Goto Section: 18.1 | 18.2 | Table of Contents

FCC 18.1
Revised as of October 1, 2008
Goto Year:2007 | 2009
  Sec.  17.1   Basis and purpose.

   (a) The rules in this part are issued pursuant to the authority contained in
   Title  III  of  the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, which vest
   authority in the Federal Communications Commission to issue licenses to
   radio stations when it is found that the public interest, convenience, and
   necessity would be served thereby, and to require the painting, and/or
   illumination  of  antenna  structures if and when in its judgment such
   structures constitute, or there is reasonable possibility that they may
   constitute, a menace to air navigation.

   (b) The purpose of this part is to prescribe certain procedures for antenna
   structure  registration and standards with respect to the Commission's
   consideration of proposed antenna structures which will serve as a guide to
   antenna structure owners. The standards are referenced from two Federal
   Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circulars.

   [ 61 FR 4362 , Feb. 6, 1996]

Goto Section: 18.1 | 18.2

Goto Year: 2007 | 2009
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