FCC Web Documents citing 101.1
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-99A1.pdf
- reconsideration, filed by Motorola and Redline and seeking 139WCA Petition at 22-24;Wi-Max Forum Petition at 11-12. See alsoAirstream comments at 7 (without Part 101 procedures, earth station operators have "no incentive to negotiate in good faith" and can "stonewall provision of service" in exclusion zones); Verizon comments at 6; NextWeb comments at 9. 140SIA comments at 13-14. 14147 C.F.R. 101.1(b). 142See47 C.F.R. 101.103, 101.105. 143See3650 MHz Order, Appendix D,20 FCC Rcd at 6554-61. We note that, as originally published, the formulas in Appendix D had two minor errors, which we correct here. First, in Equation 6, we replace Gd with x, where x is the off axis angle. With that change, Equation 6 becomes: ) * 055 . 0
- http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-09-114A1.doc http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-09-114A1.pdf
- Hansen, 450 U.S. 785, 790 (1981) (petitioner's reliance on erroneous staff advice does not estop agency from requiring compliance with valid regulation). See Section 0.261 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.261, Authority Delegated to the International Bureau; Section 0.311 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.311, Authority Delegated to the Enforcement Bureau. 47 U.S.C. 301. 47 C.F.R. 101.1 et seq. See 47 C.F.R. 101.31(b). As noted above, none of Petitioners' proposed stations met the requirement that the station site lie beyond 56.3 kilometers of any international border. See id. at 101.31(b)(v); supra note 6. See In re: Notices of Apparent Liability for Forfeitures of Emery Telephone, 15 FCC Rcd 7181, 7186 (1999). The courts have found
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1540A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1540A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-1540A1.txt
- Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. 25.220(e)(1), from each target satellite operator that it has reached agreements with adjacent satellite operators regarding the non-routine operations. ABS-CBN's application does not include these certifications. Therefore, the application is incomplete. Furthermore, ABS-CBN lists, in response to question E56 on Schedule B, the eastern limit for the azimuth angle as 85. This is inconsistent with the 101.1 angle that is calculated using the eastern limit of the satellite arc of 50 W.L. and the earth station site location. Should ABS-CBN refile the application, it must supply a value for azimuth consistent with the limits of the satellite arc and the location of the earth station. Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 25.112(a)(1) and 0.261, we dismiss ABS-CBN's modification application,
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2001A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2001A1.txt
- satellite's launch. Also, DIRECTV is authorized to operate the DIRECTV 9S satellite's telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) functions on the 17795 MHz (uplink) and 12695.5 and 12696.5 MHz (downlink) frequencies, for the 52-day period from the date of launch, including during in-orbit testing at the 138 W.L. orbital location and during relocation of the satellite to its licensed location at 101.1 W.L. This authorization is granted in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in DIRECTV's application, the attachment to grant, and the Commission's rules. Page 1 of 1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2448A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-06-2448A1.txt
- the 110.1 W.L. orbital location. S2669 SAT-STA-20061121-00142E Effective Date: 11/29/2006 Grant of Authority Special Temporary Authority DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC On November 29, 2006, the Satellite Division granted the request of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (DIRECTV) for special temporary authority (STA) to extend the drift of its DIRECTV 9S satellite from the 138 W.L. orbital location to its licensed orbital location at 101.1 W.L. by 15 days, from December 4, 2006 to December 19, 2006. In addition, the Satellite Division authorized DIRECTV to operate the DIRECTV 9S satellite's telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) functions on the 17795 MHz (uplink) and 12695.5 and 12696.5 MHz (downlink) frequencies, for the 15-day period from December 4, 2006 through December 19, 2006 during the remainder of the
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1307A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1307A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-09-1307A1.txt
- Part 101, as well as setting forth definitions of certain terms used in the remaining rules. Need: The identified rule is necessary to refer to the rules of practice and procedure in Part 1 of the rules that are applicable to services regulated under Part 101 of the rules. Legal Basis: 47 U.S.C. 154 and 303. Section Number and Title: 101.1(a) Scope and authority. SUBPART B-APPLICATIONS AND LICENSES Brief Description: The Part 101 rules prescribe the manner in which portions of the radio spectrum may be made available for private operational, common carrier, Local Television Transmission Service (LTTS), 24 GHz Service, Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS), 39 GHz, Multiple Address Service (MAS), Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service (MVDDS) and 70-80-90
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1333A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1333A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-1333A1.txt
- locations. 95.1305 Station identification. 95.1307 Permissible communications. 95.1309 Channel use policy. PART 101-FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES SUBPART A-GENERAL Brief Description: Subpart A contains the general rules pertaining to Commission's scope and authority and definitions. Need: The revised rules established definitions relevant to the 24 GHz service and Multiple Address Systems. Legal Basis: 47 U.S.C. 154 and 303. Section Number and Title: 101.1 Scope and authority. 101.3 Definitions. SUBPART B-APPLICATIONS AND LICENSES Brief Description: Subpart B sets forth the general filing requirements for applications and licenses in the Fixed Microwave Services. Need: The revised rules modified the buildout requirements for the 38.6-40.0 GHz band, revised the rules relating to the 24 GHz service, updates frequency assignments to reflect the reallocation of frequencies in
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262084A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262084A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262086A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262086A1.txt
- Reporting Cos. $400,456.2 $10,548.4$389,907.7$279,826.9$110,080.8$55,797.8$18,603.0$34,593.3$108,994.1$1,086.7 Bell Operating Cos. 368,239.3 9,740.9 358,498.4 255,959.9102,538.5 51,300.1 16,659.3 33,546.6 101,506.0 1,032.5 All Other Cos. 32,216.9 807.5 31,409.4 23,867.0 7,542.4 4,497.7 1,943.7 1,046.7 7,488.1 54.2 Alabama 6,432.7 297.4 6,135.3 4,553.1 1,582.2 1,003.2 202.4 346.6 1,552.2 30.0 AL Arizona 6,819.7 141.6 6,678.1 4,840.0 1,838.0 1,134.6 245.5 454.2 1,834.3 3.8 AZ Arkansas 2,530.9 31.4 2,499.4 1,802.9 696.6 427.9 101.1 164.8 693.8 2.8 AR California 46,667.2 1,811.8 44,855.5 33,260.3 11,595.2 5,706.4 2,528.7 3,267.6 11,502.7 92.5 CA Colorado 8,193.8 215.8 7,978.0 5,763.1 2,214.9 1,291.4 337.8 572.9 2,202.1 12.8 CO Connecticut 5,112.3 8.3 5,104.0 3,570.7 1,533.3 630.8 502.4 398.4 1,531.6 1.6 CT Delaware 1,207.2 19.1 1,188.1 808.8 379.3 191.0 49.8 137.1 377.9 1.4 DE District of Columbia 2,217.1 99.9 2,117.2 1,262.0 855.2
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A8.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-262986A9.txt
- October 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 November 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 December 89.2 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 2002January 88.4 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 February 88.0 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 March 87.9 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 April 87.5 103.4 105.4 101.0 104.3 104.8 May 87.8 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 June 87.7 103.5 105.5 101.1 104.3 104.8 July 87.4 104.0 106.1 101.1 104.3 119.5 August 87.8 104.0 106.1 101.2 104.3 119.5 September 87.7 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 October 85.5 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 November 86.4 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 December 86.0 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 2003January 85.7 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 February 85.8 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 March 85.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265356A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-265356A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-266857A1.txt
- October 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 November 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 December 89.2 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 2002January 88.4 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 February 88.0 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 March 87.9 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 April 87.5 103.4 105.4 101.0 104.3 104.8 May 87.8 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 June 87.7 103.5 105.5 101.1 104.3 104.8 July 87.4 104.0 106.1 101.1 104.3 119.5 August 87.8 104.0 106.1 101.2 104.3 119.5 September 87.7 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 October 85.5 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 November 86.4 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 December 86.0 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 2003January 85.7 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 February 85.8 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 March 85.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A8.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-269251A9.txt
- 99.4 100.6 May 98.9 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 June 99.1 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 July 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 August 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 September 99.1 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 October 99.2 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 November 98.9 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 December 98.9 100.9 101.6 100.4 99.4 100.6 2006January 98.6 101.1 101.9 100.5 99.4 100.6 February* 98.2 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 March* 98.6 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 April* 98.4 100.9 101.6 100.3 99.4 100.6 May* 98.9 101.7 102.8 100.7 99.4 100.6 * Subject to revision. 7-12 Public Switched Toll Service Residence Switched Toll Service Intrastate Residence Switched Toll Service Interstate Residence Switched Toll Service International Residence Switched Toll Service
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-270407A1.txt
- 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 1998March 103.4 97.4 94.1 6.1 5.9 July 103.4 97.3 94.1 6.1 5.9 November 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 1999March 104.8 98.5 94.0 6.3 6.0 July 105.1 99.2 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 2000March 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 July 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 2001March 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 July 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 2002March 108.3 103.4 95.5 4.8 4.5 July 108.5 103.2 95.1 5.3 4.9 November 109.0 104.0 95.3 5.1 4.7 2003March 112.1 107.1 95.5 5.0 4.5 July 112.1 106.8 95.2 5.3 4.8 November 113.1 107.1 94.7 6.0 5.3 2004March 112.9 106.4 94.2 6.5 5.8 July 113.5 106.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272904A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-272904A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A8.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279226A9.txt
