33) 4.01 (13.13) (10.88) (0.04) GTE North Inc. (Total IA+MN GTE) 13.16 13.69 9.97 26 GTE Midwest Inc. (Missouri - GTMO) 19.32 11.82 16.08 17.88 19.84 17.18 18.20 13.48 13.99 13.30 GTE Midwest
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror02.pdf
- 14.90 9.39 6.68 7.77 33Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company 23.60 9.37 10.77 6.80 30.67 23.49 34Lancaster Telephone Company 8.97 12.10 (1.64) 8.74 1.23 7.58 35Moultrie Independent Telephone Company (13.34) 13.35 (36.72) (27.70) 71.70 (3.17) 36Odin Telephone Exchange, Inc. 17.25 67.94 1.26 39.19 5.84 37Puerto Rico Telephone Company 9.67 8.59 54.33 16.14 (52.54) 5.54 7.98 38Rock Hill Telephone Company 10.20 12.02 5.42 13.17 0.09 9.37 39Roseville Telephone Company 15.60 12.15 17.44 28.99 19.54 22.98 40Taconic Telephone Corporation 13.65 14.15 17.52 11.31 (2,025.00) 17.47 12.00 41Telephone Utilities Exchange Carrier Assoc 14.66 11.25 34.82 14.47 42TXU Communications Telephone Company, Inc 12.12 12.77 12.94 8.07 6.22 6.01 43Utelco, Inc. 11.20 44Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation 9.26 13.20 14.88 7.40 (397.26) (2.93) (0.17) 45Warwick Valley Telephone Company 9.68
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror03.pdf
- North Inc. (Pennsylvania - GTPA) 13.62 22.50 23.17 21.95 21.41 14.67 20.62 20 Verizon North Inc. (Wisconsin - GTWI) 10.85 9.90 14.16 16.99 17.85 16.08 18.75 21 Contel of the South, Inc. dba Verizon North Sys (IN - GLIN) 20.00 24.75 32.82 33.00 32.47 29.06 23.61 22 Verizon North/Contel South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 15.11 16.64 17.49 16.45 15.75 13.17 15.33 23 Verizon North/Verizon South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 22.82 21.54 23.67 23.90 22.35 23.07 21.59 24 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Oregon - GTOR) 26.40 26.10 31.69 30.95 31.56 27.03 28.23 25 Verizon Northwest Inc. (West Coast CA - GNCA) (14.17) (5.17) 1.91 (8.35) (9.93) (6.85) (25.83) 26 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Washington - COWA) 37.26 31.57 40.06 39.49 39.17 30.41
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror96.pdf
- 12.45% 17.17% - - - 11.80% 1ILLINOIS BELL 12.10 12.26 10.87 16.13 (90.24) 10.91 12.66 2INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE 12.61 12.24 12.86 11.24 (16.26) 15.17 12.92 3MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE 12.99 12.85 12.61 14.63 43.57 11.79 13.37 4OHIO BELL TELEPHONE 12.72 12.32 13.09 7.15 (5.70) 17.86 12.98 5WISCONSIN BELL INC. 13.60 12.32 10.36 7.94 12.73 23.48 16.66 6NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE CO. 13.17 12.33 12.53 14.05 7.31 15.69 14.74 7THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA 11.98 12.51 9.37 8.93 16.23 16.87 12.67 8THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COS. 12.51 12.59 10.54 16.13 9.36 10.49 13.38 9THE DIAMOND STATE TELEPHONE CO. 12.50 12.59 15.65 7.96 12.64 15.87 11.24 10SOUTH CENTRAL BELL TELEPHONE CO.-ALABAMA 13.16 12.11 13.90 11.07 (10.49) 17.68 14.52 11SOUTH CENTRAL BELL TELEPHONE
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror97.pdf
