FCC Web Documents citing 32.1410
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3912A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3912A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-03-3912A1.txt
- 1170 - Receivables''. Report Definition - Row/Column Instructions The following row instructions are deleted: 0301 through 0330, 0401 through 0430, 0440, 0450, and 0460. The following column instructions are deleted: (ab) through (ao). The column section Account 1401 and Account 1402 is deleted and replaced with the following: ``Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules.'' The column section Account 1160 is deleted and replaced with the following: ``Temporary Investments - Investments as defined in Section 32.1120 (e) of the Commission's Rules.'' The column section Account 1180 is deleted and replaced with the following: ``Account 1170 - Receivables as defined in Section 32.1170 of the Commission's Rules.'' Column (q)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-305A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-305A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-305A1.txt
- Unusual items and contingent liabilities. 32.26 Materiality. 32.27 Transactions with affiliates. Subpart C-Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts 32.101 Structure of the balance sheet accounts. Nonregulated investments. 32.103 Balance sheet accounts for other than regulated-fixed assets to be maintained. 32.1120 Cash and equivalents. 32.1170 Receivables. 32.1171 Allowance for doubtful accounts. 32.1220 Inventories. 32.1280 Prepayments. 32.1350 Other current assets. 32.1406 Nonregulated investments. 32.1410 Other noncurrent assets. 32.1438 Deferred maintenance and retirements. Other jurisdictional assets - net. Instructions for telecommunications plant accounts. 32.2001 Telecommunications plant in service. 32.2002 Property held for future telecommunications use. 32.2003 Telecommunications plant under construction. 32.2005 Telecommunications plant adjustment 32.2006 Nonoperating plant 32.2007 Goodwill. 32.2110 Land and support assets. 32.2111 Land. 32.2112 Motor vehicles. 32.2113 Aircraft. 32.2114 Tools and other
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-149A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-149A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-149A1.txt
- items and contingent liabilities. 32.26 Materiality. 32.27 Transactions with affiliates. Subpart C-Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts 32.101 Structure of the balance sheet accounts. 32.102 Nonregulated investments. 32.103 Balance sheet accounts for other than regulated-fixed assets to be maintained. 32.1120 Cash and equivalents. 32.1170 Receivables. 32.1171 Allowance for doubtful accounts. 32.1220 Inventories. 32.1280 Prepayments. 32.1350 Other current assets. 32.1406 Nonregulated investments. 32.1410 Other noncurrent assets. 32.1438 Deferred maintenance and retirements. 32.1500 Other jurisdictional assets-net. 32.2000 Instructions for telecommunications plant accounts. 32.2001 Telecommunications plant in service. 32.2002 Property held for future telecommunications use. 32.2003 Telecommunications plant under construction. 32.2005 Telecommunications plant adjustment. 32.2006 Nonoperating plant. 32.2007 Goodwill. 32.2110 Land and support assets. 32.2111 Land. 32.2112 Motor vehicles. 32.2113 Aircraft. 32.2114 Tools and other
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2003PDFs/4302c03.pdf
- the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition January 2004 Rev Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2003PDFs/4302p03.pdf
- the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition January 2004 Rev Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2004PDFs/4302c04.pdf
- Enter the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition December 2004 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2004PDFs/4302p04.pdf
- Enter the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition December 2004 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2005PDFs/4302c05.pdf
- Enter the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition December 2005 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2005PDFs/4302p05.pdf
- Enter the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition December 2005 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2006PDFs/4302c06.pdf
- Enter the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition December 2006 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2006PDFs/4302p06.pdf
- Enter the aggregate amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition December 2006 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2007PDFs/4302c07.pdf
- amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition Table B-3 December 2007 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance
- http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/armis/documents/2007PDFs/4302p07.pdf
- amount of investment in non-affiliates. 0260 Total Investment - The sum of Rows 0240 and 0250. FCC 43-02 Report Definition Table B-3 December 2007 Page 40 of 61 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS COLUMN Each of these columns is provided for entry of data on Rows 0101 through 0260. Investment in Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Companies - Investments as defined in Section 32.1410 (a) through (e) of the Commission's Rules. (b) Company Name - The name of the company in which the reporting carrier has investments. (c) Common - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in common stock. (d) Preferred - This column reflects the end-of-year balance of investment in preferred stock. (e) Advances - This column reflects the end-of-year balance