- 99.4 100.6 May 98.9 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 June 99.1 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 July 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 August 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 September 99.1 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 October 99.2 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 November 98.9 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 December 98.9 100.9 101.6 100.4 99.4 100.6 2006January 98.6 101.1 101.9 100.5 99.4 100.6 February 98.5 101.3 102.3 100.5 99.4 100.6 March 99.0 101.4 102.4 100.5 99.4 100.6 April 98.8 101.4 102.4 100.6 99.4 102.1 May 99.1 101.9 103.3 100.6 99.4 102.1 June 99.5 102.0 103.3 100.8 99.4 102.1 July 99.9 102.0 103.4 100.8 99.4 102.1 August 100.3 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1 September 100.7 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279997A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-279997A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282813A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-282813A1.txt
- 6,658.8 755.0 5,903.8 4,435.5 1,480.2 778.7 311.1 201.0 1,290.8 189.4 Alabama 1,200.2 148.8 1,051.4 757.0 292.0 154.5 34.1 55.3 243.9 48.1 AL Arizona 1,371.4 105.7 1,265.7 911.4 355.1 194.4 43.2 75.0 312.6 42.5 AZ Arkansas 494.6 80.6 414.0 298.9 116.6 62.6 15.2 27.1 104.9 11.6 AR California 10,315.9 1,845.2 8,470.6 6,335.0 2,147.4 932.8 420.6 563.0 1,916.4 231.0 CA Colorado 1,470.3 101.1 1,369.2 976.1 393.1 200.0 54.9 90.3 345.2 48.0 CO Connecticut 1,131.5 97.3 1,034.3 749.7 288.0 108.3 86.0 73.6 267.9 20.0 CT Delaware 279.3 17.0 262.3 177.6 84.7 40.2 10.0 23.8 74.0 10.7 DE District of Columbia 515.2 35.6 479.6 299.7 179.9 37.6 36.4 86.4 160.4 19.5 DC Florida 5,966.3 753.8 5,212.5 3,738.8 1,466.0 749.9 170.4 291.0 1,211.3 254.8 FL Georgia
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284923A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284923A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284932A1.txt
- 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 1998March 103.4 97.4 94.1 6.1 5.9 July 103.4 97.3 94.1 6.1 5.9 November 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 1999March 104.8 98.5 94.0 6.3 6.0 July 105.1 99.2 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 2000March 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 July 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 2001March 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 July 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 2002March 108.3 103.4 95.5 4.8 4.5 July 108.5 103.2 95.1 5.3 4.9 November 109.0 104.0 95.3 5.1 4.7 2003March 112.1 107.1 95.5 5.0 4.5 July 112.1 106.8 95.2 5.3 4.8 November 113.1 107.1 94.7 6.0 5.3 2004March 112.9 106.4 94.2 6.5 5.8 July 113.5 106.5
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-284934A1.txt
- October 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 November 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 December 89.2 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 2002January 88.4 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 February 88.0 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 March 87.9 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 April 87.5 103.4 105.4 101.0 104.3 104.8 May 87.8 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 June 87.7 103.5 105.5 101.1 104.3 104.8 July 87.4 104.0 106.1 101.1 104.3 119.5 August 87.8 104.0 106.1 101.2 104.3 119.5 September 87.7 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 October 85.5 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 November 86.4 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 December 86.0 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 2003January 85.7 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 February 85.8 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 March 85.8
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A1.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A8.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-287688A9.pdf
- 99.4 100.6 May 98.9 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 June 99.1 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 July 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 August 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 September 99.1 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 October 99.2 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 November 98.9 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 December 98.9 100.9 101.6 100.4 99.4 100.6 2006January 98.6 101.1 101.9 100.5 99.4 100.6 February 98.5 101.3 102.3 100.5 99.4 100.6 March 99.0 101.4 102.4 100.5 99.4 100.6 April 98.8 101.4 102.4 100.6 99.4 102.1 May 99.1 101.9 103.3 100.6 99.4 102.1 June 99.5 102.0 103.3 100.8 99.4 102.1 July 99.9 102.0 103.4 100.8 99.4 102.1 August 100.3 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1 September 100.7 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-288258A1.pdf
- Satellite Report DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC Call Signs S2132, S2133, S2191, S2640, S2641, and S2689 Dear Ms. Dortch: Pursuant to Section 25.145(f) of the Commission's rules, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") hereby submits this annual report on the status of its authorized Ka- band satellite systems. DIRECTV is currently licensed at six Ka-band orbital locations (99.1 15" W.L., 99.225' W.L., 100.85' W.L., 101.1" W.L., 102.775'W.L. and 102.885" W.L.). During the last year, DIRECTV has continued to make considerable progress in the development of these licensed satellite systems. DIRECTV requested, and was granted, slight adjustments to the location of its two operating Ka-band SPACEWAY satellites, SPACEWAY 1 and 2, from 102.8' W.L. to 102.885" W.L. and from 99.2" W.L. to 99.1 15' W.L. orbital
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289169A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-289169A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291222A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-291222A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292759A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-292759A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295212A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295212A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A1.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A8.txt
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-295442A9.txt
- 99.4 100.6 May 98.9 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 June 99.1 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 July 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 August 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 September 99.1 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 October 99.2 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 November 98.9 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 December 98.9 100.9 101.6 100.4 99.4 100.6 2006January 98.6 101.1 101.9 100.5 99.4 100.6 February 98.5 101.3 102.3 100.5 99.4 100.6 March 99.0 101.4 102.4 100.5 99.4 100.6 April 98.8 101.4 102.4 100.6 99.4 102.1 May 99.1 101.9 103.3 100.6 99.4 102.1 June 99.5 102.0 103.3 100.8 99.4 102.1 July 99.9 102.0 103.4 100.8 99.4 102.1 August 100.3 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1 September 100.7 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-296121A1.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301505A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301505A1.txt
- 55.7 (36.7) 92.5 (34.4) 126.8 (4.2) 10.1 130.3 129.1 121.4 100.2 21.2PA Rhode Island (20.9) (12.5) (8.4) (10.8) 2.3 (2.0) (0.6) 7.8 RI South Carolina 55.9 2.4 64.8 43.2 21.6 (2.8) 2.5 24.8 SC South Dakota 6.1 (0.3) 9.6 2.6 7.0 (0.5) 0.9 6.5 SD Tennessee 73.8 0.9 91.4 61.6 29.8 (3.0) 4.3 33.6 13.8 13.4 4.4 9.0TN Texas 367.5 (101.1) 335.0 141.9 184.0 (37.3) 0.6 210.5 65.4 58.5 40.0 18.3TX Utah 26.8 2.0 49.4 3.9 45.5 2.3 1.1 41.4 UT Vermont 4.5 (1.6) 6.2 (0.5) 6.7 1.5 (0.3) 7.9 VT Virginia 83.0 (33.3) 116.4 (18.5) 134.8 13.7 5.4 124.0 32.6 27.4 13.7 13.7VA Washington 87.3 1.8 100.3 (25.8) 126.0 20.6 4.0 103.8 19.5 11.9 6.6 5.3WA West Virginia 23.7 4.7
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-301823A1.txt
- 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November 1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November 2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November 2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November 2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A1.txt
- 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November 1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November 2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November 2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November 2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A8.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A8.txt
- 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November 1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November 2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November 2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November 2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-303886A9.txt
- 99.4 100.6 May 98.9 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 June 99.1 100.8 101.3 100.4 99.4 100.6 July 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 August 99.4 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 September 99.1 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 October 99.2 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 November 98.9 100.9 101.5 100.4 99.4 100.6 December 98.9 100.9 101.6 100.4 99.4 100.6 2006January 98.6 101.1 101.9 100.5 99.4 100.6 February 98.5 101.3 102.3 100.5 99.4 100.6 March 99.0 101.4 102.4 100.5 99.4 100.6 April 98.8 101.4 102.4 100.6 99.4 102.1 May 99.1 101.9 103.3 100.6 99.4 102.1 June 99.5 102.0 103.3 100.8 99.4 102.1 July 99.9 102.0 103.4 100.8 99.4 102.1 August 100.3 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1 September 100.7 102.2 103.7 100.8 99.4 102.1
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306752A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-306752A1.txt
- 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November 1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November 2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November 2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November 2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November 2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-311775A1.txt
- 6.2 November 1995 100.4 94.2 93.9 6.2 6.1 November 1996 101.3 95.1 93.9 6.2 6.1 November 1997 102.8 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 November 1998 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 November 1999 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 2000 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 2001 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5 4.8 4.5 July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1 5.3 4.9 November 2002 109.0 104.0 95.3 5.1 4.7 March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5 5.0 4.5 July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2 5.3 4.8 November 2003 113.1 107.1 94.7 6.0 5.3 March
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-272A1_Erratum.doc
- entry from 24,250-25,250 MHz to 24,750-25,050 MHz. PART 101 - FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES 6. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309(j), unless otherwise noted. 7. The subpart G in the table of contents is amended to read as follows: 24 GHz Service and Digital Electronic Message Service 8. Section 101.1 is amended by inserting the words ``24 GHz Service'' between the words "carrier" and "and" in subsection 101.1(b). 9. Section 101.3 is amended by adding a definition of 24 GHz Service and by changing the definition of Digital Electronic Message Service to read as follows: 101.3 Definitions As used in this part: * * * Digital Electronic Message Service.