- 60 CENTRAL TELEPHONE OF VIRGINIA 20/ 16.01 17.46 15.87 14.30 15.55 12.91 61 CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 16.53 15.38 17.77 15.39 11.10 10.14 11.43 62 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 26.13 24.30 20.33 18.41 15.55 14.93 14.06 63 UNITED TELEPHONE - EASTERN (NJ & PA) 17.36 17.42 14.87 16.12 13.98 12.32 11.71 64 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 13.17 16.12 15.93 16.54 13.15 12.33 12.75 65 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 30.59 34.55 34.17 29.32 19.39 17.72 17.27 66 UNITED TELEPHONE-MIDWEST (MO,KS,MN,NE,WY,TX) 15.50 21.52 19.64 17.44 13.92 15.35 14.57 67 UNITED TELEPHONE - SOUTHEAST (TN, VA & SC) 18.89 20.66 19.05 19.17 13.39 13.48 13.66 ALL OTHER COMPANIES 68 ALIANT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 20/ 21/ 12.27 14.95 16.09 15.47
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ror99.pdf
- GTHI) 17.62 15.64 10.55 9.42 7.87 8.15 9.18 8.98 11.75 28 GTE North/GTE South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 22.55 23.07 21.59 18.36 14.69 17.12 13.77 12.60 12.65 29 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTIN + GLIN = GAIN) 32.85 29.06 23.61 26.23 18.80 18.21 14.50 14.17 14.16 30 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 16.04 13.17 15.33 14.85 11.45 11.10 9.82 14.21 12.89 31 GTE Midwest Inc. (IOWA - GTIA) 14/ 22.65 23.59 25.59 22.68 16.49 19.05 32 Contel of Minnesota - GTMN 14/ 2.03 (1.33) 4.01 (13.13) (10.88) (0.04) GTE North Inc. (Total IA+MN GTE) 14/ 13.16 13.69 9.97 33 GTE Midwest Inc. (Missouri - GTMO) 11.87 16.08 17.88 19.84 17.18 18.20 13.48 13.99 13.30
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend199.pdf
- 60 CENTRAL TELEPHONE OF VIRGINIA 20/ 16.01 17.46 15.87 14.30 15.55 12.91 61 CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 16.53 15.38 17.77 15.39 11.10 10.14 11.43 62 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 26.13 24.30 20.33 18.41 15.55 14.93 14.06 63 UNITED TELEPHONE - EASTERN (NJ & PA) 17.36 17.42 14.87 16.12 13.98 12.32 11.71 64 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 13.17 16.12 15.93 16.54 13.15 12.33 12.75 65 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 30.59 34.55 34.17 29.32 19.39 17.72 17.27 66 UNITED TELEPHONE-MIDWEST (MO,KS,MN,NE,WY,TX) 15.50 21.52 19.64 17.44 13.92 15.35 14.57 67 UNITED TELEPHONE - SOUTHEAST (TN, VA & SC) 18.89 20.66 19.05 19.17 13.39 13.48 13.66 ALL OTHER COMPANIES 68 ALIANT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 20/ 21/ 12.27 14.95 16.09 15.47
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend200.pdf
- GTHI) 17.62 15.64 10.55 9.42 7.87 8.15 9.18 8.98 11.75 28 GTE North/GTE South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 22.55 23.07 21.59 18.36 14.69 17.12 13.77 12.60 12.65 29 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTIN + GLIN = GAIN) 32.85 29.06 23.61 26.23 18.80 18.21 14.50 14.17 14.16 30 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 16.04 13.17 15.33 14.85 11.45 11.10 9.82 14.21 12.89 31 GTE Midwest Inc. (IOWA - GTIA) 14/ 22.65 23.59 25.59 22.68 16.49 19.05 32 Contel of Minnesota - GTMN 14/ 2.03 (1.33) 4.01 (13.13) (10.88) (0.04) GTE North Inc. (Total IA+MN GTE) 14/ 13.16 13.69 9.97 33 GTE Midwest Inc. (Missouri - GTMO) 11.87 16.08 17.88 19.84 17.18 18.20 13.48 13.99 13.30