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-182A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-182A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-01-182A1.txt
- America to ITU-R Working Party 4-9S (Doc. 4-9S/31). Pursuant to Resolution 84, the ITU-R charged Working Party 4-9S with determining the adequacy of the WRC-2000 provisional PFD limits for this band. Working Party currently is considering the appropriate value. See Res. 84, Invites ITU-R 7 (WRC-2000). Part 101 of our rules governs terrestrial fixed microwave services. See 47 C.F.R. 101.1 - 101.1209. TRW Inc. (TRW) has sought a waiver of those Part 101 rules it believes prevent it from providing fixed-satellite service in the 38.6 - 40.0 GHz band. See TRW, Inc., File No. 0000137436, FCC Form 601, Exhibit F (filed May 24, 2000). 47 C.F.R. 101.147; see also 47 C.F.R. 101.149 (explaining terms and conditions of EA
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-299A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-299A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-02-299A1.txt
- of 1982 and Related Statutory Provisions, 2 FCC Rcd 7339 (1987) (DCA NPRM); Amendment of Part 1 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations Regarding Implementation of the Debt Collection Act of 1982 and Related Statutory Provisions, 4 FCC Rcd 441 (1988), amended, 4 FCC Rcd 691 (1989) (DCA Rules) (adopting 47 CFR Part 1 Subpart O). See 4 C.F.R. 101.1 - 105.5 (1987). 142 Cong. Rec. H4087 (Apr. 25, 1996) (remarks of Congressman Horn). Federal Claims Collection Standards, 65 FR 70390 (2000) (FCCS), codified at 31 C.F.R. Chapter IX and Parts 900-904. See Comparison of Obsolete Federal Claims Collection Standards (4 CFR Chapter II Parts 101-105) to Proposed & Final Federal Claims Collection Standards (31 CFR Chapter IX Parts 900-904),
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-258A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-258A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-258A1.txt
- for its particular transmitter (a power density of 0.036 mW/cm2) to the total RFR in the area identified as exceeding the public RFR MPE limits. Station MHz FCC MPE Limit Power Density Produced by Station Transmitter % of FCC MPE Limit Produced by Station Transmitter KBIG-FM 104.3 0.2 mW/cm2 0.1635 mW/cm2 81.75% KKBT 100.3 0.2 mW/cm2 0.022 mW/cm2 11% KRTH-FM 101.1 0.2 mW/cm2 0.0235 mW/cm2 11.75% KWHY-TV 518 0.35 mW/cm2 0.036 mW/cm2 10.5% III. Discussion Section 503(b) of the Act provides that any person who willfully or repeatedly fails to comply substantially with the terms and conditions of any license, or willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Act or of any rule, regulation or
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-135A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-135A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-135A1.txt
- Comments at 7. . See BellSouth Comments at 13-14 n.21. See OWTC Comments at 7. We do note that OWTC proposed an alternative approach to create consolidated service rules for similar aspects of the respective unique services, but then have distinct service rule subparts when the historical service rules diverge from each other for each unique service. See 47 C.F.R. 101.1 et seq. "[W]e find that a flexible, market-based approach is the most appropriate method for determining services rules in [the Upper 700 MHz Band]....To comport with the range of potential service applications on these bands, and our intended use of Part 27 as a basic regulatory framework for service rules governing other bands, we have also recast the structure of
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-130A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-130A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-130A1.txt
- certain earth station license applications. The three IFPRS providers in operation at the time of the Notice were AT&T of the Virgin Islands, Inc., Broadcast Media Satellite, Inc., and Interisland Telephone Corporation. Notice, 15 FCC Rcd at 25145 (para. 48). Notice, 15 FCC Rcd at 25145 (para. 48). Notice, 15 FCC Rcd at 25145 (para. 49). See 47 C.F.R. 101.1(b) (list of services governed by Part 101). See Reorganization and Revision of Parts 1, 2, 21, and 94 of the Rules to Establish a New Part 101 Governing Terrestrial Microwave Fixed Radio Services, Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd 13449 (1996). Amendment to the Commission's Regulatory Policies Governing Domestic Fixed Satellites and Separate International Satellite Systems, Report and Order, CC
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-99A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-99A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-99A1.txt
- at 6. WCA Petition at 23. WCA Petition at 22-24; Wi-Max Forum Petition at 11-12. See also Airstream comments at 7 (without Part 101 procedures, earth station operators have ``no incentive to negotiate in good faith'' and can ``stonewall provision of service'' in exclusion zones); Verizon comments at 6; NextWeb comments at 9. SIA comments at 13-14. 47 C.F.R. 101.1(b). See 47 C.F.R. 101.103, 101.105. 5 6 8 - - kdV kd h h h @ IM IM [i 9#E Lnnk5EQ-j J 0 0
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-09-114A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-09-114A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-09-114A1.txt
- Hansen, 450 U.S. 785, 790 (1981) (petitioner's reliance on erroneous staff advice does not estop agency from requiring compliance with valid regulation). See Section 0.261 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.261, Authority Delegated to the International Bureau; Section 0.311 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.311, Authority Delegated to the Enforcement Bureau. 47 U.S.C. 301. 47 C.F.R. 101.1 et seq. See 47 C.F.R. 101.31(b). As noted above, none of Petitioners' proposed stations met the requirement that the station site lie beyond 56.3 kilometers of any international border. See id. at 101.31(b)(v); supra note 6. See In re: Notices of Apparent Liability for Forfeitures of Emery Telephone, 15 FCC Rcd 7181, 7186 (1999). The courts have found
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-93A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-93A1.pdf http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-93A1.txt
- 61.45 W.L.; EchoStar 15 (S2811) at 61.55 W.L.; DIRECTV 1R (S2369) at 72.5 W.L.; and Nimiq 5 (See File No. SES-MFS-20090306-00253) at 72.7 W.L.; EchoStar 6 (S2232) at 76.95 W.L.; EchoStar 4 (S2621) at 77 W.L.; EchoStar 8 (S2439) at 77 W.L.; EchoStar 1 (S2739) at 77.15 W.L.; DIRECTV 8 DBS (S2430) at 100.85 W.L.; DIRECTV 9S DBS (S2669) at 101.1 W.L.; DIRECTV 4S (S2430) at 101.2 W.L.; EchoStar 11 (S2738) at 110 W.L.; DIRECTV 5 (S2673) at 110.1 W.L.; EchoStar 10 (S2694) at 110.2 W.L.; EchoStar 7 (S2740) at 118.8 W.L.; EchoStar 14 (S2790) at 118.9 W.L.; DIRECTV 7S (S2455) at 119.05 W.L.; and Ciel-2 (See File No. SES-MFS-20080926-01242) at 128.85 W.L. For complete information, see IBFS. EchoStar EX-1 (S2441)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-93A1_Rcd.pdf
- Bureau will return to the applicant as defective any amended applications that are not substantially complete.175 (Continued from previous page)__________ SES-MFS-20090306-00253) at 72.7 W.L.; EchoStar 6 (S2232) at 76.95 W.L.; EchoStar 4 (S2621) at 77 W.L.; EchoStar 8 (S2439) at 77 W.L.; EchoStar 1 (S2739) at 77.15 W.L.; DIRECTV 8 DBS (S2430) at 100.85 W.L.; DIRECTV 9S DBS (S2669) at 101.1 W.L.; DIRECTV 4S (S2430) at 101.2 W.L.; EchoStar 11 (S2738) at 110 W.L.; DIRECTV 5 (S2673) at 110.1 W.L.; EchoStar 10 (S2694) at 110.2 W.L.; EchoStar 7 (S2740) at 118.8 W.L.; EchoStar 14 (S2790) at 118.9 W.L.; DIRECTV 7S (S2455) at 119.05 W.L.; and Ciel-2 (SeeFile No. SES- MFS-20080926-01242) at 128.85 W.L. For complete information, see IBFS. 171EchoStar EX-1 (S2441)
- http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-99-333A1.doc http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-99-333A1.pdf
- - 25.25 FIXED FIXED MICROWAVE (101) * * * * * * * UNITED STATES FOOTNOTES * * * * * Section 87 5. Section 87.173(b): delete radionavigaion use from Table (Chart). PART 101--FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES 6. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as follows: Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309(j), unless otherwise noted. 7. Section 101.1 is proposed to be amended by inserting the words ``24 GHz Service'' between the words "carrier" and "and" in subsection 101.1(a). 8. Section 101.3 is proposed to be amended by replacing the definition of Digital Electronic Message Service to read as follows: 101.3 Definitions As used in this part: * * * * * 24 GHz Service. A radiocommunication
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Compliance/News_Releases/1998/nci8017s.html http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Compliance/News_Releases/1998/nci8017s.txt http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Compliance/News_Releases/1998/nci8017s.wp
- operaban en 104.1 MHz en Miami; 94.5MHz en "North Miami"; 107.1 en "Miami Beach"; 97.7 MHz en Miami; 89.1 MHz en Miami; 91.7 MHz en Miami; 88.7 en "North Miami"; 90.9 MHz en "Davie"; 95.3 MHz en Miami; 90.3 MHz en "Homestead"; 92.7 MHz en "Coconut Grove"; 104.7 MHz en Hialeah; 99.5 MHz en Miami; 90.9 MHz en "Homestead"; y 101.1MHz en "Cococnut Grove". Estas confiscaciones son parte de un esfuerzo continuo llevado a cabo por la FCC, en contra de los radiodifusores ilegales que operan sin el beneficio de una licencia. Otras agencias federales que asisteiron a la FCC en estas acciones incluyen a los Servicios de Aguaciles Federales (USMS), el Servicio de Aduanas (USCS), la Administracion de Drogas (DEA),
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Orders/1997/fc97115a.pdf http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Orders/1997/fc97115a.wp
- 100.0 TXAMARILLO 10 9 19.9 466.0 36839 314 33165 304 0.0 0.0 100.0 B-38 DIGITALTELEVISION EXISTINGNTSC SERVICE ------------------------------------------ DTV/ DURINGTRANSITION CURRENTSERVICE NEWINTERFERENCE NTSC NTSCDTV DTV ANTENNA----------------- --------------- ----------------------- AREA STATEANDCITY CHANCHANPOWER HAAT AREA PEOPLE AREA PEOPLE AREA PEOPLE MATCH (kW) (m) (Sqkm)(thous) (Sqkm)(thous) (%NLArea)(%NLPop) (%) TXAMARILLO 14 15 50.0 464.0 24118 285 23951 285 0.0 0.0 100.0 TXARLINGTON 68 42 101.1 360.0 18136 3883 17975 3879 0.0 0.0 99.8 TXAUSTIN 7 56 1000.0 384.0 32047 1324 30089 1269 0.0 0.0 99.8 TXAUSTIN 18 22 63.8 335.0 18661 907 18352 904 4.5 0.8 99.9 TXAUSTIN 24 33 77.9 387.0 22580 997 20626 965 1.8 0.2 100.0 TXAUSTIN 36 21 151.5 374.0 25393 1101 23977 1044 0.1 0.0 99.8 TXAUSTIN 42 43 79.1
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1998/fcc98231.pdf
- Mc.," Proc. IRE, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 595-611, May, 1953. Propagation Model When analyzing interference from response stations to other systems and from other systems to response station hubs, a propagation model shall be used that takes into account the effects of terrain and certain other factors. The model is derived from basic calculations described in NTIS Technical Note 101.1 It is intended as a tool for analysis of wide area coverage of microwave transmissions, and it is available built into commercial propagation analysis software packages that are widely used by the MDS/ITFS industry for coverage and interference prediction.2 In the model described, two loss terms are computed - the free space path loss based solely on distance and the
- http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1998/fcc98015.pdf http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1998/fcc98015.txt http://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1998/fcc98015.wp
- applicants that paid fees. The applicants may only apply for the same stations and services contained in the dismissed applications, and the licenses will be secondary to LMDS licenses. All of the dismissed applications requested service authorizations that are governed by the established licensing, operating, and technical rules and procedures in Part 101 of the Commission's Rules (47 C.F.R. 101.1 et seq.). Thus, the data required for refiling the dismissed applications were collected on the dismissed applications and the refiling requirement does not require new information nor impose any undue burdens on the dismissed 31 GHz applicants, including small businesses. V. Steps Taken to Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small Entities, and Significant Alternatives Considered The rule changes adopted in
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2003/FCC-03-258A1.html
- its particular transmitter (a power density of 0.036 mW/cm2) to the total RFR in the area identified as exceeding the public RFR MPE limits. 18 Station MHz FCC MPE Power % of FCC MPE Limit Density Limit Produced by Produced by Station Station Transmitter Transmitter KBIG-FM 104.3 0.2 mW/cm2 0.1635 81.75% mW/cm2 KKBT 100.3 0.2 mW/cm2 0.022 11% mW/cm2 KRTH-FM 101.1 0.2 mW/cm2 0.0235 11.75% mW/cm2 KWHY-TV 518 0.35 0.036 10.5% mW/cm2 mW/cm2 III. Discussion 10. Section 503(b) of the Act provides that any person who willfully or repeatedly fails to comply substantially with the terms and conditions of any license, or willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Act or of any rule, regulation
- http://transition.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2009/FCC-09-114A1.html
- Hansen, 450 U.S. 785, 790 (1981) (petitioner's reliance on erroneous staff advice does not estop agency from requiring compliance with valid regulation). See Section 0.261 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. S: 0.261, Authority Delegated to the International Bureau; Section 0.311 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. S: 0.311, Authority Delegated to the Enforcement Bureau. 47 U.S.C. S: 301. 47 C.F.R. S: 101.1 et seq. See 47 C.F.R. S: 101.31(b). As noted above, none of Petitioners' proposed stations met the requirement that the station site lie beyond 56.3 kilometers of any international border. See id. at S: 101.31(b)(v); supra note 6. See In re: Notices of Apparent Liability for Forfeitures of Emery Telephone, 15 FCC Rcd 7181, 7186 (1999). The courts have found
- http://transition.fcc.gov/ftp/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Databases/documents_collection/da97-2568.html
- 265A 100.9 WKBB WEST POINT MS LIC BLH6161 33-36-30.0 88-39-15.0 No 3.000 53. 6.000 265A B 100.9 KYRK EUNICE NM LIC BLH950405KB 32-28-10.0 103-09-36.0 Mex No 3.000 90. 6.000 265A B 100.9 KEPG VICTORIA TX LIC BLH890224KF 28-47-20.0 97-03- 0.0 Mex No 2.900 93. 6.000 265A 100.9 KPRQ PRICE UT LIC BLH851216KB 39-32-42.0 110-48-56.0 No 3.000 34. 6.000 266C2 B 101.1 KAKQFM FAIRBANKS AK LIC BLH820525AI 64-54-53.0 147-38-54.0 Can No 25.000 113. 50.000 266A 101.1 KRXX KODIAK AK LIC BLH931228KB 57-47- 3.0 152-23-57.0 No 3.100 7. 6.000 266C3 C 101.1 KRRK LAKE HAVASU CITAZ CP BPH920812JC 34-39-28.0 114-20-42.0 Mex No 6.000 161. 9.500 266C1 101.1 KMCLFM MCCALL ID LIC BLH901101KC 44-45-54.0 116-11-54.0 No 3.900 571. 17.500 266A 101.1 KEOJ CANEY KS
- http://transition.fcc.gov/ownership/materials/already-released/review090001.pdf
- n/a 96.4 Mar-00213 17 7 9 40.881.191.2 Mar-01219 17 7 9 Muskegon MI Mar-96n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Nov-97n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Nov-98n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Mar-00217 13 5 9 69.986.696.3 Mar-01220 13 6 9 80.591.297.5 Redding CA Mar-96207 15 11 7 34.1 n/a 93.2 Nov-97210 13 6 7 38.7 n/a 101.1 Nov-98214 13 5 9 65.0 n/a 100.2 Mar-00215 14 5 10 Mar-01221 16 6 10 58.392.8100.0 Duluth MN - Superior WI Mar-96209 23 10 10 35.2n/a 97.5 Nov-97215 25 11 11 56.3n/a 98.4 Nov-98217 18 9 10 46.4 n/a 96.1 Mar-00219 20 8 11 42.578.799.1 Mar-01222 21 7 11 40.573.998.6 Winchester VA Mar-96n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/17/releases/fc970082.pdf http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/17/releases/fc970082.txt http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/17/releases/fc970082.wp
- 95.1, paragraph (b) is removed and paragraph (c) is redesignated as (b). Part 101 of Chapter I of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows: PART 101 - FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICE 9. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309(j), unless otherwise noted. 10. Section 101.1 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows: 101.1 Scope and authority. (a) The purpose of the rules in this part is to prescribe the manner in which portions of the radio spectrum may be made available for private operational, common carrier, and Local Multipoint Distribution Service fixed, microwave operations that require transmitting facilities on land or
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/17/releases/lmdsbp_e.pdf
- 95.1, paragraph (b) is removed and paragraph (c) is redesignated as (b). Part 101 of Chapter I of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows: PART 101 - FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICE 9. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309(j), unless otherwise noted. 10. Section 101.1 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows: 101.1 Scope and authority. (a) The purpose of the rules in this part is to prescribe the manner in which portions of the radio spectrum may be made available for private operational, common carrier, and Local Multipoint Distribution Service fixed, microwave operations that require transmitting facilities on land or
- http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/56/releases/fc000272.doc http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/56/releases/fc000272.pdf http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/56/releases/fc000272.txt
- entry from 24,250-25,250 MHz to 24,750-25,050 MHz. PART 101 - FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES 6. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309(j), unless otherwise noted. 7. The subpart G in the table of contents is amended to read as follows: 24 GHz Service and Digital Electronic Message Service 8. Section 101.1 is amended by inserting the words ``24 GHz Service'' between the words "carrier" and "and" in subsection 101.1(b). 9. Section 101.3 is amended by adding a definition of 24 GHz Service and by changing the definition of Digital Electronic Message Service to read as follows: 101.3 Definitions As used in this part: * * * Digital Electronic Message Service.