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend298.pdf
- 60 CENTRAL TELEPHONE OF VIRGINIA 20/ 16.01 17.46 15.87 14.30 15.55 12.91 61 CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 16.53 15.38 17.77 15.39 11.10 10.14 11.43 62 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF INDIANA, INC. 26.13 24.30 20.33 18.41 15.55 14.93 14.06 63 UNITED TELEPHONE - EASTERN (NJ & PA) 17.36 17.42 14.87 16.12 13.98 12.32 11.71 64 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF OHIO 13.17 16.12 15.93 16.54 13.15 12.33 12.75 65 UNITED TELEPHONE CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 30.59 34.55 34.17 29.32 19.39 17.72 17.27 66 UNITED TELEPHONE-MIDWEST (MO,KS,MN,NE,WY,TX) 15.50 21.52 19.64 17.44 13.92 15.35 14.57 67 UNITED TELEPHONE - SOUTHEAST (TN, VA & SC) 18.89 20.66 19.05 19.17 13.39 13.48 13.66 ALL OTHER COMPANIES 68 ALIANT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY 20/ 21/ 12.27 14.95 16.09 15.47
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend502.pdf
- GTOH) 21.39 21.88 21.70 21.83 24.37 21 GTE North Inc. (Pennsylvania - GTPA) 23.20 21.95 21.41 14.67 20.62 22 GTE North Inc. (Wisconsin - GTWI) 13.84 16.99 17.85 16.08 18.75 23 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTIN + GLIN = GAIN) 32.88 33.00 32.47 29.06 23.61 24 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 17.63 16.45 15.75 13.17 15.33 25 GTE North/GTE South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 23.56 23.90 22.35 23.07 21.59 26 GTE Northwest Inc. (Oregon - GTOR) 31.83 30.95 31.56 27.03 28.23 27 GTE Northwest Inc. (West Coast CA - GNCA) 3.22 (8.35) (9.93) (6.85)(25.83) 28 GTE Northwest Inc. (Washington - COWA) 39.37 39.49 39.17 30.41 31.85 29 GTE Northwest Inc. (Washington - GTWA) 34.06
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend504.pdf
- North Inc. (Pennsylvania - GTPA) 13.62 22.50 23.17 21.95 21.41 14.67 20.62 20 Verizon North Inc. (Wisconsin - GTWI) 10.85 9.90 14.16 16.99 17.85 16.08 18.75 21 Contel of the South, Inc. dba Verizon North Sys (IN - GLIN) 20.00 24.75 32.82 33.00 32.47 29.06 23.61 22 Verizon North/Contel South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 15.11 16.64 17.49 16.45 15.75 13.17 15.33 23 Verizon North/Verizon South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 22.82 21.54 23.67 23.90 22.35 23.07 21.59 24 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Oregon - GTOR) 26.40 26.10 31.69 30.95 31.56 27.03 28.23 25 Verizon Northwest Inc. (West Coast CA - GNCA) (14.17) (5.17) 1.91 (8.35) (9.93) (6.85) (25.83) 26 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Washington - COWA) 37.26 31.57 40.06 39.49 39.17 30.41
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend605.pdf
- North Inc. (Pennsylvania - GTPA) 13.62 22.50 23.17 21.95 21.41 14.67 20.62 20 Verizon North Inc. (Wisconsin - GTWI) 10.85 9.90 14.16 16.99 17.85 16.08 18.75 21 Contel of the South, Inc. dba Verizon North Sys (IN - GLIN) 20.00 24.75 32.82 33.00 32.47 29.06 23.61 22 Verizon North/Contel South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 15.11 16.64 17.49 16.45 15.75 13.17 15.33 23 Verizon North/Verizon South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL) 22.82 21.54 23.67 23.90 22.35 23.07 21.59 24 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Oregon - GTOR) 26.40 26.10 31.69 30.95 31.56 27.03 28.23 25 Verizon Northwest Inc. (West Coast CA - GNCA) (14.17) (5.17) 1.91 (8.35) (9.93) (6.85) (25.83) 26 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Washington - COWA) 37.26 31.57 40.06 39.49 39.17 30.41