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Fiber/fiber96.pdf
- 1994 1995 1996 Ameritech 77.7 111.1 147.1 177.5 228.4 285.5 400.7 585.6 802.1 918.9 1,095.9 1,339.3 Bell Atlantic 83.1 150.8 227.5 311.0 373.4 523.0 809.7 1,026.6 1,568.7 1,919.4 2,169.2 2,403.5 BellSouth 50.8 170.1 218.5 319.2 445.5 609.2 768.6 938.7 1,121.0 1,380.9 1,685.0 2,012.0 NYNEX 83.4 129.7 207.1 290.6 357.8 473.3 637.0 806.7 964.4 1,112.0 1,264.7 1,422.5 Pacific Telesis 84.3 97.8 101.1 110.3 126.9 185.2 246.4 311.7 374.9 424.2 481.5 540.4 SBC 70.5 151.0 182.9 214.9 270.3 352.3 477.7 576.4 775.0 970.8 1,234.8 1,504.4 US West 47.3 70.1 107.8 164.0 234.9 351.6 542.3 797.6 1,042.5 1,238.8 1,483.3 1,615.3 Bell Totals: 497.1 880.7 1,192.0 1,587.6 2,037.1 2,780.0 3,882.4 5,043.3 6,648.6 7,965.0 9,414.4 10,837.3 GTE Companies NA NA NA 134.7 163.4 317.5 390.5 513.7
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/quarterly_roll-upsasof110110.pdf
- $2,360.9 -1.7 $2,335.5 1.1% Other Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers 2,016.5 2,651.1 622.0 617.4 -0.7 605.8 1.9 (ILECs) Total ILECs 7,946.2 13,875.7 3,024.6 2,978.3 -1.5 2,941.2 1.2 Competitive Access Providers (CAPs) and 1,096.9 2,931.6 956.6 995.4 4.1 982.1 1.3 Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) Local Resellers 20.6 108.8 27.5 28.8 4.9 26.3 8.7 Private Service Providers 129.1 140.0 99.4 102.0 2.5 101.1 0.8 Shared-Tenant Service Providers * 9.8 2.6 2.6 1.5 2.6 3.3 Coaxial Cable IVoIP Providers 8/ 176.2 1,070.5 286.2 317.3 10.9 312.7 1.4 Interconnected VoIP (IVoIP) Providers 8/ 80.4 805.8 318.3 340.4 6.9 334.5 1.7 Total IVoIP 8/ 256.6 1,876.3 604.5 657.7 8.8 647.3 1.5 Other Local Service Providers 43.0 14.4 3.5 3.7 7.2 3.5 5.5 Total Local Competitors 1,546.3
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref02.pdf
- October 177.7 187.7 65.0 88.0 November 177.4 188.1 64.3 87.3 December 176.7 188.2 64.5 87.4 69 Telephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED01CUUR0000SEED02CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998January 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7 November 101.1 101.6 101.0 100.8 102.1 92.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref03.pdf
- ce R elat ive t o A ll G ood s an d S erv ices Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Telephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED01 CUUR0000SEED02CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 1998January 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7 November 101.1 101.6 101.0 100.8 102.1 92.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref04.pdf
- October 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 November 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 December 89.2 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 2002January 88.4 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 February 88.0 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 March 87.9 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 April 87.5 103.4 105.4 101.0 104.3 104.8 May 87.8 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 June 87.7 103.5 105.5 101.1 104.3 104.8 July 87.4 104.0 106.1 101.1 104.3 119.5 August 87.8 104.0 106.1 101.2 104.3 119.5 September 87.7 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 October 85.5 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 November 86.4 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 December 86.0 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 2003January 85.7 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 February 85.8 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 March 85.8
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref05.pdf
- October 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 November 90.1 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 December 89.2 102.9 104.5 100.8 104.3 104.8 2002January 88.4 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 February 88.0 103.4 105.2 101.0 104.3 104.8 March 87.9 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 April 87.5 103.4 105.4 101.0 104.3 104.8 May 87.8 103.4 105.3 101.0 104.3 104.8 June 87.7 103.5 105.5 101.1 104.3 104.8 July 87.4 104.0 106.1 101.1 104.3 119.5 August 87.8 104.0 106.1 101.2 104.3 119.5 September 87.7 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 October 85.5 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 November 86.4 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 December 86.0 104.0 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 2003January 85.7 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 February 85.8 103.9 106.2 101.1 103.9 119.9 March 85.8
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref97.pdf
- 99.4 1973January 103.1 100.8 101.0 101.2 99.7 February 104.5 101.3 101.5 102.0 99.8 March 106.2 101.5 101.6 102.6 99.8 April 106.9 101.9 102.0 103.4 99.9 May 107.7 101.9 102.0 103.4 99.9 June 108.6 101.9 102.0 103.4 99.9 July 108.9 101.9 102.0 103.4 99.9 August 112.4 102.9 103.0 104.2 101.0 September 112.0 102.9 103.0 104.3 101.0 October 112.0 104.8 105.2 106.5 101.1 November 112.4 104.8 105.2 106.5 101.1 December 113.9 105.9 106.7 107.3 101.1 1974January 117.2 107.4 108.1 109.2 103.3 February 119.4 107.7 108.3 109.8 103.6 March 120.1 107.7 108.3 109.8 103.6 April 121.1 107.7 108.3 109.8 103.6 May 122.5 107.7 108.3 109.8 103.6 June 122.7 107.7 108.3 109.8 103.6 July 126.3 107.7 108.3 109.9 103.6 August 128.5 109.2 109.4 112.2 106.0
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref98.pdf
- 162.5 165.6 75.3 95.6 May 162.8 165.7 76.3 96.2 June 163.0 166.1 76.1 97.1 77 Table 4.3 New Consumer Price Indices (December 1997 = 100) Telephone Services Long Distance Charges Cellular Telephone Services BLS Series Identifier CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED02 CUUR0000SEED03 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998January 99.9 99.8 99.0 February 100.0 99.7 98.1 March 100.4 99.9 97.4 April 100.5 100.1 96.4 May 101.1 101.3 96.2 June 101.4 101.7 94.4 78 79 B. Producer Price Indices The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a statistical series established by the BLS to measure changes in the prices charged by producers. The index was formerly known as the Wholesale Price Index, and was first published in 1902. The BLS began publishing indices for telecommunications products in 1972.
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/ref99.pdf
- 166.2 165.3 74.8 95.4 78 Table 4.3 New Consumer Price Indices (December 1997 = 100) Telephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services BLS Series ID CUUR0000SEEDCUUR0000SEED01CUUR0000SEED02CUUR0000SS27051CUUR0000SS27061CUUR0000SEED03 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998 January 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7 November 101.1 101.6 101.0 100.8 102.1 92.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0301.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 1 Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States 6 Chart 1 91 92 93 94 95 96 Month (March, July, November) Percent with Telephone N83M84J84N84M85J85N85M86J86N86M87J87N87M88J88N88M89J89N89M90J90N90M91J91N91M92J92N92M93J93N93M94J94N94M95J95N95M96J96N96M97J97N97M98J98N98M99J99N99M00J00N00M01 In Housing Unit Available Telephone Penetration Households 7 Table 2 Telephone Penetration by State (Percentage of Households with Telephone
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0302.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 1 Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States 6 Chart 1 90 92 94 96 98 Month (March, July, November) Percent with Telephone N83M84J84N84M85J85N85M86J86N86M87J87N87M88J88N88M89J89N89M90J90N90M91J91N91M92J92N92M93J93N93M94J94N94M95J95N95M96J96N96M97J97N97M98J98N98M99J99N99M00J00N00M01J01N01M02
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0303.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 1 Household Telephone Subscribership
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0304.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0305.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0701.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 1 Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States 6 Chart 1 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Month (March, July, November) Percent with Telephone N83M84J84N84M85J85N85M86J86N86M87J87N87M88J88N88M89J89N89M90J90N90M91J91N91M92J92N92M93J93N93M94J94N94M95J95N95M96J96N96M97J97N97M98J98N98M99J99N99M00J00N00M01J01 In Housing Unit Available Telephone Penetration Households 7 Table 2 Telephone
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0702.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 1 Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States 6 Chart 1 90 92 94 96 98 Month
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0703.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs0704.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs1101.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 1 Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States 6 Chart 1 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Month (March, July, November) Percent with Telephone N83 M84 J84 N84 M85 J85
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs1102.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 1 Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States 6 Chart 1
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs1103.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% Note: Details may not
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/subs1104.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend502.pdf
- 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 1998March 103.4 97.4 94.1 6.1 5.9 July 103.4 97.3 94.1 6.1 5.9 November 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 1999March 104.8 98.5 94.0 6.3 6.0 July 105.1 99.2 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 2000March 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 July 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 2001March 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 July 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Telephone Subscribership in the United States(May 2002). 17 - 3 State Alabama 87.9% 93.0% 5.1% * Alaska 83.8 94.7 10.9 * Arizona 88.8 93.5 4.8 * Arkansas 88.2 91.4 3.3 California 91.7 97.0 5.3 * Colorado
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend504.pdf
- 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 1998March 103.4 97.4 94.1 6.1 5.9 July 103.4 97.3 94.1 6.1 5.9 November 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 1999March 104.8 98.5 94.0 6.3 6.0 July 105.1 99.2 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 2000March 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 July 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 2001March 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 July 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 2002March 108.3 103.4 95.5 4.8 4.5 July 108.5 103.2 95.1 5.3 4.9 November 109.0 104.0 95.3 5.1 4.7 2003March 112.1 107.1 95.5 5.0 4.5 July 112.1 106.8 95.2 5.3 4.8 November 113.1 107.1 94.7 6.0 5.3 Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau,
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend605.pdf
- 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 1998March 103.4 97.4 94.1 6.1 5.9 July 103.4 97.3 94.1 6.1 5.9 November 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 1999March 104.8 98.5 94.0 6.3 6.0 July 105.1 99.2 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 2000March 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 July 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 2001March 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 July 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 2002March 108.3 103.4 95.5 4.8 4.5 July 108.5 103.2 95.1 5.3 4.9 November 109.0 104.0 95.3 5.1 4.7 2003March 112.1 107.1 95.5 5.0 4.5 July 112.1 106.8 95.2 5.3 4.8 November 113.1 107.1 94.7 6.0 5.3 2004March 112.9 106.4 94.2 6.5 5.8 July 113.5 106.5
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/IAD/trend803.pdf
- 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 1998March 103.4 97.4 94.1 6.1 5.9 July 103.4 97.3 94.1 6.1 5.9 November 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 1999March 104.8 98.5 94.0 6.3 6.0 July 105.1 99.2 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 2000March 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 July 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 2001March 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 July 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 2002March 108.3 103.4 95.5 4.8 4.5 July 108.5 103.2 95.1 5.3 4.9 November 109.0 104.0 95.3 5.1 4.7 Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Telephone Subscribership in the United States (April 2003). 16 - 3 State Alabama 87.9% 92.0% 4.1% Alaska 83.8
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-6.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 6.1 Household Telephone Subscribership
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr03-7.pdf
- f rom Pr ior Year CPI Local Services CPI Interstate Toll CPI Intrastate Toll 7 - 7 All Goods and ServicesTelephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services CUUR0000SA0CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED01CUUR0000SEED02CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 1998January 100.2 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.4 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.6 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.7 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 100.9 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.1 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.2 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 101.3 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 101.4 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 101.7 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-6.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% March 2002 108.3 103.4 95.5% 4.8 4.5% July 2002 108.5 103.2 95.1% 5.3 4.9% November2002 109.0 104.0 95.3% 5.1 4.7% March 2003 112.1 107.1 95.5% 5.0 4.5% July 2003 112.1 106.8 95.2% 5.3 4.8% November2003 113.1 107.1 94.7% 6.0 5.3% March 2004 112.9 106.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr04-7.pdf
- Toll CPI Intrastate Toll 7 - 8 All Goods and Services Telephone Services Land-line telephone services, local charges Land-line telephone services, long distance charges Land-line interstate toll calls Land-line intrastate toll calls Wireless Telephone Services CUUR0000SA0CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED01 CUUR0000SEED02 CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 1998January 100.2 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.4 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.6 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.7 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 100.9 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.1 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.2 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 101.3 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 101.4 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 101.7 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr97-5.pdf
- Assistance Other Local Service, except Directory Assistance Public Switched Toll Service Residence Switched Toll Service Intrastate Residence Switched Toll ServiceInterstate Residence Switched Toll Service International Residence Switched Toll Service BLS Series ID pcu4813#11401 pcu4813#11409 pcu4813#2 pcu4813#21 pcu4813#211 pcu4813#212 pcu4813#213 1995June 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 July 100.0 100.0 105.2 102.6 101.2 105.2 99.4 August 100.0 100.0 101.3 101.3 101.1 103.7 95.7 September 100.0 100.0 101.0 101.0 103.2 100.1 97.2 October 100.0 100.0 100.8 102.0 105.8 100.9 96.4 November 100.0 100.0 99.3 99.7 102.9 98.1 94.3 December 100.0 100.0 99.1 100.1 104.2 96.3 97.1 1996January 100.0 100.0 98.8 99.6 101.6 99.3 95.0 February 100.0 100.0 99.3 100.3 104.7 98.2 95.0 March 100.0 100.0 99.0 101.3 106.3 98.8 92.9 April 100.0
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr98-7.pdf
- 11 Table 7.5 New Consumer Price Indices (December 1997 = 100) Telephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services BLS Series ID CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED01 CUUR0000SEED02 CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998January 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7 7 - 12 Table 7.6 Producer Price
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mr98-9.pdf
- 3 2 0 0 7 TOTAL OUTAGE LINE-MINUTES PER THOUSAND ACCESS LINES 1. Scheduled 73.5 174.6 389.5 424.7 1133.6 315.4 355.9 44.3 174.5 2. Proced. Errors -- Telco. (Inst./Maint.) 5.4 55.4 0.0 167.9 21.7 1.3 0.0 166.5 54.7 3. Proced. Errors -- Telco. (Other) 6.9 96.8 133.2 0.0 38.0 437.5 386.4 90.2 35.5 4. Procedural Errors -- System Vendors 179.5 101.1 120.8 189.2 75.9 549.0 0.0 41.0 205.9 5. Procedural Errors -- Other Vendors 0.0 7.9 150.1 9.7 0.0 59.5 0.0 84.9 2.9 6. Software Design 74.2 5.1 528.5 14.7 0.0 1026.9 25.3 359.5 588.0 7. Hardware design 0.0 2.7 342.3 154.9 0.0 13.1 131.5 0.0 0.0 8. Hardware Failure 427.9 40.5 388.2 477.3 6.7 421.2 426.1 1045.6 370.9 9. Natural
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrd99-7.pdf
- 72.9 93.6 November 168.3 170.2 74.5 93.9 7 - 12 Telephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services BLS Series ID CUUR0000SEEDCUUR0000SEED01 CUUR0000SEED02 CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 1997 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998 January 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7 November 101.1 101.6 101.0 100.8 102.1 92.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrj99-7.pdf
- 12 Table 7.5 New Consumer Price Indexes (December 1997 = 100) Telephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services BLS Series ID CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED01 CUUR0000SEED02 CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 1997December 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998January 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7 November 101.1 101.6 101.0 100.8 102.1 92.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs00-0.pdf
- 90.0 July 172.6 175.8 67.5 90.6 7 - 12 Telephone Services Local Telephone Service Long Distance Charges Interstate Toll Service Intrastate Toll Service Cellular Telephone Services BLS Series ID CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED01 CUUR0000SEED02 CUUR0000SS27051 CUUR0000SS27061 CUUR0000SEED03 1997 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998 January 99.9 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 99.0 February 100.0 100.4 99.7 100.1 98.9 98.1 March 100.4 101.1 99.9 100.1 99.7 97.4 April 100.5 101.1 100.1 100.1 101.0 96.4 May 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.5 101.6 96.2 June 101.4 101.4 101.7 101.2 102.5 94.4 July 101.5 101.5 101.9 102.0 101.3 94.2 August 100.4 101.3 99.9 99.1 101.6 93.9 September 100.7 101.4 100.4 100.0 101.4 94.1 October 100.7 101.5 100.4 100.0 101.6 93.7 November 101.1 101.6 101.0 100.8 102.1 92.4