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend801.pdf
- Inc. (Hawaii - GTHI) 11.75 8.98 9.18 8.15 7.87 9.42 10.55 15.64 17.62 17.98 23 GTE North/GTE South (GTIL+GLIL=GAIL) 12.65 12.60 13.77 17.12 14.69 18.36 21.59 23.07 22.35 23.95 24 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTIN+GLIN=GAIN) 14.16 14.17 14.50 18.21 18.80 26.23 23.61 29.06 32.47 33.87 25 GTE North/Contel Systems of South (GTMI+GLMI=GAMI) 12.89 14.21 9.82 11.10 11.45 14.85 15.33 13.17 15.75 16.50 GTE Midwest Inc. (IOWA - GTIA) 17/ 19.05 16.49 22.68 25.59 23.59 22.71 14/ Contel of Minnesota - GTMN 17/ (0.04)(10.88)(13.13) 4.01 (1.33) 3.56 14/ GTE North Inc. (Total IA+MN GTE) 17/ 9.97 13.69 13.16 26 GTE Midwest Inc. (Missouri - GTMO) 13.30 13.99 13.48 18.20 17.18 19.84 17.88 16.08 11.82 19.32 GTE Midwest Inc. (Nebraska - GTNE)
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend803.pdf
- 21.83 24.37 19 Verizon North Inc. (Pennsylvania - GTPA) 22.56 23.17 21.95 21.41 14.67 20.62 20 Verizon North Inc. (Wisconsin - GTWI) 9.81 14.16 16.99 17.85 16.08 18.75 21 Verizon North/Contel Systems of South (GTIN + GLIN = GAIN) 25.10 32.82 33.00 32.47 29.06 23.61 22 Verizon North/Contel Systems of South (GTMI + GLMI = GAMI) 16.65 17.49 16.45 15.75 13.17 15.33 23 Verizon North/GTE South (GTIL + GLIL = GAIL 21.60 23.67 23.90 22.35 23.07 21.59 24 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Oregon - GTOR) 26.13 31.69 30.95 31.56 27.03 28.23 25 Verizon Northwest Inc. (West Coast CA - GNCA) (5.18) 1.91 (8.35) (9.93) (6.85) (25.83) 26 Verizon Northwest Inc. (Washington - COWA) 31.49 40.06 39.49 39.17 30.41 31.85 27 Verizon Northwest
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-3.pdf
- AL 12.49 0.08 12.40 69.57 250290 C FARMERS TEL. COOP., INC.-AL 3.60 0.05 3.55 1.94 250293 C VERIZON SOUTH INC.-AL -14.08 -0.16 -13.94 0.00 250295 A>CGRACEBA TOTAL COMM. 58.08 -0.17 58.35 653.52 250298 C GULF TEL. CO.-AL 20.43 11.89 7.63 0.00 250299 C HAYNEVILLE TEL. CO., INC. 6.46 0.38 6.06 9.24 250300 C HOPPER TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO., INC. 10.70 1.08 9.53 13.17 250301 A FRONTIER COMM. OF LAMAR COUNTY, INC. 12.45 -1.05 13.65 150.27 250302 C ALLTEL ALABAMA 5.28 1.05 4.18 5.62 250304 C MILLRY TEL. CO., INC. -1.24 1.89 -3.08 -12.71 250305 C MON-CRE TEL. COOP. INC. 24.64 -0.43 25.18 69.11 250306 C FRONTIER COMM. OF AL, INC. -4.75 -4.29 -0.48 -41.34 250307 C MOUNDVILLE TEL. CO. 8.81 4.49 4.14 8.91
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-2.pdf