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs01-0.pdf
- 2001January 175.1 181.0 66.2 89.2 February 175.8 181.4 65.9 88.7 March 176.2 181.6 66.9 89.5 April 176.9 183.3 65.6 88.2 7 - 12 Telephone Services Long Distance Charges Cellular Telephone Services BLS Series ID CUUR0000SEED CUUR0000SEED02 CUUR0000SEED03 1997 December 100.0 100.0 100.0 1998 January 99.9 99.8 99.0 February 100.0 99.7 98.1 March 100.4 99.9 97.4 April 100.5 100.1 96.4 May 101.1 101.3 96.2 June 101.4 101.7 94.4 July 101.5 101.9 94.2 August 100.4 99.9 93.9 September 100.7 100.4 94.1 October 100.7 100.4 93.7 November 101.1 101.0 92.4 December 100.3 99.9 91.7 1999 January 100.7 99.9 90.9 February 100.4 99.5 89.7 March 100.2 98.9 89.0 April 100.0 99.8 87.8 May 99.6 97.5 85.8 June 99.7 97.4 84.0 July 99.5 96.7 82.9 August
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/Monitor/mrs02-0.pdf
- 97.4 94.1% 6.1 5.9% July 1998 103.4 97.3 94.1% 6.1 5.9% November1998 104.1 98.0 94.2% 6.1 5.8% March 1999 104.8 98.5 94.0% 6.3 6.0% July 1999 105.1 99.2 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November1999 105.4 99.1 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2000 105.3 99.6 94.6% 5.7 5.4% July 2000 105.8 99.8 94.4% 5.9 5.6% November2000 106.5 100.2 94.1% 6.3 5.9% March 2001 107.0 101.1 94.6% 5.8 5.4% July 2001 106.9 101.7 95.1% 5.2 4.9% November2001 107.7 102.2 94.9% 5.5 5.1% Note: Details may not appear to add to totals due to rounding. Table 6.1 Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States 6 - 10 Chart 6.1 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Month (March, July, November) Percent with Telephone N83M84J84N84M85J85N85M86J86N86M87J87N87M88J88N88M89J89N89M90J90N90M91J91N91M92J92N92M93J93N93M94J94N94M95J95N95M96J96N96M97J97N97M98J98N98M99J99N99M00J00N00M01J01N01 In Housing Unit
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/QualSvc/qual00.pdf
- 0.53 0.05 10.75 Average Outage Duration in Minutes 5.3 9.4 13.3 3.0 11.5 6.7 5.5 7.9 45.2 Avg. Lines Affected per Event in Thousands 18.3 20.9 10.6 31.0 35.4 49.6 34.2 17.7 3.0 Outage Line-Minutes per Event in Thousands 130.8 230.4 133.0 93.1 285.9 288.4 191.2 139.6 150.8 Outage Line-Minutes per 1,000 Access Lines 79.9 483.6 57.3 5.1 209.1 226.6 101.1 7.5 1,621.7 % Trunk Grps. Exceeding Blocking Objectives 20.90% 5.92% 2.02% 5.41% 0.73% 13.49% 13.90% 1.30% 1.49% Please refer to text for notes and data qualifications Table 1(c):Company Comparison -- Switch Downtime Causes -- 2000 Company BellSouth Qwest SBC SBC SBC Verizon Verizon Verizon Sprint Ameritech PacificSouthwestern North South GTE TOTAL NUMBER OF OUTAGES 1. Scheduled 15 9 9 1
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/00socc.pdf
- 361.8 251.0 110.8 53.1 22.8 29.4 105.3 5.5RI South Carolina 1,297.8 74.4 1,223.3 923.8 299.5 151.9 54.3 83.4 289.6 9.9SC South Dakota 199.5 7.8 191.7 129.6 62.1 23.3 11.7 25.5 60.5 1.6SD Tennessee 2,002.2 121.6 1,880.6 1,394.4 486.2 237.0 85.9 140.1 463.0 23.2TN Texas 9,289.9 1,122.4 8,167.4 6,062.4 2,105.0 942.4 289.7 827.5 2,059.6 45.5TX Utah 781.2 50.0 731.2 495.2 236.0 101.1 40.2 86.9 228.3 7.8UT Vermont 256.0 10.4 245.7 173.0 72.7 28.5 19.9 20.9 69.3 3.4VT Virginia 3,191.7 223.3 2,968.4 2,061.2 907.2 406.3 143.8 320.7 870.8 36.4VA Washington 2,456.2 199.6 2,256.5 1,541.9 714.6 320.1 108.8 258.4 687.2 27.4WA West Virginia 656.6 22.3 634.4 454.7 179.7 97.6 33.1 42.8 173.5 6.2WV Wisconsin 1,668.2 89.4 1,578.8 1,183.1 395.7 169.7 71.2 144.4 385.4 10.4WI
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/01socc.pdf
- 20,401,687 4,416,727 (1,388,119) 14,588,042 2001 (4,420,962) (1,688,238) 15,904,354 3,966,428 (1,341,627) 10,650,924 173 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.8 - Assets and Liabilities of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1955-2001 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Other Number Depreciation Assets Dec. of Gross and Net Current and Total 31 Carriers Plant Amortization Plant Assets Debits Assets (171, 172, 175) (113-123) (101.1-106, 126-139) 1/ 2/ 1955 53 $16,224,680 $4,097,691 $12,126,988 $2,236,139 $706,709 $15,069,836 1956 56 18,081,317 4,332,267 13,749,051 2,290,867 812,886 16,852,804 1957 65 21,194,373 4,744,794 16,449,579 1,908,355 923,535 19,281,469 1958 66 23,030,878 5,057,236 17,973,643 2,378,868 1,010,819 21,363,330 1959 66 24,888,312 5,424,423 19,463,890 2,411,267 1,034,550 22,909,706 1960 65 27,042,876 5,785,664 21,257,213 2,406,764 1,174,898 24,838,875 1961 69 29,210,211 6,193,587 23,016,624 2,851,179 1,275,786 27,143,589 1962
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/02socc.pdf
- 37.8 32.6 5.2 0.8 0.2 0.3 1.3 4.0 AR California 2,291.9 1,699.2 592.7 445.5 147.3 44.6 17.2 9.8 71.6 75.7 CA Colorado 401.6 107.4 294.2 228.8 65.5 30.4 9.6 13.4 53.4 12.2 CO Connecticut 158.1 90.0 68.1 49.9 18.3 4.3 3.7 3.8 11.8 6.6 CT Delaware 30.6 21.6 9.0 4.4 4.6 1.0 1.2 0.2 2.4 2.4 DE District of Columbia 101.1 30.0 71.1 46.9 24.2 1.4 14.0 3.7 19.1 5.1 DC Florida 626.2 480.8 145.4 93.1 52.2 18.7 (8.0) (15.8) (5.1) 57.3 FL Georgia 365.8 181.4 184.5 136.3 48.0 22.6 4.9 0.5 28.0 20.2 GA Hawaii 83.6 73.0 10.4 7.0 3.6 0.8 (1.0) (2.3) (2.5) 5.9 HI Idaho 24.1 19.0 5.2 4.1 1.0 (2.9) 0.2 (0.6) (3.3) 4.4 ID Illinois 445.0
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/03socc.pdf
- Connecticut 166.8 166.8 161.8 5.0 5.0 CT Delaware 16.4 16.4 10.4 5.9 5.9 DE District of Columbia 2.3 2.3 0.1 2.3 2.3 DC Florida 149.3 149.3 148.8 0.5 0.5 FL Georgia 46.7 46.7 45.8 0.9 0.9 GA Hawaii 5.9 5.9 5.9 HI Idaho 5.5 0.1 5.5 4.9 0.6 0.6 ID Illinois 356.0 356.0 343.3 12.7 12.7 IL Indiana 108.9 108.9 101.1 7.8 7.8 IN Iowa 9.6 9.5 9.2 0.3 0.3 IA Kansas 27.4 27.4 16.6 10.8 10.8 KS Kentucky 19.1 0.3 18.8 18.5 0.3 0.3 KY Louisiana 29.2 29.2 29.1 0.1 0.1 LA Maine 49.6 49.6 49.6 ME Maryland 55.9 55.9 49.0 6.9 6.9 MD Massachusetts 219.0 219.0 219.0 0.0 MA Michigan 349.5 349.5 348.5 1.0 1.0 MI Minnesota 8.0 7.9
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/95socc.pdf
- 111.9 1,791.4 1,294.3 497.0 241.4 155.3 100.2 496.9 0.087 UT VERMONT 772.4 19.1 753.2 532.0 221.2 108.5 91.5 21.3 221.2 VT VIRGINIA 7,041.0 195.0 6,846.0 4,992.3 1,853.7 973.0 473.4 402.4 1,848.8 4.838 VA WASHINGTON 6,360.0 173.4 6,186.6 4,538.1 1,648.5 796.0 508.3 344.0 1,648.4 0.056 WA WEST VIRGINIA 1,597.6 30.5 1,567.1 1,140.4 426.7 237.0 118.6 70.1 425.7 1.028 WV WISCONSIN 3,809.6 101.1 3,708.4 2,789.6 918.8 540.4 249.6 128.3 918.4 0.454 WI WYOMING 661.0 12.4 648.6 435.3 213.3 104.7 80.1 28.5 213.3 WY PUERTO RICO 2,730.9 278.3 2,452.6 1,865.5 587.1 378.1 186.1 22.3 586.5 0.595 PR UNCLASSIFIED 167.9 167.9 SEE NOTES FOLLOWING TABLE 2.20 STATISTICS OF COMMUNICATIONS COMMON CARRIERS TABLE 2.17 - - TOTAL OTHER INVESTMENTS OF TELEPHONE CARRIERS REPORTING QUARTERLY TO THE
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/96socc.pdf
- 76.4 508.0 27.1 OH OKLAHOMA 785.5 53.5 732.0 552.5 184.1 95.7 44.5 37.4 177.6 6.5 OK OREGON 882.0 74.8 807.2 601.0 205.4 99.4 58.2 33.2 190.8 14.6 OR PENNSYLVANIA 3,228.1 292.2 2,935.9 2,150.5 690.8 347.1 173.5 152.5 673.1 17.7 PA RHODE ISLAND 259.8 12.0 247.8 182.3 65.5 28.6 24.2 10.4 63.2 2.4 RI SOUTH CAROLINA 755.9 43.0 712.9 548.3 166.6 101.1 36.6 20.9 158.6 8.0 SC SOUTH DAKOTA 141.0 7.3 133.7 96.4 37.5 14.5 13.1 8.5 36.1 1.5 SD TENNESSEE 1,202.0 69.7 1,132.3 861.4 270.9 148.1 63.4 43.2 254.7 16.2 TN TEXAS 5,004.6 398.1 4,606.5 3,531.0 1,096.3 581.6 208.2 270.4 1,060.2 36.1 TX UTAH 461.5 25.6 435.9 323.5 113.0 54.9 32.5 21.9 109.3 3.7 UT VERMONT 184.3 6.4 177.8 129.3 48.6
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/97socc.pdf
- AND LINE SENSITIVE INTEREXCHANGE ALL REPORTING COS. $9,299.3 $44.7 $9,229.7$8,931.8 $297.9 $12.0 $22.6 $0.0 $34.7 $263.3 BELL OPERATING COS. 7,214.8 35.3 7,179.5 6,926.6 253.0 11.6 22.0 33.6 219.4 ALL OTHER COS. 2,084.5 9.4 2,050.2 2,005.2 44.9 0.3 0.7 0.0 1.0 43.9 ALABAMA 88.8 4.599 84.2 82.4 1.78 1.78 AL ARIZONA 47.7 0.057 47.6 47.1 0.51 0.51 AZ ARKANSAS 100.8 (0.283) 101.1 100.3 0.78 0.78 AR CALIFORNIA 1,605.7 3.015 1,602.7 1,601.1 1.60 1.60 CA COLORADO 117.9 0.004 117.9 118.0 (0.09) (0.09)CO CONNECTICUT 219.9 219.9 210.4 9.52 9.52 CT DELAWARE 30.7 30.7 13.7 17.03 2.2 4.2 6.5 10.56 DE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 4.0 4.0 4.00 0.5 0.9 1.3 2.68 DC FLORIDA 242.2 0.137 242.1 241.3 0.72 0.72 FL GEORGIA 95.8 0.001 95.8 92.6
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/98SOCC.PDF
- 2,467,500 753,105 17,493,639 3,793,891 (994,578) 12,852,220 1997 1,278,550 279,461 17,466,732 3,909,525 (2,350,217) 11,542,555 1998 (590,719) (575,634) 17,984,325 4,078,079 (1,414,654) 12,480,558 243 STATISTICS OF COMMUNICATIONS COMMON CARRIERS TABLE 6.8-ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, 1950-1998* (DOLLAR AMOUNTS SHOWN IN THOUSANDS) OTHER NUMBER DEPRECIATION ASSETS DEC. OF GROSS AND NET CURRENT AND TOTAL 31 CARRIERS PLANT AMORTIZATION PLANT ASSETS DEBITS ASSETS (171, 172, 175) (113-123) (101.1-106, 126-139) 1/ 2/ 1950 77 $10,704,134 $2,980,061 $7,724,073 $931,198 $521,226 $9,176,498 1951 56 11,547,183 3,186,344 8,360,839 1,240,591 537,712 10,139,142 1952 54 12,608,841 3,411,441 9,197,400 1,441,035 528,568 11,167,003 1953 54 13,750,161 3,618,086 10,132,075 1,716,567 578,543 12,427,185 1954 52 14,898,981 3,836,432 11,062,549 1,682,854 599,295 13,344,697 1955 53 16,224,680 4,097,691 12,126,988 2,236,139 706,709 15,069,836 1956 56 18,081,317 4,332,267 13,749,051 2,290,867 812,886 16,852,804 1957
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/99socc.pdf
- 1,965.8 1,473.1 496.4 267.5 85.2 75.2 427.9 68.6NC North Dakota 113.2 8.0 105.2 73.9 31.3 10.8 8.2 9.1 28.1 3.3ND Ohio 2,780.8 409.7 2,371.1 1,806.5 565.7 258.7 135.1 95.3 489.2 76.5OH Oklahoma 929.0 105.7 823.3 619.6 203.7 98.9 40.6 41.7 181.2 22.5OK Oregon 886.9 95.5 791.4 577.3 214.1 105.3 43.5 41.5 190.2 23.9OR Pennsylvania 3,077.6 285.7 2,791.9 2,066.7 725.3 363.7 101.1 193.1 657.8 67.5PA Rhode Island 254.2 20.7 233.5 171.8 61.7 29.2 9.6 14.6 53.3 8.4 RI South Carolina 753.0 72.7 680.2 505.4 174.6 97.4 23.6 28.8 149.8 24.8SC South Dakota 124.6 9.2 115.4 81.5 33.9 14.5 7.7 8.6 30.9 3.0SD Tennessee 1,303.5 142.8 1,160.7 853.9 306.4 155.6 42.6 55.6 253.7 52.6TN Texas 6,686.0 838.9 5,847.2 4,373.1 1,474.7 701.9 240.1 383.9
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Reports/FCC-State_Link/SOCC/prelim02socc.pdf
- 37.8 34.2 3.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 3.4 AR California 2,291.9 1,699.2 592.7 454.6 138.1 40.5 16.0 8.1 64.6 73.6 CA Colorado 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO Connecticut 158.1 90.0 68.1 49.9 18.3 4.3 3.7 3.8 11.8 6.6 CT Delaware 30.6 21.6 9.0 4.4 4.6 1.0 1.2 0.2 2.4 2.4 DE District of Columbia 101.1 30.0 71.1 46.9 24.2 1.4 14.0 3.7 19.1 5.1 DC Florida 629.0 483.6 145.4 93.1 52.3 18.8 (8.0) (15.8) (5.0) 57.2 FL Georgia 369.1 184.7 184.5 136.2 48.2 22.6 4.9 0.5 28.0 20.2 GA Hawaii 83.6 73.0 10.4 7.0 3.6 0.8 (1.0) (2.3) (2.5) 5.9 HI Idaho 7.3 4.5 2.8 1.8 0.8 (0.2) 0.0 (0.3) (0.5) 1.4 ID Illinois 445.0
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Compliance/News_Releases/1998/nci8017s.html http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Compliance/News_Releases/1998/nci8017s.txt http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Compliance/News_Releases/1998/nci8017s.wp
- operaban en 104.1 MHz en Miami; 94.5MHz en "North Miami"; 107.1 en "Miami Beach"; 97.7 MHz en Miami; 89.1 MHz en Miami; 91.7 MHz en Miami; 88.7 en "North Miami"; 90.9 MHz en "Davie"; 95.3 MHz en Miami; 90.3 MHz en "Homestead"; 92.7 MHz en "Coconut Grove"; 104.7 MHz en Hialeah; 99.5 MHz en Miami; 90.9 MHz en "Homestead"; y 101.1MHz en "Cococnut Grove". Estas confiscaciones son parte de un esfuerzo continuo llevado a cabo por la FCC, en contra de los radiodifusores ilegales que operan sin el beneficio de una licencia. Otras agencias federales que asisteiron a la FCC en estas acciones incluyen a los Servicios de Aguaciles Federales (USMS), el Servicio de Aduanas (USCS), la Administracion de Drogas (DEA),
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Orders/1997/fc97115a.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Orders/1997/fc97115a.wp
- 100.0 TXAMARILLO 10 9 19.9 466.0 36839 314 33165 304 0.0 0.0 100.0 B-38 DIGITALTELEVISION EXISTINGNTSC SERVICE ------------------------------------------ DTV/ DURINGTRANSITION CURRENTSERVICE NEWINTERFERENCE NTSC NTSCDTV DTV ANTENNA----------------- --------------- ----------------------- AREA STATEANDCITY CHANCHANPOWER HAAT AREA PEOPLE AREA PEOPLE AREA PEOPLE MATCH (kW) (m) (Sqkm)(thous) (Sqkm)(thous) (%NLArea)(%NLPop) (%) TXAMARILLO 14 15 50.0 464.0 24118 285 23951 285 0.0 0.0 100.0 TXARLINGTON 68 42 101.1 360.0 18136 3883 17975 3879 0.0 0.0 99.8 TXAUSTIN 7 56 1000.0 384.0 32047 1324 30089 1269 0.0 0.0 99.8 TXAUSTIN 18 22 63.8 335.0 18661 907 18352 904 4.5 0.8 99.9 TXAUSTIN 24 33 77.9 387.0 22580 997 20626 965 1.8 0.2 100.0 TXAUSTIN 36 21 151.5 374.0 25393 1101 23977 1044 0.1 0.0 99.8 TXAUSTIN 42 43 79.1
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1998/fcc98231.pdf
- Mc.," Proc. IRE, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 595-611, May, 1953. Propagation Model When analyzing interference from response stations to other systems and from other systems to response station hubs, a propagation model shall be used that takes into account the effects of terrain and certain other factors. The model is derived from basic calculations described in NTIS Technical Note 101.1 It is intended as a tool for analysis of wide area coverage of microwave transmissions, and it is available built into commercial propagation analysis software packages that are widely used by the MDS/ITFS industry for coverage and interference prediction.2 In the model described, two loss terms are computed - the free space path loss based solely on distance and the
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1999/fcc99333.doc
- - 25.25 FIXED FIXED MICROWAVE (101) * * * * * * * UNITED STATES FOOTNOTES * * * * * Section 87 5. Section 87.173(b): delete radionavigaion use from Table (Chart). PART 101--FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES 6. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as follows: Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309(j), unless otherwise noted. 7. Section 101.1 is proposed to be amended by inserting the words ``24 GHz Service'' between the words "carrier" and "and" in subsection 101.1(a). 8. Section 101.3 is proposed to be amended by replacing the definition of Digital Electronic Message Service to read as follows: 101.3 Definitions As used in this part: * * * * * 24 GHz Service. A radiocommunication
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1998/fcc98015.pdf http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1998/fcc98015.txt http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1998/fcc98015.wp
- applicants that paid fees. The applicants may only apply for the same stations and services contained in the dismissed applications, and the licenses will be secondary to LMDS licenses. All of the dismissed applications requested service authorizations that are governed by the established licensing, operating, and technical rules and procedures in Part 101 of the Commission's Rules (47 C.F.R. 101.1 et seq.). Thus, the data required for refiling the dismissed applications were collected on the dismissed applications and the refiling requirement does not require new information nor impose any undue burdens on the dismissed 31 GHz applicants, including small businesses. V. Steps Taken to Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small Entities, and Significant Alternatives Considered The rule changes adopted in
- http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/2000/fcc00272.doc
- entry from 24,250-25,250 MHz to 24,750-25,050 MHz. PART 101 - FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES 6. The authority citation for Part 101 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 309(j), unless otherwise noted. 7. The subpart G in the table of contents is amended to read as follows: 24 GHz Service and Digital Electronic Message Service 8. Section 101.1 is amended by inserting the words ``24 GHz Service'' between the words "carrier" and "and" in subsection 101.1(b). 9. Section 101.3 is amended by adding a definition of 24 GHz Service and by changing the definition of Digital Electronic Message Service to read as follows: 101.3 Definitions As used in this part: * * * Digital Electronic Message Service.
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2003/FCC-03-258A1.html
- its particular transmitter (a power density of 0.036 mW/cm2) to the total RFR in the area identified as exceeding the public RFR MPE limits. 18 Station MHz FCC MPE Power % of FCC MPE Limit Density Limit Produced by Produced by Station Station Transmitter Transmitter KBIG-FM 104.3 0.2 mW/cm2 0.1635 81.75% mW/cm2 KKBT 100.3 0.2 mW/cm2 0.022 11% mW/cm2 KRTH-FM 101.1 0.2 mW/cm2 0.0235 11.75% mW/cm2 KWHY-TV 518 0.35 0.036 10.5% mW/cm2 mW/cm2 III. Discussion 10. Section 503(b) of the Act provides that any person who willfully or repeatedly fails to comply substantially with the terms and conditions of any license, or willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Act or of any rule, regulation
- http://www.fcc.gov/eb/Orders/2009/FCC-09-114A1.html
- Hansen, 450 U.S. 785, 790 (1981) (petitioner's reliance on erroneous staff advice does not estop agency from requiring compliance with valid regulation). See Section 0.261 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. S: 0.261, Authority Delegated to the International Bureau; Section 0.311 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. S: 0.311, Authority Delegated to the Enforcement Bureau. 47 U.S.C. S: 301. 47 C.F.R. S: 101.1 et seq. See 47 C.F.R. S: 101.31(b). As noted above, none of Petitioners' proposed stations met the requirement that the station site lie beyond 56.3 kilometers of any international border. See id. at S: 101.31(b)(v); supra note 6. See In re: Notices of Apparent Liability for Forfeitures of Emery Telephone, 15 FCC Rcd 7181, 7186 (1999). The courts have found
- http://www.fcc.gov/ownership/materials/already-released/review090001.pdf
- n/a 96.4 Mar-00213 17 7 9 40.881.191.2 Mar-01219 17 7 9 Muskegon MI Mar-96n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Nov-97n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Nov-98n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Mar-00217 13 5 9 69.986.696.3 Mar-01220 13 6 9 80.591.297.5 Redding CA Mar-96207 15 11 7 34.1 n/a 93.2 Nov-97210 13 6 7 38.7 n/a 101.1 Nov-98214 13 5 9 65.0 n/a 100.2 Mar-00215 14 5 10 Mar-01221 16 6 10 58.392.8100.0 Duluth MN - Superior WI Mar-96209 23 10 10 35.2n/a 97.5 Nov-97215 25 11 11 56.3n/a 98.4 Nov-98217 18 9 10 46.4 n/a 96.1 Mar-00219 20 8 11 42.578.799.1 Mar-01222 21 7 11 40.573.998.6 Winchester VA Mar-96n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a