- 3.50 3.47 0.00 1.75 1.74 6.51 10.00 8.82 6.51 13.50 12.29 Nevada 5.25 8.25 6.47 0.00 3.50 2.99 0.00 1.75 1.49 5.25 10.00 7.96 5.25 13.50 10.95 New Hampshire 8.20 8.25 8.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.20 8.25 8.20 8.20 8.25 8.20 New Jersey 7.38 8.06 8.05 0.00 3.44 3.41 0.00 1.72 1.70 7.38 9.78 9.76 7.38 13.22 13.17 New Mexico 7.92 8.25 8.24 0.00 3.50 3.31 0.00 1.75 1.65 7.92 10.00 9.89 7.92 13.50 13.20 New York 6.17 8.25 8.09 0.00 3.50 3.30 0.00 1.75 1.65 6.17 10.00 9.74 6.17 13.50 13.04 North Carolina 7.83 8.25 8.09 3.50 3.50 3.49 1.75 1.75 1.75 9.58 10.00 9.83 13.08 13.50 13.33 North Dakota 5.25 8.25 8.00 0.00 3.50 1.93 0.00
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr98-9.pdf
- 10.86 9.18 3.92 20.24 6.21 8.21 8 1.51 Installations: Residential 4.13 8.66 5.19 14.13 3.10 5.83 5.33 7.31 Small Business 8.20 6.48 3.47 20.53 4.54 6.89 11.31 13.39 Large Business 9.38 11.36 NA 23.42 7.42 11.21 23.00 0.74 Repairs:Residential 9.55 20.69 8.72 27.33 7.41 8.44 10.50 13.43 Small Business 10.88 9.20 4.32 23.37 7.61 6.57 12.80 14.11 Large Business 11.83 13.17 NA 30.07 7.93 7.94 22.00 1.61 Business Office: Residential 5.94 11.17 5.21 18.90 2.07 7.15 2.17 1.88 Small Business 6.02 5.22 2.31 15.86 4.02 6.64 3.56 4.70 Large Business 13.37 9.79 NA 12.51 2.70 13.78 9.00 0.00 9 - 23 Table 9.4(c): Company Comparision -- Customer Perception Surveys -- 1997 Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied Company AmeritechBell AtlanticBellSouth NYNEX Pacific SBC
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- 8.23 8.52 -0.27 -0.04 452175 C CENTURYTEL OF SOUTHWEST, INC.-AZ 1.15 10.11 -8.14 -18.69 452176 C VALLEY TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE INC-AZ 17.09 7.46 8.95 24.85 452179 C GILA RIVER TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. -2.23 18.90 -17.77 -14.20 452191 C ACCIPITER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 43.32 0.00 43.32 46.49 452200 C FORT MOJAVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. 5.39 13.50 -7.14 -0.21 452226 C MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.-ARIZONA -5.73 13.17 -16.70 -13.91 452302 C CONTEL OF CALIFORNIA - ARIZONA -37.90 4.75 -40.71 -100.00 453334 C TABLE TOP TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. 7.04 7.45 -0.39 3.26 454426 C CITIZENS UTILITIES CO. DBA CITIZENS-ARIZONA 19.99 3.61 15.81 46.81 454449 C NAVAJO COMMUNICATIONS CO INC-AZ 7.42 9.38 -1.79 2.20 455101 C U S WEST, INC. - AZ 3.24 3.24 0.00 0.00 TOTAL: ARKANSAS 4.90
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- to 2000 by Study Area Unseparated High Cost Study Unseparated Number NTS Revenue Loop Support Area NTS Revenue of Requirement Payments in Code Type Study Area Name Requirement Loops per Loop Later Year* GEORGIA (CONT.) 220360 C ELLIJAY TEL. CO. 9.12 9.03 0.08 12.73 220362 C FRONTIER COMM. OF FAIRMOUNT, INC. 33.88 4.11 28.59 71.96 220364 A GEORGIA TEL. CORP. 13.17 3.35 9.50 INFINITE 220365 A GLENWOOD TEL. CO. 12.28 2.29 9.76 285.70 220368 C HART TEL. CO. 2.68 1.17 1.49 25.90 220369 C COMSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. -2.28 5.70 -7.55 -12.47 220371 C INTERSTATE TEL. CO. 6.98 5.28 1.61 0.00 220375 A NELSON-BALL GROUND TEL. CO. 10.01 8.38 1.51 0.00 220376 C PEMBROKE TEL. CO., INC. 14.42 3.85 10.18 33.64 220377
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/QualSvc/qual98.pdf
- 9.18 3.92 20.24 6.21 8.21 NA 1.34 Installations: Residential 4.13 8.66 5.19 14.13 3.10 5.83 5.37 7.53 Small Business 8.20 6.48 3.47 20.53 4.54 6.89 11.58 14.23 Large Business 9.38 11.36 NA 23.42 7.42 11.21 NA 1.18 Repairs: Residential 9.55 20.69 8.72 27.33 7.41 8.44 10.66 12.83 Small Business 10.88 9.20 4.32 23.37 7.61 6.57 12.92 13.86 Large Business 11.83 13.17 NA 30.07 7.93 7.94 NA 1.32 Business Office: Residential 5.94 11.17 5.21 18.90 2.07 7.15 2.23 2.08 Small Business 6.02 5.22 2.31 15.86 4.02 6.64 3.59 4.62 Large Business 13.37 9.79 NA 12.51 2.70 13.78 NA 0.26 Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications Table 1(e): Company Comparision -- 1996 Customer Perception Surveys Company Ameritech Bell Atlantic BellSouth
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/Exparte/1999/exparsbc.doc http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/Exparte/1999/exparsbc.txt
- 0.74 Michigan $ 35.32 $ 2.94 Missouri $ 16.31 $ 1.36 Nevada $ 2.31 $ 0.19 Ohio $ 26.72 $ 2.23 Oklahoma $ 10.57 $ 0.88 Texas $ 61.48 $ 5.12 Wisconsin $ 14.18 $ 1.18 $ 375.00 $ 31.25 ATTACHMENT A-6 (cont'd) YEAR 3 CIPP CAPS ($M) State Annual Monthly Arkansas $ 8.32 $ 0.69 California $ 158.02 $ 13.17 Connecticut $ 19.12 $ 1.59 Illinois $ 60.82 $ 5.07 Indiana $ 19.42 $ 1.62 Kansas $ 11.78 $ 0.98 Michigan $ 47.10 $ 3.93 Missouri $ 21.75 $ 1.81 Nevada $ 3.08 $ 0.26 Ohio $ 35.62 $ 2.97 Oklahoma $ 14.10 $ 1.18 Texas $ 81.97 $ 6.83 Wisconsin $ 18.90 $ 1.57 $ 500.00 $ 41.67 ATTACHMENT
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.txt http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1998/fcc98025.wp
- and application for new license or 13.9(b)(1), (2), (3), (e) (3), (e) endorsement (change to allow electronic filing of application via ULS). 13.13 Application for a renewed or modified license (change to 13.13 allow electronic filing of application via ULS). 13.13(a), (c), (e) Application for a renewed or modified license (change 13.13(a), (c), (e) form numbers to reflect ULS forms) 13.17 Replacement license (change to allow electronic filing of 13.17 replacement license via ULS). 13.17(a), (b), Replacement license (change form numbers to reflect 13.17(a), (b), (c), (d) (c), (d) ULS forms). PART 13-COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATORS .......................#. The authority citation for Part 13 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, and
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/2000/fcc00105.doc
- the previous 365 days, is authorized to exercise the rights and privileges of the license for which the application is filed. This authority is valid for a period of 90 days from the date the application is received. The FCC, in its discretion, may cancel this temporary conditional operating authority without a hearing. * * * * * 4. Section 13.17 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows: § 13.17 Replacement license. (b) Each application for a replacement General Radiotelephone Operator License, Marine Radio Operator Permit, First Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, Third Class Radiotelegraph Operator's Certificate, GMDSS Radio Operator's License, Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator License, GMDSS Radio Maintainer's License, or GMDSS Radio Operator/Maintainer